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Everything posted by Buakaw

  1. Buakaw

    How was your Day(Z)?

    That was a fun read! I went on UN and ran around on NWA looking for trouble. As I entered the ATC, I heard a "clunk clonk" above me. Not expecting anyone here as I carefully observed the place for a prolonged period of time, my heart starts beating faster. There is about 5 infected outside of the door which aggro'd on me as I was running by and there is a guy above me. I am trapped. I just decided to head upstairs - only to find his dead body. #dayz things
  2. Buakaw

    Car inventory size

    Regardless, there is room for improvements. A Lada shouldn't be able to carry an oil barrel unless heavily modified, but it should be able to carry a couple of guns, a jerry can and some complimentary "small" items. Essentially - just a little more than right now and it would feel quite appropiate to me in terms of inventory and game balance. I don't think anyone really wanted to be able to carry 30 guns in a car.. The point being made was that currently you can carry very little and I agree. An easy to implement compromise could be adding a few fixed slots, much like the slots for tires etc., for long rifles - let's say 4 or 5 - and in return make the main inventory smaller so that no more weapons fit in there. That way you can load 4-5 guns and some smaller shit like a Jerry Can etc., would seem reasonably balanced to me. I don't quite understand why the Jerry Can takes up so much space tho, it should be about 20-30% smaller in relation to other objects. Then again the inventory system will probably go thru a rework with the new UI being developed and possible weight systems implemented, which could make this whole debate somewhat void.
  3. Buakaw

    Car inventory size

    What criticism? He is just trolling. We are all aware of how reality works. The game does not elaborately distinguish the size of objects. It has set sizes that try to meet a good middleground between balance and realism, but there are improvements to be made and I was giving an idea. Maybe the easiest thing would be to allow 3-4 fixed long rifle slots for a car that would act similarly to the slots of tires. In return the main inventory would be smaller, but you also couldn't put any guns in there. No clue if that is realizeable but it is an idea.
  4. Buakaw

    Car inventory size

    Holy shit, is all you do troll and insult in this forum? 0 contribution, just straight up nonsense.
  5. Buakaw

    Car inventory size

    You guys are entirely missing the point. Emu I expected better from you. It's not about the should, it's about the could. You could IRL (needless to say noone except smugglers, gangsters, dealers etc would), but you can't do anything remotely close ingame. I also agree, car inventory should be handled differently or it should simply be bigger. There possibly needs to be some sort of inventory logic that distinguishes between small and big objects. For example: You can put 5 long rifles into the car and 20 small objects (example: pen, rags, morphine, grenade) and 30 medium sized objects (example: stack of ammo, magazine, shirt, bla bla). All these would, at a certain threshold, influence the amount of slots of the other items. Say I put 7 long rifles into the car instead, the amount of space for small/ medium items would lower to 20% of what it was before, leaving only little space for anything else other than the rifles. That would make more sense than the current model and feel more intuitive and rewarding.
  6. Buakaw

    [Opinion] High Pop/Low Pop Risk Imbalance

    Remove public hive, remove 3rd person. Problems solved. Playerbase shrinks by 80%, lots of other "problems" solved. That's my opinion tho. Anyway no need to overanalyze stuff in an alpha, I do think public hives are destined to vanish eventually tho.
  7. Buakaw

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    Well you don't exactly see me complaining about the status of the game as a whole. I humbly accept my fate as an ALPHER playtester. Try to give the likes of Nocturas an understanding of this concept.
  8. Buakaw

    Public servers killing dayZ!

    rafap or... you could simply play on a private server. I agree with the title tho. Private 1st person is the way this game is meant to be experienced, imo. Public is just a way to make it easy for everyone to turn the game into caostal DM. Private is map-wide DM at least, but there is also lots of RP'ing on plenty of privates I have been to.
  9. Buakaw

    First time playing for over a year....

    pilgrim smacktalking as usual I see.. "what to expect?" more stuff, less lags
  10. Buakaw

    Hard shakes

    There is a distinctive difference between sway and shaking, so that has nothing to do with it. Ghost fractions cannot cause shaking, they just cause excessive sway. And shaking is never uncureable - the above mentioned method always works. Wear ghillie or quilted jacket and run around for 20 minutes.
  11. Buakaw

    Hacker or Lucky find?

    They are of different qualities, can't you see?
  12. Buakaw

    Hard shakes

    Here is how to fix any kind of "cold" the fastest way: Wear a quilted jacket (the only thing warmer is a ghillie) and run around for about 20 minutes (I guess with ghillie it will be 10-15). Heals even Parkinson.
  13. Buakaw

    Canadian camo

  14. Buakaw

    Hacker or Lucky find?

    I go nearly full speed for about... 80% of my route :P every part that is straight means I accelerated to max speed there
  15. Buakaw

    Hacker or Lucky find?

    Just as well as the Hatchback, slightly less prone to falling over, just as slippery in turns at high speeds, more inventory space, slightly lower acceleration - but higher max speed. Suggestion: Both cars are essentially to be treated as trains at near max speed - just drive straight. Before changing directions or turning, deaccelerate to about 60 km/h.
  16. Buakaw

    Hacker or Lucky find?

    Yeah. Took some dedication. Here is my route tho, takes 10 minutes only - Sedan OP. Chance to crash rather low.
  17. Buakaw

    Hacker or Lucky find?

    With a car, it'll take you 1-2 days to get what OP showed us.
  18. Buakaw


    Designers, modellers and coders work independantly, you know. Why do you think we keep getting new models? It's faster than writing a new renderer, that's for sure. Yeah. I am all up for variations that add new characteristics (recoil, firerate, caliber) tho - or for lore-relevant/fitting weapons such as the ones I mentioned above. The Vityaz SN should be the gun we see in every police station in place of the MP5 from my understanding. Maybe someone correct me on that part.
  19. Buakaw


    ? AKM is the modernized version of the AK47. There isn't much difference. Here's some more viable russian additions that have probably been mentioned a billion times. AN-94, 9A-91, AS VAL, SV-98, PP-19-01 "Vityaz-SN"
  20. Buakaw


    Actually nevermind. What we need.. is an AK-107 :D now that would be a beast. Plus it would fit the soviet background.
  21. Buakaw

    Persistence wipe?

    Do I use storage? Yes. Currently have about 30 containers on a single private hive I frequent, 18 of which are cases + boxes. Does it despawn after 45 days? Yes. How do I know? Didn't touch my public stash for over 45 days, except taking out some stuff once in that period.
  22. Buakaw

    Persistence wipe?

    What do you need testing for? Tents, barrels, protector cases and ammo boxes all last 45 days. In order to reset the 45 day timer, you have to unpack them and move them to a different spot. Pretty sure because I at least checked in on my stuff via inventory and took out some shit before all of it despawned.
  23. Buakaw

    Persistence wipe?

    Stuff disappears within 45 days of not having been picked up. All my 10 barrels on public disappeared without me ever using their contents, but that's okay. I am finally done with both public and 3rd person. All my shit on privates is still there
  24. Buakaw


    game needs a BREN
  25. Buakaw

    Where is 0.60?

    ye I'm glad we finally aren't colorblind at night anymore reminds me of this pic from ages ago http://imgur.com/mBziYT5