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About tudasjudas

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    On the Coast
  1. This thread is sad. Because i went to NE airfield with 2 mates and we got shot at from the hill by a sniper. While one of us got hit but crawled behind a wall, i tried to flank around the other side but got shot in the leg aswell, rolling down a hill to safety and morphine and bandage myself. Meanwhile the third of us made it around that hill to hunt him down but found nothing. Why DC on getting sniped at? Disconnecting ruins the game entirely, it takes all the consequences of your actions away.Thats the fun part of the game, not getting all the cool gear and keep it forever. If a sniper shoots you, its your fault for being exposed to him, not his for having fun at the hunt.
  2. I'd call that plain luck since you guys couldnt even tell each other where the enemies are and ran around randomly. If I was that well equipped team, I'd be mad now :D But they were bad certainly. How many times they missed you while you were not moving is incredible.
  3. I was always thinking shooting survivors who dont have any weapons is unnecessary until one of them followed me and took good stuff out of my backpack. No mercy to anyone getting close.
  4. tudasjudas

    Issues with DayZ 1.7.1 *Resolved*

    Its still not working for me :/ Have tried every solution suggested in threads about this error/update errors but not a single one seems to work. I can only run the game without beta "properly", or with beta but missing files error -> Not working. If I solve the missing files i get Direct3D graphical error. Bugception!