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Everything posted by HIHBGaming

  1. HIHBGaming

    Server Admin Logs not reporting all kills

    I am with Vilayer and we certainly do have kill logs, unless of course you're a public hive. If that's the case then... No soup for you!
  2. HIHBGaming

    Server Admin Logs not reporting all kills

    Only shows players being killed by other players currently. So, if they've died to a bug, it will not be shown. I believe environment deaths will be coming.
  3. HIHBGaming

    NO Loot In EXP .54

    Exp servers aren't even up yet. Eugen stated, exp servers to be up in the morning Prague time.
  4. All items dropped should persist through restarts(in theory) for a little while anyway, not exactly sure how long or how many restarts. If the items are in a tent they should remain pretty much permanently. I know last patch I dropped a backpack and it lasted at least a couple of days. After that it either disappeared or was stolen, I dunno which.
  5. HIHBGaming

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Unfortunately it doesn't work on all servers. Worked on my AU ones but not my US server, no matter what I've tried. =/
  6. HIHBGaming

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    It's got to be a bug or something wrong somewhere. we have persistence on 2 of our servers and are getting the same result... No persistence. :(
  7. HIHBGaming

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Should be fixed. ;)
  8. HIHBGaming

    Rest in Peace | First Person | Private Shard | NO Persistence

    Easier way to check for VAC bans, public or private. http://steamrep.com/ Happy Hunting! ;)
  9. HIHBGaming

    A Suggestion before the Day Z team does anything else

    Optimizing the game until at least the new renderer is in is a pointless endeavour. Why optimize now when they would have to do it all over again?.
  10. HIHBGaming

    Do we really need more zombies?

    Yes, we absolutely do need more Zeds. When they're a true threat it will be a game changer.
  11. HIHBGaming

    Working tool for administration

    ^This. If you definitely have a private shard, RCon should be available for you to use. If you can't, I would suggest submitting a ticket to your GSP and ask wtf is up.
  12. HIHBGaming

    Quick Hits Compilation

    Shooting freshies is not something TOG does unless they're an immediate threat to us or someone else. And seeing as the U.S. server resets at 5am(Daytime) not sure what your talking about, as far as gamma exploiting.
  13. HIHBGaming

    Vilayer Rcon ACPlayer interface Standalone

    RCon only works with Private Shards if you're running a public server it will not work.
  14. HIHBGaming

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    I can confirm Heli crashes are visible on persistent servers.
  15. HIHBGaming

    Are Helicopter Crashes Working in .52?

    We are testing persistence on our servers with 0.52 and I have confirmation that Heli spawns are indeed visible. ;)
  16. HIHB [TOG] U.S. Public Servers Hell In A HandBasket U.S. - [TOG] Hardcore DayZ Los Angeles, CA IP: Hell In A HandBasket U.S. - [TOG] Regular DayZ Los Angeles, CA IP: TeamSpeak IP: Server Settings 4hr Restarts With Server Restart Messaging Steam Group: HIHB DayZ HIHB Website "The Older Gamers" A Multinational Gaming Community: TOG Website Persistence is off on all our servers currently. When we hear word that some of the issues have been fixed, we will turn it back on to test
  17. HIHBGaming

    Hell In A HandBasket - [TOG] Hardcore/Regular US DayZ Servers

    Private Shard U.S. servers hopefully coming soon!
  18. HIHBGaming

    Player Zombies

    ^This, as well as us survivors being immune to the infection anyway.
  19. HIHBGaming

    Hell In A HandBasket - [TOG] Hardcore/Regular US DayZ Servers

    "Monday Madness" event tomorrow on the U.S. servers. ;)
  20. They will not waste their time on optimizing the game until they at least have the new renderer in. Why waste those man hours on something that is going to change anyway? Complete waste of time/money. If people who claim they "know how things work" and have "600 hrs" in this Alpha then they should be savvy enough to know what's going on in the development as well. Apparently not...
  21. HIHBGaming

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    If you honestly think DayZ is difficult now, I fear for you because shit hasn't even got real yet. More difficulty please!
  22. HIHBGaming

    Hell In A HandBasket - [TOG] Hardcore/Regular US DayZ Servers

    US servers are getting more players... Slowly but surely. ;)
  23. HIHBGaming

    so i found this server... (insane loot)

    Umm no it is not. I can uninstall it if I wish on my Private Shards or Opt out of it on my Public if I notify my GSP. I just tested uninstalling persistence on my Private HC server, just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind. You're incorrect on your assumptions
  24. HIHBGaming

    so i found this server... (insane loot)

    You can uninstall it on Private and Opt out on Public by notifying the GSP.