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Everything posted by HIHBGaming

  1. HIHBGaming

    Server "Authentication Timeout"

    My server seems to be booting every player that connects, due to a "Timeout Authentication" error after about 20 seconds being in game. It is not appearing on the in game server browser either but it will show up if you have it in favourites(go figure). Yes, I have contacted the GSP and they have escalated the issue and I am still waiting. The GSP seems like it doesn't have a clue as to what is causing the problem. Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone with some technical knowledge has an idea of what would cause this issue because it is truly bizarre. Server has been reinstalled, shutdown and rebooted many times. Sometimes it will hold some players and still kick others with the above error. It is also connected to the main hive because it retains your character. Some insight would be good. Thanks!
  2. HIHBGaming

    Does serverTimePersistent work?

    Does not work afaik. Wish it did...
  3. We have 3 brand spanking new DayZ servers up and running with more to come! USA Servers - Separate 1pp & 3pp Hives This server will be closing down Oct 19th 2018 AU Servers - 3pp EU Servers - 1pp We're here as always to provide the full DayZ experience. New servers are being modded slowly to enhance DayZ as a Horror Survival Game as we see it. More info can be found on our website HIHBGaming.net or Hop into our Discord
  4. All servers updated to version 0.63.148873. Enjoy!
  5. Yeah we need Beta. And as far as events, mass disconnects and server crashes don't make for good events. Seeing these problems on multiple servers with lots of players on them. Solid stability just isn't there atm with these released server files. Don't get me wrong, they're good to have but they do need some love. ;)
  6. Just waiting on more content, which should be soon™
  7. HIHBGaming

    Server persistent time

    Anyone else having issue with persistent time not working? Seems although I have it set to on, it resets to the initial server start time upon restart. Is it broken?
  8. HIHBGaming

    Server persistent time

    For shits and giggles I've turned off the file autofix just to see what happens. Will post findings. Edit: Unfortunately same result with file autofix off.
  9. HIHBGaming

    Server persistent time

    Server is saving everything else. Just the time resets which is odd and it's definitely set to serverTimePersistent=1;
  10. HIHBGaming

    Private Shard Shared Database

    Currently in the server.cfg instanceId = 1; // DayZ server instance id to identify number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files Set them with the same number.
  11. HIHBGaming

    Server files release update

    Shit happens and as always, we're waiting patiently. ;)
  12. HIHBGaming

    A first look at DayZ Modding

    Can't wait to get our hands on these modding tools!
  13. HIHBGaming

    Stable Update 0.61.137741

    Whether or not this makes a huge difference with our servers and having events to other servers. We do not reset persistence, so profiling a server such as ours with a big event may reveal some much needed data.
  14. HIHBGaming

    Stable Update 0.61.137741

    As Sneaky as stated we typically do our events(in US anyway) on Saturdays at 9pm Central which is 10pm EST. If needed we can try and get something together this week on Friday night to help with this. We may need some extra bodies since it's such short notice. What time were you thinking? Anything else you need from HIHB whether it be from our US, AU or EU servers, just let me know. Let's Make DayZ Great Again! :)
  15. HIHBGaming

    Stable Update 0.61.137741

    We know exactly what you're talking about there Sneaky. It is a problem with our events; or any server's events for that matter; and having that many people within the same network bubble. People not being able to login within that bubble, the extreme desync and the general wonkiness of having that many people in close proximity. It's a problem that highly effects our events and playability of those said events. This happens across all our servers during events, some instances are worse than others but the general problems always rear their heads. Network code needs some serious love... I know, I know... Alpha :D
  16. HIHBGaming

    Stable Branch 0.61.136821

    Trees are your friends mate. You can and I have done it so many times, light fires under trees. Trees protect you from the rain and all you need, from a freshie standpoint to combat rain/cold/hypothermia is a stone knife, some birch bark, some sticks and a hand drill made from bark. Easy as... And yes, I've done this when it's pissing down rain in game. ;)
  17. HIHBGaming

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    I have found wringing your wet clothes out helps with body temp and surviving, either that or replace your wet clothes. A raincoat should be a first priority as well as items to make fire. Even fires made with just sticks will start to heat you up, just keep feeding it with a constant supply. Survive!
  18. HIHBGaming

    Loot Economy & Spawns

    Public is forced every 12hrs, private hives however are not.
  19. HIHBGaming

    Loot Economy & Spawns

    Restarts do not effect loot spawns nor does it refresh loot. This is a falsehood along with these "High Loot" servers that take advantage of their population not in the know. The only way to refresh loot is to reset persistence. Gear getting harder to find is by design and the whole idea is to "find" what you need, not having military gear easily acquired.
  20. HIHBGaming

    Server logs cut down significantly

    We've noticed our logs hold about 2 days of info before being ejected into the nether. They should be at least held a week I reckon.
  21. HIHBGaming


    Was fun indeed! ;)
  22. HIHBGaming

    More players vs more infected

    More Zeds please! Not saying 100 players wouldn't be good but it is a Apocalyptic Horror Survival game without much Horror atm. ;)
  23. HIHBGaming


    Currently DayZ SA server files have not been released. They say, sometime in Beta is when we'll see them. In other words, you cannot host a DayZ SA server on your own box. Has to be done via renting through a GSP.
  24. HIHBGaming

    anybody can tell me how did he kill me?!

    Sniper friend...