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Everything posted by sneakydude

  1. sneakydude


  2. sneakydude


    Look to the sky OP, you may see some Apples falling.
  3. Exactly there is anger in the post, its misleading to the actual facts behind development, and what was actually said by the devs. Yet his argument does hold loads of truth to many of the player base feelings. Another reason why it is rather difficult to repair anything in the game, or forum to make it better. Sadly EA has put a bad taste in the original player base mouth. We all hope for the best of dayz, yet we can not say will the vast numbers even return at this stage.
  4. sneakydude

    No Combatlog and no behind spawn idear

    Ok one problem with your combat logging i will exploit in PVP. 1. Hit esc check to see if anyone is in your area, if so esc again and go kill them. Its a perfect exploit to PVP. Another tool that was being used was to log off, log on another server then hop back in the area safely on your first server. So you see another reason to remove the public hives, many reasons why we do not need exploit tools. Groups of people would do this continuously to shoot you and steal your gear. Never seen the hack tools to auto log off, or on other servers. SO no idea how that all works.
  5. I can not argue that statement at all. BI makes their own games. Maybe they may test a unity version out someday or unreal for reasons of RPG style game play but in the mean time we all clearly know they write their own code.
  6. I wouldn't really call them stupid, more impatient, and want to jump in and see what all the excitement is. In fact we are all stupid? all the ones that did read and still clicked in. We where just not all ready for the really slow progression updates and rewrite of the engine. It could be worse, it could have been canceled like the other games going around steam in EA.
  7. sneakydude

    .63 ETA ?

    There is a reason why so many testers on Experimental will not respond to this type of comment. Most of which will not even go to great lengths in explaining how very wrong this post is. .63 has nothing to do with just a couple systems, it is the completed package then we can focus on adding in more to it. We all may not understand the full true development of what the devs have accomplished until it is handed to us. This is what will happen when .63 hits, is that it? thinking we will have a completely new designed game or something... That is my best guess. Expect more information from the devs once it gets close to .63 until then try not to speculate on false negatives. The tester group knows what i am referring too... things always change.
  8. sneakydude

    Arma 2 DayZ Mod vs DayZ: when will we be there?

    Well your recycling loot. Then the system respawns in the area. It may not hit that area, since there are many other looted areas. So if i was the only one on the server (my own) we have 1000's of spawn points. If we had all points in the map spawn loot at the same time, we could have a 10 second lag delay, or one very large packet hit you. So take the loot out 10-15 feet or so, throw it down, go to another spot and within i think it was 5 minutes it respawns or has a chance to respawn. Loot tables vary depending on the area. One random higher end loot may spawn there. Maybe .00001 chance type thing. Not all locations can spawn if more areas are looted. I believe it only fills so many at a time. Go to the ammo areas, clean all loot out onto the roads. Run away 500-1500m within 5 minutes it will respawn. if multi people on the server doing the same it may not all refresh in your area with lots of ammo.
  9. sneakydude

    Arma 2 DayZ Mod vs DayZ: when will we be there?

    arma 2 is on sale right now through steam if you want to try the mod out.
  10. Business models, and how much someone spends is no indications on the game play, development or anything related. Wars costs money too, short or long wars not all can say they where ran right.
  11. We talked about this 100's of times already. We all know it takes 5+ yrs to develop, and it will be done when its done... Which has been trademarked here in the dayz forums. Lets get some status updates each week then we can see how far the development is. Silence is not a good thing at this stage of development. Which is another topic that has been mentioned many times. The lack of information to the community.
  12. just release 1.0 already, then i don't have to keep reading these stupid topics. HAHA someone has to say it.
  13. If i am not mistaken wasn't D3 placed on hold for some time after announcement? I also agree with the EA game status none of which i knew existed with EA, only closed Alpha testing with NDA. Which has no bearing on this, because we all reported 500% the same bugs, that mostly never could be fixed due to the change in the engine. So i guess.
  14. It is EA, the files where open, and no real system in place to challenge the changed files. It was bound to happen, and happens with other games too. In defense of BI, it was out of their control until the new system was in place. The only way to fix those problems was to delete all game files until the new system was in place. Exploits happen in all games. Modding has nothing to do with Exploiting, so please explain your stance or where you where going with this? Thanks
  15. most problems are with arma, updates and lack of. good modders are quiting.
  16. sneakydude

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    1-2 more years you gather?
  17. sneakydude

    Noobs Hate Rain

    Hope your students don't mind you speaking about sucking big fat dicks. Its just a game. There is no survival at all yet...
  18. sneakydude

    Are launch options relevant anymore?

    No we where told not to, totally different engine so i would say no. They may have other options for this new engine.
  19. sneakydude

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    It is clear from the new topics that .63 has to be released so game play will evolve from that. Everything else, pretty much before .63 can be thrown out and start fresh. I am hoping to see Dayz SA turn into a fun game.
  20. sneakydude

    One Tapped By A Zombie with full health and blood?

    Another great modding idea, damage modifier for infected.
  21. sneakydude

    Recoil in 0.63

    LOL you trollin old man? hehe I just read your comments from another topic, I cant blame you for it honestly.
  22. sneakydude

    With BETA comes modding

    You guys are forgetting that public maybe canned....I haven't heard of any more reports or updates to that last poll. I hope public hoping goes poof.... let the server handle the Database. This is my thoughts on it, this way modding or vanilla stays left to the user. Also allows for you to lock down your server from aggressive cheaters etc... As for modding, i hope we have as many tools as Arma 3 did, maybe not all of them but a good chunk available, with future changes.
  23. sneakydude

    With BETA comes modding

    Exactly, I agree with you. I was hoping that some information may be generated by this topic not the defense of vanilla. Vanilla will not change, only the players demand changes. "The default package" If BI changes it like Arma 3 updates did, it gets rather confusing for the modding community. We lost so many good modders trying to make a better experience. Arma 3 was a very fun tool to make new and improved ideas. It just was not strong enough to handle what was needed. So would dayz SA allow us to mod good AI ideas? we are yet to see. Will i need 4-5 headless clients to redirect some of the load, so that i can add in more AI features? More fishing, more hunting? Maybe add in snakes, or simply more crafting ideas. Lets say i add in a questing mod, that allows people to run missions from a safe zone. Anything goes. I would love for someone to show us more on the modding side of things, honestly. Vanilla is safe until the devs change it. "We", the players make the game come alive.... modding does help, its been proven. Once that Vanilla experience gets boring, we want to try something different.
  24. sneakydude

    With BETA comes modding

    This is why i feel i maybe misunderstanding some posters. Sometimes it is rather hard to follow. I do apologize if i have done so.
  25. sneakydude

    With BETA comes modding

    I am a modder/scripter and player i recognize and understand. They already told you modding will not effect vanilla servers. You just cant force people to pick the same server your on. We have already played the game for 3000 hrs, what more is there ??? more sheds? the experience comes from the people, and if people want to enhance it Great!! other wise dayz is pretty stale without a community. BI whole fundamental change has been modding. Seriously ask them about Arma. OK Dayz SA vanilla no mods. Means i enable or disable mods for this server. If it is a private server, you have the choice to download my compiled list of mods active on this server. If only 75 people enjoy Dayz SA vanilla we are balanced between 2 servers only... Like 1st person servers. What exactly is the rest of the 99999 players going to experience? Wait until your fed up with Vanilla server for the remainder 5 yrs? NO we will open a private server mod up what people enjoy, hop to other modded servers and experience something completely unique and different. BI understands this and made the effort to bring it to Dayz because Dayz was a mod concept. So Pilgrim get off the road to Pilgrimage here and look at both sides of this stone. <---- was suppose to be a bad joke lol