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Everything posted by JBURNS489

  1. JBURNS489

    Computer Shuts Down

    Your temps seem do seem to be okay. I am with fighting irish on this one. A low tier PSU can cause all sorts of weird behavior, including shutting down. Prime95 stress test would still be a good idea though because if your pc crashes and you stay within thermal limits, then it is very likely to be a power issue. Usually if its a power issue though you would get an entry in the event viewer from the power kernel
  2. I grew up on the east coast, but live just north of Austin TX now. When I first moved here it blew my mind how easy it was to get a gun. You can literally walk into a wal mart and buy a shotgun with ammo and walk out. You do get your ID checked, but it's about the same as getting carded for booze. Texans love their guns haha PS when buying your shotgun, don't forget a case of beer too if you want to fit in with the locals
  3. If a new map were to be based off Texas, you would probably get better loot from the civilian houses then you would from a military camp :D
  4. JBURNS489

    Computer Shuts Down

    It sounds like a hardware temperature issue for sure. If I had to guess it would be your CPU overheating. If your motherboard was going out, you would have blue screens and crashes EVERYWHERE, not just in DayZ. The game itself is very CPU intensive, so if you don't have the best airflow or fan in there, there is a potential for overheating. What software are you using to check your temps? Keep in mind there is a difference between core temp and whats read by a lot of software as CPU temp (aka tcase) Depending on the location of the sensors, you can have a variance of up to 5C. I would suggest to run a CPU stress test (prime 95 is the hardest to pass imo, but only use only Prime95 version 26.6). I am willing to bet you that you cannot pass a stress test without shutting down. Your computer is programmed to shut itself off once it hits a certain temperature in order to prevent it from frying itself out or starting a fire. Check your idle temps and load temps, and report back. If you are seeing CPU temps in 90's C under load, then that is the problem for sure. I know you say your temps are fine, but list them anyway please. You said its around 50C, but is that under load or idle? What does your temp read in your BIOS screen? This just screams CPU temp issue to me. Also, is anything overclocked? You said the CPU is 3.4GHz in your description so I am assuming not, but too high of a voltage can also cause crashes and/or temp issues. Make sure everything in that regard is set to default.
  5. Yesterday for about an hour I couldnt even access the forums. I would get an error every time i tried. I got the same error trying to look at forums on my phone (with and without wifi) and my pc both. I can at least see the forums now but everything seems reallllyy slow. Also, my activity feed is bugged. It is stuck on showing me only posts I have posted in. When i try to change the filter to unread posts, it sits and loads for a long time, then eventually refreshes and still shows only posts ive posted in. This has been going on since yesterday. Anyone else having issues with the forums? Edit: i have tried with my 100mb internet and my cellular 4g. Speeds on loading the loading spees of the forums seem exactly the same on both internet sources. It seems to be a little faster on my pc, which is on ethernet, but its still substantially slower than any other website ive been on, especially over the last 24hrs
  6. JBURNS489

    How do you greet people in dayz

    I have a recorded sound bye of frankie saying hello. I usually play that "hey man/buddy" sound clip and go from there. Depending on how their dressed, what direction theyre heading and which way I'm going, I will either say hello or just hide and wait for them to pass. If I do say hello and there is no response and/or if they just take off sprinting, then its time for bullets. Only twice that I can think of did I say hello and just received bullets as an answer. Usually its a quick hello how are you, need anything, you go that way ill go this way type of deal. PS I learned the hard way that even if someone sounds friendly and you converse for 10 or 15 mins, never ever give them ammo for their empty gun.
  7. JBURNS489

    DayZ Forums slow and buggy suddenly

    The forums were down for me for atleast 12hours yesterday. I know a clan mate also had issues. My first thought was another hack may havr happened. Did anyone else experience an outage? The weird thing to me, is there is a site called downforeveryoneorjustme.com that will ping websites at your request to see if they are online. According to that site the forums were up, but i was unable to access them from my home internet and cellular internet both. Also, not sure why or if its permanent but the forums have been very snappy and quick since they came up, compared to what it was a few days ago.
  8. JBURNS489

    PAX take-aways

    There aren't any truly new weapons, but the AK101 and M4 will be spawning. They are not spawning in .59. For me, and I am sure others, those are new because I have only played Dayz for 4 months. I have never played the mod either, so I have never seen nor used those weapons.
  9. JBURNS489

    PAX take-aways

    Honestly, this patch is still probably the largest, and most important patch for DayZ, ever. I took notes while watching the stream and here is everything that I personally took away from it, good and bad: First off, a list of everything that WILL BE in .60 Patch: -New Renderer (Weather effects including fog & rain, lighting, water surfaces and improved overall fps peformance and optimization) -New zombie skins & animations (jumping over obstacles) -New UI -Weapons have random chance to spawn attachments and magazines. -Central Loot economy re-done -Electro City remodel -Cherno City remodel -Tulga remodel -Items can spawn inside items that have empty space (ie backpacks, pants, etc.) -Able to carry your backpack -M4 and AK101 are spawning in this patch. Not really "new" weapons but did not have them in .59 -Manual bolt cycling (great for snipers) -More Chickens A lot of the perceived FPS drops were actually drops in the stream itself. If you watch the TV monitors when a drop happens, you can tell that everything freezes at the same time. If it was just an FPS drop, only the game itself would stutter. There was actually very few FPS drops, even in Electro. I can't wait to see for myself what FPS gains there are My biggest question is about the new military base. I thought Hicks said in the first 30 mins or so of the stream that the military base itself WOULD be there .60, but not the infected area which requires a biohazard suit to enter. I wonder if the military base will actually be implemented in this patch or not? Here are some things that are confirmed WILL NOT be in .60 patch: -No new vehicles, or improvements on network performance when vehicles are near each other. -Items disapearing when you drop them will most likely be an going bug, possibly until release 1.0. -No character aging, soft skills or new player controller in this patch -No predator animals in the wilderness in this patch Overall, I would say there is tangible progress and I can't wait to play on .60
  10. JBURNS489

    O.60 Servers are up?

    If 0.60 comes out before the weekend, I am taking off work for the day haha. I wonder what update(s) will be in the new patch besides just the new renderer? Looking forward to it DayZ Team!
  11. JBURNS489

    DayZ Q&A: Design

    Is DayZ the most challenging game you guys have ever worked on, and if not, what was? How is the communication between the Arma team and Dayz team? Do some of you work for both, and do you guys exchange ideas and tips regularly? Or is DayZ more of a separate entity entirely and the communication between the two are uncommon on a professional level? Would you/do you play DayZ currently or in the future?
  12. JBURNS489

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    A quick series of images showing one character's progression through their DayZ Fresh Spawn
  13. JBURNS489

    High Home

    I like the idea...first they would have to thicken the trees a bit more for it to be actually usable. The way it is now you could probably see that thing from a mile away, and it would be even worse once helicopters start spawning around.
  14. JBURNS489

    Urgent, need help with being kicked from servers.

    What are your PC specs? Did you just update windows, or are you running Mac w/ bootcamp? It sounds like either a graphics driver issue or an internet connectivity issue. Have you ever been able to play before and this just recently started, or it has never worked? I need more information about what your system set up is like in order to help you. Please tell me your CPU, GPU, hard drive or SSD drive and % full, how much RAM your have, and how are you connected to the internet? wifi? How much bandwith do you have? When you select a server to login on, pay attention to the ping. Is the ping of the server you're trying to join over 100? Also, are you using a VPN service or any type of IP blocking software? Does this issue happen every single time, making it impossible to even login, or is it sporadic where sometimes it will let you in and others it wont?
  15. JBURNS489

    #DayZ Logic

    You can wear sunglasses at night, without making everything darker.
  16. JBURNS489


    Im honestly not sure if that is enough proof to ban someone...im not saying he did or didn't hack, because I don't really know, but I dont really see him saying he did anything. There is no time stamp, so the two comments i think you're referring to could have been about two separate events at differing times. The conversation almost seems like you guys were talking to each other with a mic and he would send steam messages every now and then. He doesnt come right out and say he did teleport or hack or dupe. Is there a video or more to the chat log? I hear friends and clanmates talk about hackers all the time, but I don't think I have ever ran into one in the 200hrs I've played. Well, actually there was once that I swear the guy shooting at me was invisible. Anyway, if hacking really is as rampant as it seems, then a thread like this would be a great resource and tool. Could even set up some sort of feedback tracker that the dayz devs would review.
  17. JBURNS489

    Insane Graphics Glitch

    what are your PC specs? My guess is your PC is being worked too hard and cant keep up. I would try lowering different graphic settings, especially shadows and clouds. Turn down or off any anti aliasing, etc. lower the settings one at a time, until you see a change in the polygons.
  18. JBURNS489

    Insane Graphics Glitch

    does that black polygon move? is there when you login at the title screen, or only while actually in a server playing? Check your video memory settings in options, and set it to auto for the best experience.
  19. JBURNS489

    Laptop That Runs DayZ Well

    Your best bet is to find a refurbished or used one...look for an i7 processor and a dedicated graphics card. Integrated graphics (sometimes referred to as Intel HD 4000,4600 etc.) will not run arma 2 on lowest settings offline, much less DayZ. There are a range of laptops that can probably pull off playing DayZ, granted you lower the resolution and graphics quality. If the laptop has a dedicated graphics chip with a good CPU, chances are you will be fine. Even a lower end graphics card is way better than integrated graphics. Try something along these lines: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834315351
  20. JBURNS489

    Steam Warning/Error--SOLVED

    I last played DayZ a few days ago, and everything was fine. I have never hacked or edited any type of game file so I know I'm not banned. When I try to launch DayZ, I get an error saying files aren't synced, and if I continue I could loose any saved progress or changes. Does this mean my character will reset? Has anyone encountered this error before, and knows how to fix it or what will happen if I just continue? Also, I have not launched DayZ from a different computer nor have I let a friend use my account. I only own one PC, and no one has access to computer besides my girlfriend (whom has very little interest in DayZ or Steam for that matter). Any thoughts? EDIT ****SOLVED***: I left the picture and situation here in case anyone comes across this error in the future, But I figured out that I had left on PeerBlocker, which I use for blocking Ads and advertisement tracking. You can configure Peerblock to let Steam and Dayz through, or just turn it off and it works fine.
  21. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    It looks like the concentration of loot is indeed placed on purpose in order to create a "flow" of players around the map. The location of the concentration of loot is based on relation to where players spawn. For example tent city and NWAF being relatively close. They placed loot on purpose to draw people to the north western side of the map. I honestly don't understand why you need a flow of players in a sandbox mmo survival game to begin with, but that's "above my pay grade" so to speak. Anyone with more insight or another prospective is welcome to chime in. If the flow of players is somehow paramount to the fun we, as players, have while actually playing, then spawn points across the whole map is not the solution. My question would then shift to how do we accomplish at least some of what is on the Pro side of the list above?
  22. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    Understood and thank you for your well thought out response. As far as the arguments you pointed out, only pilgrim really makes a valid point. Jake's concern about spawning into geometry (inside hills or under houses) doesn't hold any weight because if it did, we would have that issue now. We do not spawn inside a hill or anywhere where we could be stuck because the spawns are most likely hand picked locations by the devs. The argument isn't about fundamentally changing how spawns work, just that we should have more of them and spread out across the whole map. I don't foresee the devs selecting spawn points under a house or inside a wall somewhere. As far as your argument goes, it depends on what they do with base building. If they make a system where you can actually create free standing structures as a base, then your point is valid. It would suck to spend hours planning and building a base, only to have a bambi spawn in and destroy/loot everything. On other the hand, if base building turns out to be just a fortification system where you erect barriers and board up windows on existing structures, then your argument is invalid. The spawn points wouldn't be inside your base anyway, so someone spawning inside would be impossible. Worst case scenario would be someone spawning next to or near your base, which if it's fortified, I don't see an issue with. It all depends on what they do in relation to base building. As for pilgrims point, it's a very valid concern. If new players spawned randomly across the map, it would increase the learning curve tenfold. The only solution I can think of is to have some sort of new player timer, where they would spawn in On the coast or in a safer area until they have a set amount of time in game. After that time, they would join everyone else spawning everywhere. Also, I am not ignoring your very valid point about the zonal loot distribution system. I am going to go see what nformation I can find on it and will report back here. That may be a matter for the devs to decide what direction they want to go with dayz standalone. All I am able to do is provide my opinion with supporting facts. Again, thank you for the well thought out response
  23. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    This thread is about randomizing spawns across the whole map, not randomizing spawns on the coast. The title of the thread "Completely Randomized Spawns" should be a clue there...And the only thing Hicks alluded to in your link was having a character progression. It really had very little to do with actual character spawn points, which again, is the point of this thread. The only thing Hicks actually said about character spawn point is that right now, they are currently all on the coast and they are focusing more on the character progression. The whole point of me even making my first post in this thread was to get a list of Pros and Cons for and against having completely randomized spawns across the map. Basically a summary of the arguments for and against it. I am not here to be a keyboard warrior and start arguments; it is not constructive, helpful, nor intelligent to assert something that is based on a reading comprehension error and then backed with nothing but conjecture and faulty logic. I personally am in favor of spawning across the entire map, but I am also willing to have a discussion and hear the other side. I have no problem changing my opinion, but it has to make sense. A discussion is what I am asking for, not just trolling and nonsense
  24. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    The only thing I can think of is to have some sort of timer tied to steam. When you first start in DayZ, you would spawn mostly in the coast the way it is now. After say 24 or 48hours of in game time, you could spawn anywhere in the map. I admittedly have no idea of the feasibility of that though. I don't program games for a living so I can't comment on how technically challenging or time consuming something like that would be. I completely agree though that if spawns were ever to be randomized across the whole map, that some sort of system would be needed to encourage new players and give them time to learn the game
  25. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    So what strict principal of validity is your line of thought coming from? That spawns will be randomized because you assume they will? There is a difference between making an educated guess (read logic) and a just a shot in the dark. If you can explain and defend your line of thought then I will concede it's logic. So far all you have said is a pure guess...not logic.