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Everything posted by sneakydude

  1. sneakydude

    how it feels to chew .63 gum

    Horrible, totally horrible. You used the whole Canadian English and wrapped it up. Even French Speaking Canadians still do not make excuses like this. I am only 8 hrs from you, and this is the first time i have ever heard someone use all of Canada for the reasons why your English is bad. Pourquoi?
  2. sneakydude

    This is geting silly

    I am more ticked that we didn't invest in dayz but a new engine more then anything. Its too slow... and always will be too slow. Beta will still be alpha with all the bugs.
  3. sneakydude

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    Lots still left to do i see. Like i said i only check back to see how far they are into releasing to exp. Seems this maybe not until next year at the rate this is going if ever. I would like to see the final beta project finished.
  4. sneakydude

    .63.. Some changes are for the worse.

    Should be decent maybe in a year, ill check back then. Looking good that they released to exp though.
  5. sneakydude

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    Yeah like the 2012 one i think was roughly when they talked about the engine changes, or was that 2014? The engine was too outdated to handle AI etc... I wonder if its the same today in .63? using any of the old scripts, re writes.
  6. sneakydude

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    Isn't that a copy - paste from last week? or the week before? Not sure but i remember seeing that somewhere.
  7. sneakydude

    Thinking about coming back?

    Still has a right to his opinion right or wrong, dont like it dont respond. Ignore him if it bothers you so much. Don't defend the engine either, its being used in many other games they make not just dayz. Not all points made are completely incorrect. April 16th still got 11 things to go, weeks not months remember that fact?
  8. sneakydude

    Thinking about coming back?

    He does have a right to an opinion you know. Provide a poll and space out those feelings to others, and how others feel or felt about dayz. We have enough negative steam reviews. What more numbers would say the exact same things.
  9. sneakydude

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    That pretty much summed it up for me.
  10. sneakydude

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    I dunno anymore, just dont know. Every other day i check in and its the same old same old thing. Like i was saying earlier when 2019 comes around i am moving to MMO's again. Ones that are being developed for over 5 years run. But this goes to question why I and so many others dropped the ball in investing in projects like this. I know i am not doing it anymore. I wanted it out this year, last year, the year before that and it has been very disappointing to say the least, yet we see other games being sent off the line. Did the devs get pulled off the line?? because i am starting to wonder that. The next unreal statement? when will this be canned.??? It would help with more stuff from the development team, to keep our heads poking in but again we are at the silence treatment. When is enough?? Basically answering my own question... Maybe now for me.
  11. sneakydude

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    I already predicted it summer 2019 and this true .63 will be 2019 before the real beta comes out. Which ill be playing something else.
  12. sneakydude

    Thinking about coming back?

    Id wait until we get a concrete exp updates, the devs appear to be pretty far behind the status update of 2 weeks. You would be playing the old dayz.
  13. True true true, however it also takes devs to listen to what the community wants. Banana in a holster? If referring to Dayz, modding will take care of what is lacking. Given that the devs do not break the base engine to cause grief between great modders and the devs.
  14. sneakydude

    Dayz Won't Launch

    If none of that works, get your HDD tested for damages. Happens all the time.
  15. sneakydude

    0.63 Stress tests

    I love maps with loads of water, and islands. Oh tanoa was a good one for Arma 3... We even had ship mods too.. Heck ya, just no fishing..boats....
  16. sneakydude

    Thinking about buying, but steam reviews

    So true and the same with Dying Light. As much as i love the zombies being so aggressive, it is taxing on any system design. Dayz is different, if they can get the infected working as intended. That is my hope.
  17. sneakydude

    Brian Hicks

    Yeah the backlash has been heavy, rightfully understand why. Hopefully .63 reduces some of it.
  18. sneakydude

    DayZ Map (offline)

    Nothing wrong with this, as modding is coming in. You will always get people upset. Once our modding forums are available i am sure other maps, links offsets will be used. Thanks Joshua for starting us up.
  19. Right now i do remember this but still able to see. It was blue... I had to remember when the last time i played it.
  20. sneakydude

    I miss my Dayz

    So anyone else not playing but check in daily?
  21. Check again.... when its released. Bet it is still there :) I remembered that freeze before and its exactly the same stuff i saw on the stream, cleans up then comes back when entering a town, or loading of objects. Hope i am wrong, but i doubt it. p.s how exactly did you think i found your tents?
  22. Some of you are hyped out too much over the same game play we had way back when. All i really saw from that stream was one thing. Lag, more lag, and warping. It was the tent lag bubble all over or loading of the town. What computer do we need to not have that? Put 50 people all in one area and we are having server bottlenecks all over again. The rest is a single player event with a few on the server. Otherwise it is a co-op with semi lag bubbles. Add 50 more into the server and it is a lag fest all over again like we have, had in past builds. I hope Eugen gets on top of this for everyone's sake and finally squashes this lag bubble problem in dayz.
  23. My server is gone!!! i am lost now.
  24. Last time i played rust i could gamma exploit with just my monitor so not sure exactly what you mean.
  25. I am sure we will have a huge list of things in .63 but what we need is the damn engine put on Exp so we can see everything first hand. I completely agree with you guys, the low graphics used to be able to filter white figures in the past, i do believe all that is fixed now, and more so in .63