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Everything posted by JBURNS489

  1. JBURNS489

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    Servers are all up for me
  2. JBURNS489

    Setting Spawn

    Gotta wait for mods. Not going to happen in vanilla DayZ. It's already been discussed :)
  3. JBURNS489

    zombies spawn

    Didn't Hicks talk about how important it is to be able to clear a town to loot? I remember him talking quite in depth about it in a SR (Where is Hicks by the way?) last year. It was when they re -doing infected and trying to increase their counts (around the time .60 hit). There used to be an exploit where if you stood outside a city and looked in from a distance, you could tell if anyone was in that city because the zombies would either spawn or not spawn depending if anyone was there. There was a lot of balancing done on the infected at that time, trying to achieve a balance between not seeing the zeds spawn in from a distance, but also being able to clear a town to loot it. Is being able to clear a town of infected a behavior that we can no longer expect?
  4. Guys, he is talking about the MOBILE DAYZ game, not DAYZ STANDALONE. Reading his post it's pretty obvious...I don't play the DayZ mobile game, so for all I know he is entirely on point. I don't understand how both of you could read his post and not get this lol
  5. JBURNS489

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    Im looking forward more to base building than any other feature. I know it's not planned to be in the first beta release, though. The biggest reason I don't play much anymore is because there just isn't much to do. After you gear up (an hour, maybe 2 hrs if you want full mil gear), the only thing left is to grow potatoes or fight. There is no end game, no sense of progression besides character loot. Base building would add some end game stuff to do. I do like the features they are coming up with, but it doesn't change the overall pattern in DayZ of gear up, die, repeat. I will logon and check out all the new stuff when they come out, but I won't be playing in earnest until there is something to do that is different than the last 300hrs ive played DayZ.
  6. JBURNS489

    Banned for No REASON ?!?!?

    DayZ is not Battle Eye...even if the DayZ admins believed you (IF) they have no control over battle eye.
  7. JBURNS489

    New player here

  8. I seem to have an issue when giving beans to a post from my cell phone (Lg v10). The beans icon flashes to the next line and back up, but it never actually gives the beans. Only had this issue tonight as far as I can tell. I tried refreshing the page and closing and re opening my browser (Chrome), and still a no go. Anyone else having this issue? Edit: seems to be working normally now. Maybe an issue with giving multiple beans too quickly?
  9. JBURNS489

    Improving the hunting scope

    Im all for improving realism, especially on weapons, but I would think this would fall into the late beta stage adjustments and balances, or even post final release. I say put these types of ideas in the Dev's back pocket, since I agree it is a good one, but focus on core features and beta first. A better scope isnt going to change anything for DayZ, but features will. Don't spend time on something like this when there so many other areas that the devs could spend their time on that would have a lot more meaningful impact. Very thought out post, but not something to really consider right now.
  10. JBURNS489

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    I use an i7-4790k CPU MSI 1070 gaming x 8gb graphics card G.skill ram 16gb (8x2) @1600 and I let nvidia optimize my game automatically. I usually turn down clouds manually though. I will edit this post with my exact settings when I get home but I average anyhwhere from 50-130fps (unless im driving) with quick dips into the 40's at time. I also have gigabit internet, which doesnt really seem to affect gaming performance at all (server side lag)
  11. JBURNS489

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Im not trying to insult anyone or argue. I am trying to do the opposite to be honest lol. I cant say I've never killed on sight, but I agree it is the least rewarding way to play the game. I have also killed fresh spawns, but usually because they try to Mike Tyson me when I say hello. I have also been fully geared with M4, ghillie pieces, ammo etc., and intentionally committed suicide just so I can enjoy looking for stuff again. I have been shot in the back after having friendly conversations, and I have made long term friends from meeting them in game also. I dont want KoS or the douchey bandits to go away either though. I keep coming back for more because of the "hardcore" feel. If all I had to worry about was food water and zombies, I would have left a long time ago :)
  12. JBURNS489

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    There are those that choose to RP as a bandit. In a real apocalypse scenario, not everyone is going to be friendly or trustworthy. There would be gangs of armed mad men roaming around looking to pillage, loot, rape and murder. It may not be the way I enjoy playing, but it is not any less valid a way of playing the game compared to those who are friendly to everyone. Like I said I dont personally play that way, but I have no issue with people that do. EDIT: I also try to encourage people to enjoy all aspects of the game. KoS just happens to be a sensitive topic that some people have strong feelings about. It is okay to play KoS style, just as it's okay to start a farm
  13. JBURNS489

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    If you have ever played DayZ before you should know and expect there to be people killing everything that moves, including fresh spawns. Especially so when there is a new patch. Like it or not, agree with it or not, that is a part of DayZ. It isnt your own personal world to enjoy alone. DayZ is about survival, and other people are going to make it difficult. I personally don't usually kill on sight, but I also realize what game I am playing and adapt. If I get killed, then it is simply an opportunity to see more of the new stuff. Plus, looting as a fresh spawn is the most fun I have in DayZ. A can of beans is exciting to find, and a childs backpack makes me smile when I have nothing. If you are complaining about being killed in DayZ, you may not be playing the right game. I suggest changing your outlook on death in game, and try to view it as a challenge and a reason to continue playing. Complaining on the forums won't change or accomplish anything :(. If the developers of the game had an issue with fully geared people killing fresh spawns, there would be some sort of mechanic preventing it. See ya around Chenarus!!
  14. JBURNS489

    Any Plans to Fix Apple Trees?

    I have seen a lot of posts for suggesting a fix, but I haven't seen or read anything official saying they are aware and/or plan to fix apple trees. Did I miss something, or is there actually no official word if apple trees will ever be fixed? It's hard to call DayZ a survival game when all you need to survive is 1 apple tree and a stone knife to survive indefinitely....
  15. JBURNS489

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    It seems like every major patch there is a influx of new players that think they have the greatest idea in order to fix DayZ, without realizing that there are people who have spent A LOT more time and effort thinking about it. A lot of them think their ideas are original, when in fact the ideas they present have been proposed, shot down, rehashed, shot down again, over and over. There are also those new players that think leaving an expletive ridden "criticism" (I use that term loosely) will accomplish anything at all, besides making themselves look like a spoiled child who doesn't know any better. I am sure DayZ staff are used to this type of stuff, and I hope they have learned to not let it affect them by now. With that being said, constructive criticism and new ideas are welcomed by any and all. If you are one of the new people, just keep in mind that whatever it is you are complaining about/suggesting has most likely already been addressed and a solution in progress, or isn't within the scope of the game they are trying to make. A simple forum search will answer many questions. Now, I cannot wait for the new patch. I have tried the bug fixing experimental branches in the past, and I take no shame in saying that isn't entirely for me. I will definitely log in, look at all the new stuff, then will probably wait for stable release to actually begin playing in earnest again. If I come across a bug that I haven't seen reported, then I will definitely report it though. I also want to say I have noticed a dramatic improvement in communication ever since Baty came on board (no offense Hicks). Even if the news isn't exactly what I was hoping for, I appreciate the open communication very much. Looking forward to next week!! :)
  16. JBURNS489

    Status Report?

    I am guessing no status report today?
  17. JBURNS489

    Status Report and Walkie Talkies

    I have been missing out lol I had no clue you could already do this! Radios just became much more valuable in my book. Thanks for the responses
  18. JBURNS489

    Status Report and Walkie Talkies

    I wonder if you will be able to grab two radios, put them on the same frequency, and be able to drop one in the bushes that will broadcast your voice to anyone nearby when you speak into the other one? Also, will radio stations and walkie talkies ever work in tandem?
  19. JBURNS489

    Status Report - 16 May 2017

    I didnt even realize radios worked lol. Good stuff and a very juice SR! Give .62!
  20. JBURNS489

    Status Report?

  21. JBURNS489

    Simple question about tent.

    Some player found it and left apples lol. If you ever see items in your tent that you didnt have before its definitely a player
  22. Dude what is your issue? It's responses like this that give DayZ community a bad rep. Someone is trying to do something positive for the game and you can't be bothered to even read his post. He is already working on it, since there isn't a comprehensive list already made. Why so rude and condescending? Thanks for your input and idea Wolfgeist, and also your support of the game. I would like a list of changes already done and a list of things still to come as well. When I tell people beta is probably coming out this year and they ask me if that means base building, helicopters, etc., and I have no clue what to tell them. I also defend DayZ to friends and people that don't follow the development. Don't let asshats like Green Grandbob discourage you.
  23. JBURNS489

    Ski Jacket

    More clothing options is the LAST thing DayZ needs. Unless you are brand new to the game, survival is laughably easy nowadays. You pretty much have to intentionally make yourself go hypothermic, and even then, if you just keep moving you will be fine. Don't even need a fire to beat the elements really
  24. JBURNS489

    Shadowplay Fix?

    DayZ is the only game ive played that Shadowplay doesnt work correctly...so I am going to say BI needs to fix
  25. JBURNS489

    ? Late Night Bandit Hunting Stream
