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About calum1231

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. calum1231

    HELP! battleye problems

    there isnt a line that says battleye liscence i have the two files the first one is basically all my binds ect and the second one is this https://gyazo.com/5f182ba3d33cfbd61bad46eca44615e7 when opened https://gyazo.com/49fa9e24683ce9f25e90d0ac4cf19e73
  2. calum1231

    HELP! battleye problems

  3. calum1231

    HELP! battleye problems

    ok ive managed get a bit further im having a new issue now i still get this https://gyazo.com/c7bc7018777f03e8e6923c8dcf025b07then it goes on to this https://gyazo.com/ebae6549b23605123b440bf39817d963 i accept it and then this happens https://gyazo.com/25616a4281740290587a931767a6d5c0 battleye just wont run
  4. calum1231

    HELP! battleye problems

    ive read the stickies their useless... ive tried everything in the forum before i posted and i tried everything in the stickies i did all that before i decided to post here this is last resort ive been searching the forums for the past week wouldnt be surprised if ive read all the threads with the issue
  5. calum1231

    HELP! battleye problems

    ok so i launch the game i get this https://gyazo.com/c7...6923c8dcf025b07click yes of course then it comes up with this when i join a server https://gyazo.com/d1...3986235b5386c7fthen the game closes and does this again https://gyazo.com/47f8d2c860187925ea48304af349c317. Ive tried verifying ive tried reinstalling ive tried downloading battleye manually ive tried pretty much everything that came up on google, which is why im in the forums so any suggestions?
  6. calum1231

    HELP! battleye problems

    ok so i launch the game i get this https://gyazo.com/c7bc7018777f03e8e6923c8dcf025b07click yes of course then it comes up with this when i join a server https://gyazo.com/d1126c709fab27fc63986235b5386c7f then the game closes and does this again https://gyazo.com/47f8d2c860187925ea48304af349c317. Ive tried verifying ive tried reinstalling ive tried downloading battleye manually ive tried pretty much everything that came up on google, which is why im in the forums so any suggestions?