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About silverblade1233

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. silverblade1233

    where's all the private servers

    What are you talking about lol? There are a bunch of non-whitelisted private servers, and most of the ones that are whitelisted all you need to do is join a steamgroup and type in a password that you get from there. Just find a server here https://www.gametracker.com/search/dayz/?sort=3&order=DESC and paste the ip & port to remote.
  2. silverblade1233

    Decay Gaming 1.7.8 Vanilla!

    I think you meant 1.8.7 mate
  3. silverblade1233

    I've made a 3D DayZ Map (works in-browser, includes source)

    i got a suggestion put in a better skybox, also you said it is a 3D map but from what I can tell all it is is the mountains and a 2d map over it?
  4. silverblade1233

    Considering buying dayz

    i wouldnt buy it rn it's just a deathmatch - if you do however only play on private servers. don't play on empty servers you won't learn anything, 90% the game is about the other players so always play on a high pop private server (public servers r full of hackers and dupers)
  5. It just says Setting up. cant join
  6. silverblade1233

    When is the next mod patch's release date

    Probably in 1-2 months. All the update stuff is on discord now btw not on here.
  7. silverblade1233

    DayZ intro trailer

    actually now that i think about it you dont even need to do that just put it after the second part so it would go the scary girl thingy and all that then the dayz part and then video starts, also i'd get rid of the intro before the intro if you put this in your vid xD that way you wont have two intros
  8. silverblade1233

    DayZ intro trailer

    really cool but i'd speed the beginning part up a bit maybe
  9. How many times have you heard this?: "So I really want to play epoch, but every single epoch server is literally the same things. Cinder bases everywhere. AS50 TWS everywhere. No friendlies. Not even DayZ." I've heard it about 10000 times. But I want to make a solution to that statement! DayZ: Epoch Nostalgia How epoch was when it came out! Some people might think this is unrealistic, but it really isn't. There are other communities who have gotten the original DayZ Mod (2012 version) popular! But I know some people like missions, and base building, and traders, including myself... So I wanted to make this server. However, it wouldn't be how epoch is today. It would be destructible cinder bases... No coins, default UI etc. It would pretty much be vanilla except for an anticheat. I am willing to add some mods, and the economy based on what people want. Make sure to vote in the poll or comment if you're interested, and post any ideas aswell! My experience: I own another community called Unturned Battlefield with some popular servers but it's almost been a year now and I'm getting tired of it and want to switch over to dayz. This is a video/series that kind of is what I want to make again. This was back in January on a server which I miss. It was pretty much what I want to have now.
  10. Ikr, some of us want to play other games too in our day, or have lives... We don't want to spend our whole day in DayZ walking in the woods making a fucking farm... We want to be interacting with players everywhere on the map... Food and water should be like how it was in the mod and players/zombies should be the biggest challenge since that's what makes the game so fun. There's a reason people still play the mod. Cause you can actually meet people up north. In DayZ sa i swear you can play for hours and not see a fucking person and that just makes me want to uninstall because of how boring it is.
  11. Launch through Arma 2 OA with the launch parameters -mod=@DayZ Most servers you will have to do this but for one I know Dead Man Walking you have to use Arma 2 Mod and if you are having troubles (there are a few errors i know) let me know with the error name and ill help you! :)
  12. silverblade1233

    DayZ Nostalgia - DayZ like it was back in the days

    The most there have been was like 13 but that is a good start there were about 5 players on tonight and I am really loving the server. :) My friend managed to get a huey and an as50 already :o and i blew up my own SUV by accident... RIP Awesome server overall! I recommend to join and get geared before there are more people on to steal your gear :D