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About ToxicHeart

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. ToxicHeart

    The end of DayZ ?

    I actually abandoned the game as well and just recently picked it back up. I miss some of the content from the old days, and I'm a little sad that a zombie survival game still has such lackluster zombies... But meh, it's a lot better than it was when I left off and I'm eager to see what the team does with it.
  2. ToxicHeart

    How was your Day(Z)?

    it's been quite some time. I took a nearly year-long break from the game. the PC I'm playing on now is showing tons of lag so I may not play for long. sadly. -dayz underground- first life. I spawn near Kamy, head into town with nothing but my clothes and a flare. there's not much lying about, a good 20 minutes into searching the town and I've found a gun holster, a can of food, and a jacket. I head to the northern side of town and post up at the coast, trying to scope out my surroundings before heading out when suddenly I hear rustling behind me. I turn and am staring at a man with a rifle trained on me. we stare at eachother for a good 15 seconds before I raise my hand to wave at him... another few seconds go by... BANG! "you are dead" second life. I spawn in a town I recognize and know that I'm just south of Berezino, despite the hostility of that place I know it best, so decide to make my way there. I spend some time looting the town and I'm rewarded with a rifle, ammo, backpack, matches, food, and a canteen.... sitting pretty well as I get ready to head out. just before leaving the house on top of the hill I hear nearby shots, just two... I take cover crawl out the back door, crawl for the corner of the house and spot someone sprinting across the road with a few infected close behind. he turns and dispatches them with an axe and stops to bandage up... I circle around the house to get a better vantage point... but now he's gone. worried that I'd been spotted, I sprint to a nearby building, shut the door on my way in and head for a nearby window, looking for any movement before moving to the opposite door. I slowly make my way around town, unable to find him, but before assuming he's gone, I head to one side of town and shoot into the dirt, hoping to spook him out of hiding before sprinting out of town myself. it works better than expected as I see him climb out of some high grass and Sprint into the woods in the opposite direction I'm planning on going myself, so I happily watch him disappear into the trees and head out myself. I make it to Berezino with little happening after that, fill up my backpack with some apples from the orchard and head into town. there's a few infected nearby, but nothing I can't deal with or sneak around. as I head into the first house the sound of gunfire erupts around me. with no clue as to where it's coming from, I drop to the ground and pull out my rifle... no clip, single shots only... this won't end well. someone pokes their head in through a window and takes a shot, they miss, but I return fire and score a hit, but not a kill... as I'm rechambering the rifle his friend comes through the door with a shotgun... and once again... "you are dead" third life. I luckily spawn near Berezino and promptly head into town, I'm immediately greeted by a group of 6 or 7. a girls voice calls out "don't worry, we won't shoot you... " I wave, she waves back. suddenly I'm smacked in the side of the head by a zombie.... I sprint around the group to get to the other side and let them contend with my attacker. one of the group opens fire, fully automatic and as I'm sprinting around him, it appears that he's tracking his shots on me.... surely not... no one has that bad of aim... the infected must still be behind me. I keep circling and as I spot the infected on the ground I stop to bandage from the initial zombie smack... I guess the full auto guy just can't hit a moving target because I'm met with a sudden black screen and that mocking message. "you are dead" never even heard the shot... seems assholes still run this game... pointlessly slaughtering freshspawns... here's to you, kid... glad I could help you piss away a full clip of ammo before I got murdered.
  3. ToxicHeart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Right now we have a LOT of people who have been waiting for this patch to be released and everyone is excited to see all the new updates and changes. As time goes on the excitement will wear off, more and more people will be losing their excitement for the new patch and will stop playing again or they will return to .59 we just have to wait it out... I assume I'll be able to get some decently consistent play on the exp servers in about 2-3 days
  4. ToxicHeart

    Bandit or Hero Poll

    Obviously there are far more options than the ones I made, but I wanted to keep it down to as few as possible. I truly want to know what makes people tick in DayZ. I have come across every type of player, though the greatest number of them have been two-faced bandits who befriend you for 10 minutes and then put a bullet in your head. Now don't take this the wrong way, if that's you... more power to you, you keep the game interesting and keep people like me on my toes... but it leaves me wondering... why? what made you this way? were you like this from the word go? So any and all input is appreciated here... Dayz is an amazing social experiment of sorts...
  5. ToxicHeart

    Something every new player should know before starting

    I've been following day z for a long time now and only recently began playing. I certainly don't regret the purchase in the slightest.
  6. ToxicHeart

    Is DayZ a disappointment?

    I will agree that there are disappointments to be found within dayz, however... to label the game a disappointment as a whole seems a bit extreme. I love this game.
  7. ToxicHeart

    Is it just me or are the servers empty?

    Oh I'm not THAT attached. Just attached enough not to go on a blatant suicide mission.
  8. ToxicHeart

    Is it just me or are the servers empty?

    I do know that... and i have a public and private character... but I've only found the one private server to play on... most of the others that have decent signal tend to kick me out as soon as I join... soon I'll be looking for private servers with a less strict ping criteria though... should be interesting :3
  9. ToxicHeart

    Is it just me or are the servers empty?

    if I didn't have such nice gear at the moment I'd probably give it a try now, though it's a little past naptime for me at the moment. I'm just waiting for my video to upload so I can show off my first hostile human contact and my blind luck in killing him lol... hopefully tomorrow something interesting will lead me to joining a high pop server
  10. ToxicHeart

    Is it just me or are the servers empty?

    That's actually EXACTLY what I was planning. I'm waiting until I have to respawn again, but I had come to the same conclusion... next time I respawn, why not find a higher pop server and just go see what's what... you hit the nail on the head with the sentiment that if I don't have many items, than I have very little to fear... Seeing you advise the thought shows me I'm on the right path, I almost look forward to my next death... though not enough to jump off a building, I'm sure someone will take care of the pesky living part for me soon enough...
  11. ToxicHeart

    Is it just me or are the servers empty?

    Pilgrim. I can not thank you enough for taking the time to write all of that out for me. And for the effort it took the investigate it so thoroughly, even if that wasn't for my sake, in particular... you have such an interest in DayZ that you looked into it on your own and that both amazes me and makes me happy that someone else is so thoroughly interested in the game and it's well-being. I have hope for the game... despite most of the problems that have cropped up from one bad situation to the next... this game is pretty much the game I've waited on half my life and I think the player base I see on the forums. (Whiners and KoS guys included) can keep it from devolving into trash in the long run...
  12. ToxicHeart

    Is it just me or are the servers empty?

    Man I'm a bit envious of you guys. I suppose I'm putting too much priority on the signal strength, but I really don't want to lose a gun fight over lag of all things. Still, 10 - 15 players sounds exciting... nerve-wrecking... but exciting!
  13. So I've been playing DayZ for three days and I love it as much as I always thought I would. Bugs, glitches and all. The one thing that actually gets on my nerves consistently. I can rarely find a server with more than 5 people on it. (At least that as a ping consistently under 60) I've assumed it's just my geographic location... south-eastern US. But I'm curious if that's not just how it is for most of the servers... (I usually see one ore two with 30 people or more... but the signal is FAR too weak for me to play on)
  14. ToxicHeart

    How was your Day(Z)?

    My day was pretty good. I've been playing day z for all of three days. It's been a while since I've posted to the forums, but I FINALLY got a computer capable of running it. Having obsessed over this game off and on for years, so finally being able to play it is something of a dream come true. It didn't take long to get myself situated into Berezino with a Glock 19 and an extra mag. With plenty of food and water I quickly headed for NWAF. I was disappointed with the loot I got there... good guns, but the ammo didn't match up. I did find 3 grenades, 2 pistol mags, armor, pouches, cantenes, food. Lockpick, 2 medkits... I was sitting pretty and I thought... "ya know... I'm new, never used a grenade in this game... I should give it a go so I'll know how to use it without panicking in the heat of the moment. Went to the police station Stood at the front door Equipped grenade Pulled the pin Through it outside Shut the door BOOM!! "you are dead..." Well shit... -------------------------- Second go, scraped together the minimum and headed back to the airfield. On a no KOS server. Guess this guy didn't get the memo cause I started taking fire from across the field. I ducked in between some tents, zigged and zapped until I took cover in a tent, picked up an AKM and watched them run passed. I popped a smoke grenade and made my escape, but not without him trailing behind me. I did some more maneuvering and ducked behind a tree, equipped my rifle and started firing at my enemy, my first true combat in dayz. He crouched down, obviously unfazed and returns fire. (Damn my aim sucks) I take a few more shots at him as I'm suddenly struck from the side, a loud growl tells me it's nothing to panic about, but I definitely need to move. I take a few more shots and bolt, back to the tents where I kill the zombie chasing me, then another two attracted to the gunshots. I don't see my attacker so I flank a good 100 yards around the forest we had been fighting in and find his corpse laying next to where he'd crouched before... my first kill, a new mosin, decent gear and some ammo... Pretty good ending for my third day in the world.
  15. Status updates are usually a good source. ^.^ .59 is supposed to be bringing them back in strong numbers. https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/229579-status-report-15-oct-2015/#