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About Mabo

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  1. I had to decide this earlier today as I stumbled upon a m107 in a barracks. I have a ghillie suit I play lone wolf style and I had the SVD with camo. I couldn't decide which one to take, on one hand I could of taken the m107 and one shot anything no matter where I shoot or on the other I could stick with my SVD and stay hidden in the bush. Inthe en d I ended up dropping a few things in my pack and took both...I still don't know if I want to hold onto both or which one i'll pick in the end. But there are alot worse problems to have than to just decide what sniper I want to carry around :D
  2. Mabo

    M1911 or G17?

    I'd gotta say the g17 to be honest. Even though the 1911 does more damage the g17 is more accurate, has a higher rate of fire, and the noise level is lower...Also the flashlight doesn't hurt either :P
  3. Sounds like a fair trade to me! :D
  4. Mabo

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    I couldn't have said it better myself! :thumbsup:
  5. Mabo

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    On my first playthough I was searching an outhouse and clicked the middle mouse button to select the gear option..ended up breaking my legs with closing the outhouse door
  6. Mabo

    First trip to NWAF

    Nailed it
  7. Mabo

    LAN servers and stuff

    I believe you are out of luck my friend..No private servers are allowed
  8. Mabo

    Can my computer run dayZ?

    Probably on lower to mid settings
  9. Mabo

    Stuck on "wait for host"

    Same issues as everyone else...looks like it's time to play the waiting game
  10. Mabo

    Ocean Spawning Purgatory

    Care to share with the rest of us how you fixed it? :rolleyes:
  11. Can anyone help with this issue I have? So I found a suit and changed my skin and as many other people I have spawned in the ocean. Although Unlike the others I was near death with no real value of gear so I decided to re spawn. I ended up in this purgatory world with character models standing still and I was unable to move. I tried re installing everything updating and different servers but I keep ending up in the ocean and then into that purgatory area. Are there any solutions? Am I the only one with this problem so far? System specs are: Windows 7 Pro 64 i7 2600k gtx 680 Asus p67 motherboard 8 gigs of RAM