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heretic (DayZ)

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Posts posted by heretic (DayZ)

  1. So what you are suggesting is that everyone who pvps comes down with a sudden case of schizophrenia.

    This is a terrible idea. You would have a pack of bandit friends playing together, and all of them are trying to talk over each of their characters freaking out when they are perfectly calm and collected.

    You need to come to terms with the fact that there are such thing as remorseless killers in the world, and there would be even more so in a lawless, apocalyptic environment. People who kill others, even those that feel remorse, don't suddenly become Isaac from Dead Space.

    Could I suggest that you read some of the stories in this thread;


    I wouldn't choose to describe any of the posters as describing schizophrenia! Would you?

  2. lol your 'response' only proves my point that you hold a dismissive attitude toward those who disagree.

    You mock yourself and do not know it.

    No. My response is appropriate based upon your misconceived perceptions of my original and subsequent posts. Your pseudo psychological accusations against my personal character, rather than reasoned, cogent argument against my ideas, invalidate any claim you may place on me for any other reply.

    Any response I make to you, including this one, will merely be twisted and used by you as a means of supporting your views.

    Under these circumstances, I choose to "not feed the trolls". Just as I choose not to engage in pointless effing, blinding, written abuse and childish name calling.

    You can choose to interpret this and any of my other posts in any way you wish. However, just remember, that you saying something is so, does not make it so!

    Obvious troll is obvious!

  3. We have seen;

    • The avoidance of using Bluefor/Opfor/Neutral "sides" from ARMA2.
    • The removal of humanity.
    • The removal of bandit skins.
    • The removal of side chat.
    • A vague, virtually useless heartbeat mechanic to represent another characters possible threat level.

    Overall, I view this as a NET loss in the in game (anti-game/mod/alpha) tools available to players as a means of promoting cooperation.

    Given these examples, why do the PvP zealots on this forum feel so threatened by any thread that dares to discuss the matter?

  4. Q: Is this really survival horror?


    It could be, but isn't in it's current stage of development.

    Currently it appears to me, to be a Battle Royale DM PvP FPS cut down milsim mod (in Alpha) on a large map, with a very light sprinkling of RPG, survival and horror elements.

    Whether it will ever truly develop into what many see as it's full potential as a ground-breaking, genre defining standalone game is entirely down to Rocket and the devs.

  5. Always fun to see that the player killing devotees (zealots) first defence of their chosen play style involves rabidly frothing at the mouth and accusing anyone whose opinions differ from theirs of being butthurt and crying.

    All this despite Rockets assurances that he has no intention of changing PvP as it stands.

    Their well developed persecution complexes border on outright paranoia and their immediate response is to attack others for expressing their own opinions. Whilst their own butthurt and tears drench the forums in almost every thread that they feel differs from their view of DayZ.

    I'm not sure whether to describe it as ironic or simply as hypocrisy?

    Personally, I think Rocket revels in their tears as much as he revels in the tears of those they disagree with.

    • Like 1

  6. OP and some supporters are imposing their own misperceptions of reality on others and taking the passive aggressive route of thanking those who disagree for their input while simultaneously insulting them for it.

    OP seems to think everybody must take happy pills to cope, and that everyone who disagrees needs to take happy pills. How dismissive. Plus, Anti-Depressants ruin peoples lives. If you're taking them - they're pruning your neurodendrites. If you're depressed, your life sucks.

    Logical fallacies everywhere. OP is 'projecting' his worldview and is not admitting he wants to punish players and is talking around in circles. Something a 'sane' person doesn't do. OP wants DayZ and everyone else to think like him so that he feels normal, but can't admit it.

    Survivors deal with what comes. The game as it is is more authentic now than most any other game. Just surviving the updates is hard. My heart is ALREADY pounding in game, I'm ALREADY paranoid when I've got good gear or kill out of self defense, and what you suggest as an 'addition' to the game will absolutely take away the realism that is already present, because what you suggest is not only redundant but will appear as inauthentic as well. You're 'Gilding the Lily'.

    I'm putting this bluntly to avoid any more flowery language as response, as I like being direct, honest, and to the point. And also because some cling so hard to an unsound idea and weakly assume a mocking superior attitude as response to the community for feedback that may not have been anticipated.

    We disagree not because we are wrong, we disagree because quite potentially we are right, and I don't see that OP is allowing for this fact.

    End of Session: 1 can of beans, please

    Oh, and I've only killed 4 people total so it's not like a want to just murder everyone I see. I avoid, I hide, I see others before they see me, if I don't I might be dead. But those who stumble onto me by accident or choose to shoot first suffer the same reaction - I will protect my gear and my beans.


    • Like 1

  7. My question is, why are people who choose a legitimate playstyle all douchebags, or faggots, or dicks, or any other name you can think of? To be honest, that makes you more immature than the piss poor bandits with AS50s and M107s camping Cherno. I'm a bandit, but I don't do things like that. I tend to stay up north so that when I do come across another player, it's usually someone with a bit of experience and decent gear that allows him to be a threat to me if he locates me.

    But really, I'm curious. It's always "Douchebag bandit" or "bandits are faggots" and shit like that. Grow the fuck up. You get killed in a game, and all you do is cry except learning from your mistakes. Your problem is your so jaded to any other play-style but your own, and you seem to be wanting others to conform to your playstyle. So basically, if I don't go around acting friendly towards everyone I see, or because I like to use a sniper rifle(as I have in every other fps I've played since I like them), I'm immediately a douchebag. To me, that's more childish than most bandits I've seen in game for the last 2 months.

    Edit: This is not referring to the OPs post. This is referring to the majority of posts I see regarding bandits. Just a generalization I guess.

    An ironic observation.

    Many of these discussions become examples of "pots calling the kettle black!" (I know it's a cliche, but appropriate none the less.)

    Almost every poster on any side "seem(s) to be wanting others to conform to your(/their) playstyle."

    There is no real difference in the expression of opinions on any side and most threads that attempt to address issues descend into farce and random name calling/trolling. Rational discussion often gets lost amongst the noise! Which makes it really difficult for anybody attempting to steer a middle way between the polar opposites of player opinion.

  8. He's been talking about defendable bases bound to a single server, I'm sure you can keep a majestic stash there. You can be like Smaug, hoarding all the shinies.

    I was hoping for something a little smaller. Not worried about shinies, merely a few drinks, some food. medical supplies and ammo. Simple authentic caching rather than elaborate underground bunker systems etc.

    Something as simple as the ability to bury a rucksack is what I'm asking about? Hope that helps to clarify my intenet?

  9. As to you, heretic, I'm still waiting for you to address my question: if your idea is just about increasing the atmospheric effects and horror elements of the game, why not apply it equally to everyone instead of using it to punish player kills? It is certainly "realistic" given the horrors and stress we all face every day in the game.

    I really genuinely want you to address this question. I'll continue to ask it as long as you continue to ignore it.

    I have no objection to my suggestion applying equally to all players. Using zombie kills in addition to player kills as a means of calculating a tiny percentage chance of an event occurring makes no odds to me.

    The suggestion of basing it on player kills was simply a mechanism by which a probability could be calculated. The idea originated as a result of reading the posts on the first page of the DayZ urban Legends thread, where I suggest that it could be used as a means of freaking out bandits. Note use of the phrase "freaking out"!

    Nowhere have I stated that I desire to punish PvP as it stands.

    You have chosen to interpret my suggestion as an attack on PvP and have assumed that was my intent. It was not. It is not. And I have stated that repeatedly. You have strewn accusations based on your assumptions at me as if they were confetti in this and another thread. I would suggest that if your mind reading abilities are that developed that you add that to your profile bio.

    Your assumptions have made an ASS out of U and ME!

    If you wish to continue to make this personal, to hurl accusations, attempt to bully, or browbeat me, feel free to PM me.

    I will feel equally free to ignore you.

  10. From what I've seen over the last couple of months, I'd say that there's a large, silent majority of dayz players (and former dayz players) that share this sentiment. The problem is that almost everyone who has tried to plead this case on the forums has been effectively run out of town. Actually, it's not even so much a problem of being shouted down on the forums, but rather the simple fact that rocket has repeatedly stated that his laissez-faire approach to the bandit-survivor dynamic is functioning as intended and he's been adamant in his refusals to address the issue. So, the net effect has been that most of the reasonable, sane people have effectively given up pleading for meaningful change and pretty much abandoned the game and the forums to the lowlifes. It's the societal leftovers - the griefers and trolls - who are running the asylum now. I guess that's the way rocket wants it. Welcome to dayz, motherfuckers.

    i would give you beanz... but I don't have any left today :(

    Good post.

    Update; Beanz given. :)

  11. Two "teams". that's the solution :D


    you choose, as you get into the server if you are going toward the banditry or the "survivery". of course there will be skin diferences so you can tell one from another.

    If you chose the bandits team, you can serial murder anyone at will and won't have any side effect.

    if you chose the survivor team you can shoot only bandits. if you kill other survivor (even by accident) you have the "guilt" effect.

    and your guilt follows you no matter which side you pick.

    this way you will have room for PvPlayers, survivors and deveicers, but only the deceiving would fall into consequences. you want to PvP? ok, but no one will give you morphine when you brake your leg. you like to hang out with others, ok, you do.. but if you want to deceive and abuse the goodwill of people, then you will have the postraumatic disorder...

    the guilt might go down (in case a survivor kills a deceiver) with time and good deeds (giving medicine/blood xfusions)

    this way you even have room for avengers (bandits that hunt deceivers), headhunters (survivors that hunt bandits) and a better place to live for everybody and some of the "congregating" feeling of tagging along with some totaly unknown fellow returned into the game.

    I just suggested utilising the Bluefor/Opfor (and potentially neutral/civilian) factions in a similar way in this thread;


  12. How about using the Bluefor/Opfor features of ARMA2 to simplify things? At respawn, you choose survivor or bandit with a corresponding skin. It would give a much clearer indication of when PvP is more appropriate. It's still open to infiltration from either side. Meta gaming would still be possible. Nothing is perfect. Would it be any worse than the current situation?

    It seems a little crazy that such a major part of ARMA2 has been ignored in DayZ. Sure, it makes it a team deathmatch rather than a FFA deathmatch, but it could help.

  13. Careful, heretic, if that horse gets any higher you're going to run low on oxygen all the way up there.

    Your suggestion is a wolf in sheep's clothing and you're doing your best to keep the disguise on but it's not working. Nobody misunderstood your idea, we just saw it for what it really was. No amount of semantic dancing makes it anything but a direct detriment applied to players who kill other players.

    You say "Whether they killed in self defense or were the aggressor." but you know as well as anyone that players who choose to play specifically to PvP are going to end up with more kills more often and therefore be more subject to your distractions, which as I discussed have real and concrete in-game consequences for strategy, preparation, planning, awareness, etc.

    I've tried to remain civil, yet firm but now you're actually starting to piss me off. The details of your idea are plain as fucking day, dude. You wrote them up yourself. More killing = more chances for distraction. You are punishing killers.

    You fall back on this claim that you are just interested in "atmosphere" and "scary stuff" but you conveniently fail to address my question as to why this wouldn't apply to Survivors and non-killers as well?

    If you just want more spooky/scary stuff, then drop the "more kills more chances" bullshit and just talk about a sanity system that applies to everyone in the game. I addressed pages ago the reasons why survivors and murderers alike would be prone to psychotic breaks in Chernarus. Just because the people YOU murder are infected with a disease doesn't make you a walking fucking saint, dude. You're still slaughtering hundreds of humans.

    So you need to get down off your high horse in-game as well.

    Imagine that.

    Stop acting like you're being persecuted by some kind of forum mob.

    You're being called out because you're being semantically deceptive. You are proposing a punishment for PvP and doing everything in your fucking power to claim that's not what you're doing and it's getting silly.

    Just stop.

    NO. ZdB. You stop!

    Not everybody wants to play your game! Even you describe yourself in your profile bio as "resident loud mouth" so just stop trying to pick fights with people that you disagree with!

    • Like 1

  14. I read the replies, most of them just tell me "its an alpha" acting like that's an excuse for ANY failings of the development team. Or they just call me names like troll or idiot when I have VALID criticisms. Once again, like in most areas of the internet, if someone doesn't like what you say, they will convince themselves you are wrong, regardless of how much evidence and logic supports otherwise.

    A number of posters have agreed that you have valid criticisms... but it's the way you present your ideas that has rubbed people up the wrong way. Have a think about it.

  15. It's a decent idea as I say a lot, but I think there can be better things besides this.

    I think they should have a stress level. I would be full of guilt and stress if I killed to many people in my life. With that stress, if it gets to high you can become dizzy or sick when trying to move and things like that. There's nothing worse than trying to live with guilt and unhappiness of killing person.

    I also think if my idea was to be in play, your stress meter would boost up higher the closer you are, because you have to deal with more stress and guilt knowing you actually killed a person, but rather if you're further away, it's harder to tell who you're shooting; so if you don't know if you're shooting a zombie or human, then you live with less guilt.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Interesting idea. Thanks. I'll sleep on it tonight and maybe have a more coherent response in the morning.

  16. Still don't understand why you guys want to give bandits a unique experience in this game.

    Granted, this isn't nearly as idiotic as bleeding out from PKing, but I still don't see why we have to effect bandits at all, simply because they kill people.

    My original suggestion doesn't pertain to bandits alone. It was suggested as applying to every player, equally. Whether they killed in self defense or were the aggressor.

    Sadly to many of the hardened PvP'ers on the forum they seem to see that as a criticism or attack on their playing style. It's certainly not intended as such.

    I guess some folk do just want what ultimately amounts to little more than a deathmatch milsim with the incidentall zombie camping the weapons/ammo/loot spawns and a large map. Which is a great idea, in and of itself.


    Others also hope for a bit more from DayZ. Improvements to grouping, base-building, the survival and horror aspects of the mod. An end-game (dare I say it).

    There appears to be room in the DayZ experiment for all of those things and more. Seeing the way that discussions in this forum degenerate into arguments, you guys, us guys and name calling as they so frequently do is a real shame and a really sad indictment of the so called "community".

    Christ! What a tightrope for Rocket and the Devs. to walk.
