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Everything posted by JBURNS489

  1. JBURNS489

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    0.60.133861 is the version of exp thaf i could find. It looks like 60.1 to me, hence the question lol. So experimental servers are essentially the same build as stable for now? I apologize if this a newb question but i cant seem to find the info anywhere else. EDIT: In my opinion the exp build should say .60.01xxxx to help dummies like me understand whats going on :)
  2. JBURNS489

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Does anyone know if the experimental servers have the new audio and/or predators in yet?
  3. JBURNS489


    I had to brighten the video because shadowplay still records .60 really dark for me, so if any colors look off that's why. Right before I started recording, I saw zombies running towards the opposite side of tent city from me. I heard the zombies landing blows. This was on a server of ~30 people, and I was by myself. I don't like to KoS, but at places like tent city its usually kill or be killed. Patience and situational awareness are how battles are won.
  4. JBURNS489

    Monitor doesnt stay at 60hz

    I dont know why you would want a lower refresh rate but the easiest way would to be change your refresh rate through your control panel. I also use a 144hz monitor and i never miss 60hz at all. Even at 45-60fps, i can tell a difference between 60hz and 144hz. The higher refresh rate is always smoother looking
  5. JBURNS489


    What do you use for zoom & hold breath? I had tried previously to set sprint and zoom to mouse button 3 and 4, but dayz didnt recognize the buttons.
  6. JBURNS489


    It is indeed.
  7. A ssd wont help with in game performance AT ALL...It will help games load much faster and windows itself will run a lot quicker and smoother, but will not increase fps or general performance even a tiny bit. Your graphics card (GPU) is what mostly determines your in game performance. If you have a high end graphics card but a low end cpu, you could potentially bottle neck the gpu and handicap it. If you are getting 100% gpu usage in game, then upgrading your CPU wont help in game performance either. If your GPU never hits 100%, then your looking at a cpu upgrade. Tldr: upgrade your graphics card.
  8. JBURNS489

    Very poor server performance in 0.60

    I also have noticed a degradation in overall server performance. I have a stable 100mb ethernet and usually only play on servers around 40-60 avg ping. My fps will drop to around 45-50 in big cities and hovers around 80-85fps in the wilderness, so client side performance isnt the issue. I have actually seen other players rubber banding and have also experienced horrific lag with in game communication. I have also had issues with opening doors occasionally. It isnt common, but it does happen, when it did not happen in .59.
  9. JBURNS489

    Major Bugs - Cannot aim, leaning

    It sounds like your issues stem from pushing the action button twice. For example, if you double tap alt, your character will be locked in the direction he was facing and only you camera will move when you move the mouse. Double tap alt again to disable it. That feature comes in handy when you are running straight for a long distance, and you want to look around without deviating from your course. Same thing applies with the character leaning...If you double tap Q or E by default, it will lock your character in that stance. Double tapping it again will unlock your stance again.
  10. JBURNS489

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    The loot was changed to make the game more survivor-ey and challenging, which needed to be done because it was laughable how easy it was to get gear. You could literally get fully geared with camo, mags, automatic weapons and all the beans you could carry without even having to make a trip to NWAF. Also, zombies have NEVER been a threat. You can literally outrun any and every zombie every single time. Until zombies run faster than you and/or unlimited sprint is adjusted, they will not be a threat. The only time zombies ever cause trouble is when you are trying to be sneaky and they blow your spot up. But since you dont pvp, i dont even understand why you need weapons at all. If all you usually kill is zombies you would be better off with a bow and arrow or an axe since their silent and easy to make/find. You actually articulated exactly why I pvp.. There is no danger except from other players. Food water and shelter are everywhere and zombies are weak. The only excitement or fun i have found is pvping and using the gear I've collected. Vehicles have also always driven like shit generally. They got stuck in the ground, slid all over grass even with 4 pristine off road tires, and were laggy and desynced as all hell. I admittedly have only driven a bus in .60, but it seemed the same to me as in .59. The persistence issue is also a weird bug ive seen around. It seems to work sometimes and not others. That DOES suck and also needs to be addressed. You can still build your camp and horde items, although it will take more effort compared to .59. That also means it will be worth more and mean more once you do though. Just place your tents in a way it wont matter if they rotate or not. What sets DayZ apart from other games is the freedom to play the game however you would like. I am not trying to tell you how or anyone else how to play your DayZ, but if this patch made the game not enjoyable for you, then maybe you should change your playstyle or wait until things change again :)
  11. JBURNS489

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I did assume you were a pvper, so my mistake. I still dont quite understand why you say this patch is no fun though...cars are messed up, like they always have been. Loot has been turned down, which makes the game more enjoyable for me at least. The overheating thing is hard to pin down and there is definetly an issue there. The patch is immensely enjoyable and fun to play. Its the same DayZ as before but with better graphics and peformance. If you dont like to pvp, then what do you do after your geared up? What did you do in .59 for fun that you cant in .60? Everyone has an opinion and that is awesome and all, but i dont quite understand where youre coming from when you say .60 isnt fun to play.
  12. JBURNS489

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I dont notice much difference in the actual gameplay in this patch. Up to this point, DayZ has been basically gear up, then meet your friends to pvp or just pvp solo. It is still the same thing, but loot does seem to be more scarce, which is a good thing in my opinion. You actually have to spend some time and effort to get geared up now. I think you are just used to being fully geared and ready to fight in under an hour. There are no features missing in .60 that were in .59 that I am aware of. If you arent having fun with this patch, then I bet you weren't having fun in previous patches either.
  13. JBURNS489

    When is 0.60 likely to be released?

    You guys remind me of a toddler throwing a tantrum...come on now .60 is released on experimental, and the devs have been very transparent about blockers before the experimental release and also about whats preventing it from going stable. We get a new status update at least every two weeks, and progress is very much in your face. It could be much worse....we could still be waiting for a peek at the new renderer with no information at all. Point is: relax, play some dayz, and for the love of god stop whining about the game not being ready "fast enough"
  14. JBURNS489

    Unspported GPU Problem

    It has been known for literally years that the new renderer was going to be dx 11, and upgraded later to dx12. You should do a little reading before buying an early purchase game, especially if you have a lower end computer. They announced it and re hashed it several times. I hate to say it man but you are S.O.L.
  15. JBURNS489

    Best DayZ Glitch Ever

    This reminds of the scene in the original Jurassic Park, "Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear" I wonder what would have happened if you used the bus as a battering ram to run over the giant zombie lady? She probably would have eaten the bus and everyone inside, which would be awesome
  16. JBURNS489

    Uptime? What's uptime?

    People keep screaming "its alpha" at you because that is the reason why .60 server up times are so low. They have repeatedly said that .60 is not for "playing", but for testing, as it is. Dont expect a strong user experience on the experimental branch. In order to fix the performance issues, they had to write a new renderer from scratch. Rewriting a new renderer is not bug fixing or balancing, which is done in beta mostly. So yes, this should happen in alpha. If you play .59, which is meant for playing and not just bug teating, unexpected crashes are pretty much non existent. If you had crashing issues a year ago, it was for a different version of the game and thus not applicable. The issue of being disconnected or servers crashing is real in .60, and it wikl be fixes by the time it hits stable. They have to run it as experimental to find the issues first before they can address them, which is the entire point of it. I am personally just tired of people not understanding what a work in progress/experimental/alpha means, then complain when it isnt a fully polished or great user experience. You have probably heard this before, but go play something else until .60 hits stable if it is bothering you that much.
  17. JBURNS489

    How will this do in SA?

    Is this what you currently have or plan on buying? I see a few things that jump out to me. The PSU is the weakest link in that build if you ask me. It isn't a terrible PSU as far as quality goes, but as you attach peripherals and bump up the usage you may have issues later on. I would stick with 500W at the minimum, and EVGA is usually a pretty solid brand when it comes to PSUs. Your CPU...again, it isn't a terrible processor but it is dated. There are no real paths for upgrades in the future, either. Take a read at this post on toms hardware forums : http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2297424/fm2-intel-1150.html The gist of that thread is that you would be better off with an FM2+ socket if you weren't planning on using a dedicated graphics card. It doesn't look like that because your CPU has no dedicated graphics, and you are trying to play DayZ, which is pretty impossible on any integrated graphics anyway. I would personally suggest going with an 1150 socket type or 1151 motherboard paired with an i3 processor. The price & performance should be similar if not better, and there are just more options and price tiers with intel compared to AMD. It's also a lot easier to upgrade with Intel. If you have a i3, and want to upgrade to an i5, you can literally just take out the old one and plug in the new one. Intel is a lot better about making new socket types backwards compatible. I dont have anything against AMD, even though I do personally prefer Intel, and there are no issues using an AMD CPU and an Nvidia graphics card. As for your GPU, it is a decent card and is compatible with DX 11, so you should have no issues playing DayZ. You won't be able to max everything out and run around with a ton of frames, but you shouldn't have much of an issue finding a nice balance of graphical eye candy and performance. You would benefit more from asking this same question at the toms hardware forums honestly man. Make a free account and you will have several answers by tonight, by people that work with computers regularly. Good luck!
  18. JBURNS489

    Purple Screen when loading server Dayz .60

    Are you using the auto join queue server function within steam to join? If you are, then that is the issue. It stopped working in .59 if you had the -newui enabled. It still works with the old UI in .59 though. That method will not work for logging into DayZ with .60 either, although I am sure many of us have tried :). Every time I tried it that way I ended up with that exact screen...see post here If you are logging in through a desktop icon or just launching the game normally and this happens after spamming the servers to get in, then you should make sure your OS and graphical drivers are up to date. List your PC specs if you are still having issues logging in normally and everything is up to date.
  19. I have the same issue with shadowplay and the only fix ive found is to use video editing software to brighten it. Not a complete fix but it will allow you to at least see whats going on. In the mean time, I am going to stick with fraps since i have a few extra fps i can spare on .60 :). Also, ive noticed the issue isnt limited to just shadowplay. I usually broadcast my play thru steam, and the broadcast itself is the same darkness as shadowplay. Ivr had multiple friends check to verify this as well. I dont think the issue is related to an Nvidia driver, which was my first thought, since it happens with steam broadcast as well. (Unless steam broadcast is using the same drivers as shadowplay, which I find unlikely)
  20. JBURNS489

    Shadowplay doesn't work with .60 ?

    all of my .60 recordings are dark as well.
  21. JBURNS489

    Premium Autoconnect-Tool for Exp 0.60

    lol brilliant. I love how you powered it with your PSU for your pc. +1
  22. JBURNS489

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I am in USA but was playing on a UK server. I would have joined an american server if I had seen one. My ping was 150-200. The fps was great, but terrible ping
  23. JBURNS489

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    For those that cant see the experimental servers: go to your steam library, right click dayz and hit properties. In the beta tab, select experimental and steam will start to auto download the new renderer. Once its finished, open dayz and organize the servers by version. You should see 10 servers for experimental, that are mostly full. I had to spam logging in a server for about 30mins last night, but was finally able to get in. The FPS gains are very noticeable, and the lighting is also much improved. My only complaint so far is the server lag..it literally took 5 seconds for a door to open after i hit open button. I ran into another freshspawn and we had a boxing match. Because of the lag, it seemed like he was hitting me from across the street.
  24. JBURNS489

    Being able to recombine matches

    You are correct sir...my mistake and apologies
  25. JBURNS489

    Being able to recombine matches

    You can combine matches and ammo both, at least the last time i tried. Im pretty sure they have to be the same durability though. You cant mix pristine and damaged matches if i remember correctly. I usually have a stack of 99 matches in my bag. As for ammo, you can only stack it up to a certain point. I believe it is the amount that it spawns with originally is the max, unless you empty out a 75 round drum or something similar. For examplr, 9mm spawns in stacks of 40, so you can combine them up to a stack of 40.