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Everything posted by sneakydude

  1. Eventually i hope the enfusion engine does process the AI much better. The bottleneck thing of arma was the most annoying thing when it can to developing quality numbers of AI. Just wasn't supportive of it. Requiring us to have a 2nd box to dedi the ai too. I hope we still can so we can have 1000's of AI at once. But its going to be something if it can be done.
  2. sneakydude

    Is Bohemia a good home for DayZ devs ?

    Yes there really isn't anything to talk about anymore is there?
  3. sneakydude

    Is Bohemia a good home for DayZ devs ?

    You forgotten they did hire a completely huge team before, and everything was not clicking right at BI. I don't remember where the article is, but it has been explained. I think now, Eugene did a video on it.
  4. Yup same here, you either play it or you don't. Really many of us don't care if someone goes or comes. You make friends, you say hi and bye. Really doesn't make sense other then someone is depressed, needs a break or has to bring negative things to a forum. Really i couldn't care less either. I am sure he will be back to play it again and again like the rest of us when it is fully completed. So i would say OP is just looking to address his concerns and in hopes to tell the devs. I expect this to head to the trash yard.
  5. sneakydude

    Is Bohemia a good home for DayZ devs ?

    Yes and I for one am not happy with that situation, but that is on the business side of things. Investment to build an Arma engine. I do understand it had to be done, for the sake of Dayz being a quality game but at the hands of all the investors? I just don't want to go there honestly. I just would like to see Dayz go into the game we all want. We need the Arma type tools to make Dayz great again.
  6. You do know its not based on Arma engine anymore right?
  7. For now..... until you start seeing 20fps while everyone is solid 60-100 Then it breaks OH no Dx doesn't work nicely anymore. But yes low end card wise i agree.
  8. sneakydude

    .63 ETA ?

    Don't take players there, its far more unsure if it will be out of pre alpha for awhile. Backers-Kickstarters will be going in and it will not be available on Steam until after all the bugs are out for EA. Best players bookmark the game until it is on steam. Ill keep the off topic thread going for interested players that love different zombie type games. It is no where ready, so it could sit there for awhile, we do not know yet.
  9. OH wow i just saw the recommended pc specs, those video cards wont play dayz right. min/recommended a 960 or better for these games now. IS that package even correct? 13.99 arma 2 38.99 dayz You decide 79.99
  10. sneakydude

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    I got a email directly from support about this. Opps maybe not the right quote, are you saying forum accounts if you want it removed?
  11. sneakydude

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    You cant, the webpage people said it is tied into accounts and arma accounts if they deleted it would delete both games too. I was rather shocked by this honestly.
  12. sneakydude

    New 3 players to replace 3 who are leaving.

    Ok thank you for the info, Hope they have fun.
  13. sneakydude


    Still funny did you read the comment at the bottom? Pretty sure this game has been canceled you might want to check your sources 4 hrs old LMAO
  14. sneakydude

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    not really much more then what i just stated, possible 2018 stable, but can round into 2019 if the timeline is not perfect. The rest is all just features we knew in 2012 with many removed. That's not what your referring too is it? Why is there some other dates we got? if your stating this is a fact? "Let's just state the obvious: the PC BETA is not coming before the end of 2017. We tried to get it done sooner, but it's going to be 2018 folks. Both the BETA update and any further 0.63 updates, up to 1.0, will happen in 2018" ill see it when i see it. We all have been told that before. A specific time frame.
  15. sneakydude

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    So most of is was to get to "0.63 Experimental out as soon in 2018 as possible" meaning there is still a possibility of .63 not until 2019 if .63 experimental doesn't work right. I missed that part of the text, as i have known these changes since the beginning, so i skipped past it but missed the most important text "0.63 Experimental out as soon in 2018 as possible". Thanks
  16. sneakydude

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    The only sticky i have seen for 2+ yrs is this one. If you mean the main page ? i only have the forums linked, but will check that part out. Good point to update some of the info on the forums. Or is it in reditt? or steam? http://steamcommunity.com/games/221100/announcements/detail/1462971010136467902 This link says 2017, nothing about 2018 but it is rather close. This one is rather the same http://steamcommunity.com/games/221100/announcements/detail/1462971010136467902 is there another status report i am not seeing? because i thought beta was 2017 not 2018. then again that is just people talking in the forums. I would say 2019 before beta should come out, because the .63 should be tested more before leaving EA.
  17. sneakydude

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    Dayz .63 in 2018? or new BI tools not sure what you mean. Like arma 3 engine or arma 4?
  18. sneakydude

    .63 ETA ?

    I know i am starting to lose interest in dayz, not sure how others feel. Modding was on the top of my lists but so many other survival games coming out ahead of dayz. I dunno guess we will have to see.
  19. sneakydude

    Returning player

    I hear a hawk sometimes... Or is that the chicken off in a distance HEHE
  20. sneakydude

    Returning player

    You have a ton of material to look over. I would start by all the status updates, most of the negative reviews avoid for now. Most of the reviews can be over a year old. Basically everyone is waiting for things to get finished, that is it and always has been that.
  21. sneakydude

    [ADD] AutoRun Hotkey ,

    correct when you hands and arms go numb after 15 minutes. We played enough games with countless hours of tendonitis issues. Sometimes distance pressing over vast areas will become useful. 2020 implemented maybe.
  22. sneakydude

    .63 ETA ?

    Yeah but you still will play it in 2019.
  23. sneakydude

    When will gameplay be introduced?

    I think if the devs slow the game down too much, as in players going around the world in search of things to gather, they simply wont. They will hop close by their so called base, gather all they can on empty servers because nobody is going to run half way across the map to locate a can of beans. So bases will be the end all area for the majority of players. It will be of no use to explore other towns, or cities unless you want to engage in PVP or search for that rare bullet stash, or gun. So slowing down characters, any more will hinder this game completely with the size of the map. 20000 players down to 1000 is the feeling i am getting.
  24. sneakydude

    When will gameplay be introduced?

    didnt .63 come out today? then i looked it was 15.2mb cant be big enough?