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Everything posted by Condor060

  1. Hey fellow survivors. I started a new server (DGNS) from our Dirty Guns clan. I have spent the last 30 days learning how to manipulate these mods into a Fragnet server. It has been a challenge but success at last. Currently its a 30 man server but will increase it to 60 if more players respond. I will cap it at 60 so we don't get server crashes. As I am the only server owner, I am looking for players who want to build, farm, loot, with the occasional team death matches. We don't shoot on sight but will respond to those who do. I don't want to try and tell others how to play the game or force any type of play style, but I would like to get a community of players together from all styles of play. If you are building a Fort or just hiding tents you can email or hit me up on steam at different levels of your base completion and I will save your efforts in persistence. Currently the mods installed are Trader/ Build Anywhere/ Vanilla Plus Plus Map/ (MOV) Unlimited Stamina/ Weapons Redux Pack/ Disable Base Destruction I am more than happy to change game setups for the group ie more Zombies, animals, different loot, or just about whatever you can think of to make it more fun. I have been working on a base for the last 3 weeks. You should stop by and see the 7 story sniper tower and the 4 story walls. Its located on the SW corner of the NW airfield. You can’t miss it. Its on the road to Vybor Military base. Stop by and give me a shout. I have over 2500 hours of play in DayZ and I came back because of the new opportunity to actually be able to have input on the server to include the new mods. I would like to host a server that everyone can participate in. I am also planning on supporting a town filled with tents and weapons for death matches on weekends. The server will restart once an hour to refill the tents while the battle continues. If you have experience in server commands and would like to help with running or modding the server just let me know. I think it would be great to have a few guys and gals out there to help in keeping this server fresh and up to date with changing setups for game play. If you like what you hear give us a try. You can find me at Condor060@Gmail.com or on Steam at Condor060.
  2. Condor060

    Hacks & Cheating

    I am sure we don't want cheating as the new norm for DayZ but you wouldn't know it by the lack of support we get as server providers in the game. We continually find wall glitchers all over the map and we are able to identify these individuals every time they kill one of our clan members. Problem is we (as server owners) can't ban them and when we report the activity along with their steam id we get no response. If you post it on Reddit it is taken down and we can find a resource that is willing to deal with the continuing activity. We find wall glitchers over 50% of the time we are in public high pop servers. Since Bohemia Interactive has decided to remove all rights as a server owner then they need to step up and fix the problem. Patches are like more gun control laws. They don't work. If you are not going to allow us to police our own communities then you either handle this problem by banning those who continually cheat or except the fact that DayZ is going to be a hacker/cheater based game. Since I am hitting brick walls with our support of banning cheats I was wondering if the community has any ideas on how we can handle this.