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Everything posted by mxm666

  1. I am playing dayz standalone since a week again. Today, i was searching for a car or at least a bus and even found one at Cap Golova. So i decided to repair the bus and suddenly as i wanted to get in it, i get stucked in a cutted tree in the lake. Now i am bouncing up and down the whole time and cant get out of it. I tried crouching, jumping, running (by the way running and jumping does not even work), restarting and rejoining a server, but nothing solved the problem. Does someone know this bug and could help me to get out of it? Thank you
  2. mxm666

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    That would be nice, or just try to get a car so that i can get into it and unstuck. Added you :)
  3. mxm666

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    Thanks all of you guys! I do really appreciate that you are trying to help me :) I will try all these suggestions and if it's not gonna work, i will just wait until the BI stuck player service is going to work again!
  4. mxm666

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    Ofc its the easiest way to get out of the whole situation. But i spend a decent amount of time into that character and i dont want to lose all the things that i have got though.. Maybe someone is near the place i am and could get a car, so that i can get into it, that would maybe solve the bug.. otherwise i am supposed to wait until the dayz forums are goingt to work again! Anyway thank you adept hero!
  5. mxm666

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    You got it! Thats exactly the problem i have. I cant move and look in any direction. It seems like i have to contact the support though! Thank you so much for helping me! I do really appreciate that. Have a nice day dude!
  6. mxm666

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    You got it! Thats exactly the problem i have. I cant move and look in any direction. It seems like i have to contact the support though! Thank you so much for helping me! I do really appreciate that. Have a nice day dude! Edit: I forgot to mention, that the dayz support is not available right now. Is there any other possibility to contact them?
  7. mxm666

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    No i cant. I can just crouch and stand up again. Nothing else... but anyway, thank you for the fast response/answer!