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Everything posted by Buakaw

  1. is there an estimate on stable release? I guess 2-3 weeks as usual?
  2. I was going by Wobos graph. Misread a little, my bad. ~70m should be the 1hk range. It does still deal 98 damage at 100m and about 92-94 damage at 400m tho. The dropoff is so little it might as well not exist. Either way, even if the 1hk range is "only" 70m, it's still very powerful.
  3. I liked your initial suggestion better: 545 = 45 damage, 555= 55 damage, 762= 68 damage 556 in 1.12 would one-shot for nearly 100m.. and the drop-off is so low that you would still deal like 95 damage up to 400m. I don't think it's the expectation taht everyone always has 100 health next patch if these zombie changes go thru.
  4. I'm joking. It does happen more often than it should on 100/100 servers tho. Usually I run across the open field, mosin iron sights in hand, wiggling left and right while zigg zagging, ready to quickscope any pesky tree campers and noobs I come across, which I can spot from 800m with ease thanks to my ultra low settings rendering bushes as 2d sprites or not at all. When I spot them it takes about 1.8 seconds from me zooming in, flicking onto them and pulling the trigger to my 762x54 penetrating their dome, leaving them wondering what the fuck just happened. "Hacker?" they will probably ask in discord, followed by "Yeah, I just died as well" by their friends. You?
  5. So we are basically on the same page. Inertia was never a thing, the wild sway tho yes, good point. I start firing, pump bullets into the the enemy player which freezes for 2 seconds, then shoots 20 bullets at once and we both die.
  6. How does it matter how long you have been a member? An opinion should be judged by how well it is reasoned, not by how long the person it came from has been a member for. And respect is something you have to earn. Displaying elitism, a close-minded attitude and a reasoning based on outright self-interest with no regards for the game or community doesn't earn any respect. But you are wrong. Zigzagging was just as bad in earlier versions of DayZ, stamina was very high and not dependant on gear, meleeing was like jousting. It hasn't changed at all. You are not "outplaying" anyone by camping and stunlocking them either. Do you seriously suggest that if you camp, you should get rewarded with easy kills with no chance for counterplay of the other person? 😕 You are acting as if you never got surprised by a player with good positiniong in your entire life and that there is only 2 types of people: those that are aware and play cautious and those "cod players" that run around cluelessly. But those are just 2 extremes on a very broad spectrum of player skill levels, play styles and choices. You are just creating an "us vs them" kind of narrative, which is utterly misguided. The solution to zigzagging without inertia is not a stunlock. iirc, starved movement is basically very slow walking, so almost the same as getting stunned. not a big difference whatsoever. But let's inspect the claim that people just "shrug off" AR bullets: Getting shot in the chest with a 556 currently causes you to lose 55% of your health unless you wear a plate carrier, which greatly lowers your stamina, reducing it to brief sprints after a few seconds, having health lower than 50% causes you to walk a lot slower than normal, it just isn't instant causes you to flinch causes bleeding, which if not treated quickly, will turn your screen grey and result in unconsciousness/death after a few minutes, depending on the amount of bleeding That is quite a lot already. And you want people to get stunlocked too? 😅
  7. Games have been ruined by such opinions before.
  8. Hire this man already! 😀 Nah for real. Those values seem perfect. The AKM with the slower firerate and high recoil + high damage. The m4 with that ease of use, high velocity and higher firerate (tho I always thought it should be 800 RPM and not 700.. 700 seems too slow and not distinct enough versus AKM), but high maintenance and it's the rarest of all the AR's. The 74 with the best handling, very good ballistics and highest availability. This would be both realistic and healthy for gameplay. Yeah well, you kinda changed your narrative a little. Fully supporting a 1s stunlock animation is a big difference to what you said here, which seems quite reasonable and is something I think many people could agree on (temporary slow and stamina debuff). I would definitely still keep it on the lighter side tho, so mostly .357, .308 and 754x54 have a high stun potential.
  9. I hope there will be a simple variable to remove the staggering from bullets by server owners. Otherwise I'll have to sit out a wipe.
  10. If I wanted to improve gameplay/ PVP, I would change the following: lower the aim sway a lot, its currently way over the top. add inertia to sprinting/general movement all assault rifles/automatics have more recoil but slightly tighter aim cone. get rid of "rng recoil patterns", it makes no sense when I hipfire an m4 that 10 bullets in a row go towards the left of my crosshair in a line. It's pseudo counter strike. A simple aim cone is the way to go, just like Arma 3. see bring ballistics and damage more in line with RL values. small arms should be more deadly. Gews has illustrated better stats several times. there is probably a lot more but thats what I can think of from top of my head. Seriously it's actually sad how dumbed down the gunplay is in this game compared to Arma or earlier versions. Not that it was perfect in those either, far from it.
  11. I just don't think so at all for reasons given above and I am willing to bet the second you will get stunned by an SKS from a guy sitting in some corner you will change your mind. It makes camping or holding even stronger and it removes all counterplay to it. There is nothing good about this at all, or about the massively increased damage values on smaller calibers. I can get behind a 308 oneshotting in most cases, but not AR calibers. On top bullets once again are easier to land due to reduced air friction. This patch so far really just dumbs down gameplay. If you want to mix up or make PVP more interesting, start by removing the limitless 0 inertia zig zagging and do a more considerate balance of ballistics and melee weapons. Having a fully automatic rilfe that is theoritcally capable of killing 60 players with 1 mag, has high velocity, low recoil and which also stuns players if it didn't kill them doesn't just sound overpowered on paper. Stunning or slowing down is not completely without merit per sey, but not to the extent it's happening in 1.12 atm. A brief slow down or running speed debuff or reduction of stamina would do. But being completely unable to move, locked in an animation for a second? If there is one thing Dayz definitely did not need it's more locked animations.
  12. I dont like it at all.
  13. And these points can't be highlighted enough. A staggering mechanic when getting hit by bullets in a game where whoever spots who first usually wins anyway? I am slightly worried for this patch
  14. Also please Bohemia fucking fix the absurd aim sway, it's out of hand on stable.
  15. I think both are important. I really liked the 0.54 damage, everything was deadly, including pistols, axes that kill anything in 2 swings and fists that could knock you out. Anyway, it should be realistic, but not be frustrating and also make sense. Having assault rifles consistently onetap kind of renders sniper rifles useless, unless the damage drop off will be significant or they will be insanely inaccurate. It also seems straight up overpowered. BTW; does anyone know what sort of damage reduction gets applied to limbs?
  16. I feel like if you did it like everyone else: buy some cheap gun model, cheap sound effect and vanilla animations but then tweaked the gun stats properly, the end result would still be the best mod pack. You could also do an ammo rebalance mod that changes all the values of vanilla ammo to something that makes more sense. There might be a market for that next patch, seeing what you told us so far. Of course I am just throwing that out there out of pure self-interest. But the community would definitely benefit from that as a whole and a mod like that might get adopted by a lot of community servers.
  17. Very interesting. Does this apply to current stable vanilla and modded weapons as well, you think? I honestly think you should give modding weapons a go, your mod pack would be the highest quality weaponry in all of Dayz I am sure. Great indepth comments as usual. On a second note, did anything change about damage? WOBO reported 556 oneshotting players and zombies from a scout on EXP, that would imply a rather big damage boost if I am not mistaken.
  18. watched it and I am very surprised by the result. might have to install experimental and dive into the changes myself
  19. paging @-Gews- for the obligatory analysis of the weapon/ammo changes 🙏
  20. Buakaw

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    I take it there won't be a new experimental anytime soon?
  21. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.11

    When I think of what's wrong with knives, I just think of this: https://clips.twitch.tv/FrailAbstruseFoxOMGScoots
  22. Buakaw

    Reshade disabled?

    Yes, maybe it's other factors, as I changed nvidia drivers recently too. Either way, the newer Reshade has more options and seems to work a bit smoother in general. I made in inquiry with battle eye now.
  23. Buakaw

    Reshade disabled?

    Works for me in offline mode, but trying to join a server gives this error: So I guess they disabled it?