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Everything posted by JBURNS489

  1. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    You bring up very valid points pilgrim. The leanrning curve associated with spawning randomly anywhere in chenarus would be a big hurdle for new players to overcome. Without new players, mmo games die a slow death.
  2. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    Please explain the logic behind this? You claim logic gives you the insight that spawns will be randomized but not throughout the entire map with no supporting evidence or facts. That's not logic at all, but pure conjecture and guessing. Its a shame common sense isn't very common either.
  3. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    Edit* Spawns are not randomized at all, so not sure where you got that. That is the entire purpose of this thread.. And it would be nice to have a dev chime in if it's even on their radar or something we can expect in the future?
  4. JBURNS489

    Completely random spawns

    Okay so I just wasted a good 20 minutes of my life catching up on this thread. Lets simplify the thread and lets have some constructive criticism for and against changing the way we spawn. Talking about the backstory of how the survivors got there is pretty irrelevant to me. If you want a backstory, make one up and roleplay. Anyway, as far I can see, here are the pros and cons for making the spawn points, according to this thread, spread out across the entire map. (Not completely random so we don't spawn into water and inside buildings, but maybe 50 different spawn points that were selected by the devs, and you will randomly spawn into one of those 50.) PROS: - Helps to curb constant deathmatching and camping on the coast - Will force people to explore the map which the Dev's have so painstakingly revamped for the Standalone - Helps the mechanic abuse of people suiciding for a "desired" spawn location - Makes running for hours A LOT less boring, because you have to watch for other people constantly - Adds more realism and tension no matter where you are or what you're doing (the Dayz Feels) - When you die, it is a true Perma Death. - Adds to the survival aspect of DayZ, which is sorely lacking at the moment. CONS: - Takes longer to find your friends or group - Harder to camp "Freshies" (This could be in the Pro Section, but it was mentioned as a reason against) - If spawns were completely randomized, possibility of spawning in stuck or in a weird spot - Big increase in difficulty for new players, possibly too hard Anyone have anything to add?
  5. JBURNS489

    Lack of netting

    I have yet to find a single piece of netting either. I have ran the coast from Kamekha to Soli at least 10 different times looking for netting, all on different servers. I have found a few boats that spawn random clothes, but no netting. It is either very rare, or not currently spawning. I know only certain types of boats spawn them, and I seem to remember reading that they respawn every 4 hours, but still no luck here
  6. JBURNS489

    Its Hard Driving In Dayz!

    haha love the Texas joke. I grew up outside of Philadelphia, and I really did think everyone rode horses to work and school before I moved here. Anyway, the most common transmission type in North America is BY FAR an automatic. It is hard to even find a new car with a standard transmission in the U.S. Besides that, your point is still valid though because this game is European, and Europeans DO drive standard a lot more than automatics, according to google :) That answers my question why everything is a manual in the game
  7. JBURNS489

    Its Hard Driving In Dayz!

    I agree the gear shifting is a bit awkward, but I disagree that the arrow keys should be used. For me personally, I use the keyboard to steer. If the arrows were used to shift, I would either have to move my mouse hand to shift or not be able to steer as I'm shifting. That would be even more awkward, at least for me personally. Maybe a middle of the road solution would work, where you can shift with q and e, and the arrows. Similar to how you can steer either with the mouse or keyboard. That way you can drive and shift however your comfortable. I wonder why they made all of the vehicles manual to begin with. Only trucks and buses should be manual in my opinion.
  8. JBURNS489

    Brand new player

    There are quite a few guides on YouTube and some even on this forum. I watched a ton of guides before I started but I didn't really feel like I "knew" the game until I had a few hours in and had some questions to ask. Google search is your best friend, and welcome to dayz! https://forums.dayz.com/forum/122-new-player-discussion/
  9. JBURNS489

    #DayZ Logic

    Yeah re cut it. I had to drag a knife onto it and have the arm band in my backpack, not equipped. It gave me the option to cut into rags :)
  10. JBURNS489

    #DayZ Logic

    I don't know if it was a recent change or not but you can indeed turn an armband back into rags! +1 to this thread though keep em comin! :)
  11. JBURNS489

    Infected Suggestions

    I just had a thought the other night about the infected: I wish they made noise when they moved. Footsteps especially. If they sounded similar or exactly the same as other survivors moving around, that would also pump up the fear factor for me
  12. JBURNS489

    Add a group/clan/squad/friend system

    You can achieve the same thing with tramspeak right now. Just have to communicate where are you are to each other.
  13. JBURNS489

    Dayz Spawn suggestions!

    I'm actually on the opposite end of the spectrum to you guys...I think selecting a spawn area, even if you have a base built is a terrible idea. Its already bad enough when you PvP on the coast, and the same people keep running back and continuing the fight. Could you imagine trying to take down a group of 3 or 4 guys held up in a house, but they keep respawning and looting their gear and continue to fight? If anything, the spawns should be a lot more randomized. If spawns were randomized across the whole map it would make learning the map much more important. Generally speaking, you would spend more time exploring and discovering new areas. I could imagine dieing in electro or cherno and spawning near nwaf or that giant castle in the north. If spawns were more randomized, it would also help to alleviate the constant deathmatching on the coast. If you couldn't just respawn and get most of your gear back in 5 mins, you would be more careful about your tactics. It would also help the mechanic abuse where survivors kill themselves in order to get closer to their body. That would probably still happen, but it would be more of a roll of the dice. You may have to respawn yourself 20 times, and by that time you could've probably already ran back. This game isnt meant to be easy, and I don't want to see it turn into a battlefield or call of duty type game where you run and gun, die, rinse and repeat
  14. JBURNS489

    what about the infected?

    The devs are focusing their time and energy on finishing the new renderer. What good does it do to fix and update infected if they are just going to change when the new renderer finishes anyway? The current engine cannot handle the infected the way we as a community would like to, nor as the developers of the game would like to. Fixing it now is like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound...It may help in the short term but will slow down the only way to truly fix the situation in the long term.
  15. JBURNS489

    charcter reset?

    What are you going to do when 0.60 update hits and forces a restart of all characters and you loose everything? Or what if you would have just gotten knocked out by a freshie, if you didn't have issues connecting? Just saying relax man..you are going to loose your gear over and over I promise you so get used to it :)
  16. JBURNS489

    charcter reset?

    I just logged into a public hive no issues whatsoever...I did not try to change servers though. I had been playing a couple hours earlier, and experienced a decent amount of desync and lag. I logged off for a bit, and have no troubles now. My character has the same gear, has the same status etc. Whatever was broken must be fixed now
  17. JBURNS489

    Character keeps resetting!!!!

    I had some pretty bad desync/lag couple hours ago, and decided to take a break for a bit. I just now logged back in just fine. Character is in the same spot and has the same gear, status, etc. The connection also seems to be better. If there was a problem earlier, there isn't anymore :)
  18. JBURNS489

    Infected Suggestions

    I like your ideas OP. The only thing I would add is infected animals (dogs, deer, cows etc.) and infected children running around. I would probably crap my pants if I saw an infected kid and dog running, screaming and foaming at the mouth towards me. I realize there could be an issue with infected children and killing them, but if games like GTA exist without upsetting anyone's morals or beliefs, then why cant DayZ have infected children?
  19. JBURNS489


    We need a dislike button. Not only did you backstab someone, you ruined all of their gear in the process. Not very smart or skillful :(. This should be titled "how to screw others and yourself"
  20. JBURNS489

    Status Report - 15 Mar 2016

    I really hope they get the audio worked out soon...3d sound is imperative for a truly immersive game imho. The way it is now, you hear a zombie growl and start to turn to locate the source, only to find the noise doesn't move with your character. If it starts in your right ear, it stays in your right ear no matter what direction your facing. Also gunshot audio needs help. In my experience gunshots don't get louder or quieter with distance. You either hear it full volume or not at all. Also the ambient noises and weather sounds need work (I know they are working on it but I hope it makes it in .60) Besides audio upgrades, I would personally like to see more destruction around chenarus. I was showing a friend the game who has never heard of dayz, and the first thing he commented on was how clean everything looks. There are a few places where it looks apocalyptic, but in general it's too clean. Maybe some overgrown grass and moss growing in/around buildings, and just generally more debris and destruction. And my final thought is about the sparse woods. I know it's been talked about many times before, so consider this my two cents. I have seen videos of arma 3 and even some arma 2 dayz mod where the jungles actually look like jungles, and you cannot run a straight line through forests because it's too thick. We need this! I am looking forward to this .60 patch very much, and will continue to follow the games development. Like others though, I am a bit worried that the dev team is just too far behind and the list grows longer every day. When you account for the fact that they have already made most of their money, it worries me that the game will never be truly finished. This is not a criticism of the devs, just my personal opinion and doubt. Prove me wrong devs! :)
  21. JBURNS489

    Game suddenly extremely slow.

    I had to look up what Boot Camp was lol...I am not a mac guy. I am almost 100% certain there is a driver issue somewhere though. Check to see if anything automatically updated anything recently, and if it has, try to roll it back. If not, do a fresh re install of DayZ and hopefully that fixes it.
  22. JBURNS489

    Game suddenly extremely slow.

    To be honest I am not sure what the problem could be...The only thing I can think of is to check your RAM or hard drive for errors. If you have Windows, click start, run, and type in memroy and run the windows memory diagnostic tool. I honestly doubt that is the issue though since other games are running okay, but DayZ is heavily reliant on your CPU. I initially thought your CPU could be thermal throttling, but I doubt it with a max load of 63%. Check temps if you can anyway just to be safe...Your GPU tells me you are using a notebook, possibly even a Mac OS. If I were you, I would try a reinstall of DayZ, or wait for a moderator or someone who knows more about it to respond. Keep this thread updated if you figure it out though, because others may have the same issue :)
  23. JBURNS489

    Game suddenly extremely slow.

    Have you tried another game to make sure it is in fact DayZ and not a hardware failure of some type? Have you tried simply rebooting your pc (possible memory leak??) and seeing if that solves your issue? Also try a virus protection program like malwarebytes if you haven't already. Your internet speed shouldn't affect how the menus of DayZ load. Please list your CPU, RAM, and hard drive information. If you can, take a screenshot of your task manager while DayZ is running in the background. Make sure you are on the performance tab of the task manager, and feel free to start the resource monitor for the screenshot as well just in case none of the above fix your problem
  24. I feel like you should be able to shoot through some things and people. If you are point blank and fire a mosin at someone, the bullet should continue on through the person like in real life. Similarily, tents, wooden doors and fences and other weak or thin cover should also be able to be shot through, depending on bullet type and range. This would add more realism and fear in my opinion.
  25. JBURNS489

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Day Two of DayZ: I end up finding a compass, and with the help of an online map I was able to navigate myself to the NorthWest Airfield. I was staying on low population servers so I could learn the mechanics and nuances of the game before interacting with people. I ended up getting what I considered to be geared up. I had found some grenades, an AK 47 with some clips and spare ammo, some camo clothing and a decent backpack. I admittedly changed servers a few times to acquire the gear I needed. I didn't realize at the time it was frowned upon, and have since only play one of two servers. On the last server and the last few tents, I ran into someone. I recorded the majority of the interaction (video below) but what it is not shown is me learning that you cannot shoot through a tent, even with an AK lol. I did kill the person, and I honestly felt terrible. I realized he could have been friendly, and I didn't give him the opportunity to say so. I heard and saw him, and the adrenaline went pumping and I went into survivor mode. I will always remember my de virginizing :) After leaving the Airfield, my plan was to head back south towards the coast. I obviously didn't study the map all too well because I ran smack into another military base that I had no idea even existed. Even though I was geared well, I was still scared of zombies or anything else that moved for that matter. I had read a guide on a technique of looting this guy called "smash and grab" or something similar. Basically, he advised to sprint and just pick up what you can as you run over items, especially in zombie infested areas. So I attempted this technique, and I ended up having to climb a tower in order to avoid all the zombies. There was atleast 10, if not more all snarling and growling at the bottom of the ladder. I attempted to aim down with my AK, but quickly learned that I could not aim down far enough to target the zombies without falling off the tower. It was at this moment a light bulb went off in my head. I remembered the grenade in my backpack, and decided to throw it at the mass of zombies congregating underneath me. The grenade got stuck in the air right in front of me, and I ate shrapnel for dinner that night. You know what they say about karma....