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About 2saints01

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    On the Coast

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    Hiding from zeds.

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    You leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. This one's not looking for trouble.
  1. So I've had this "AJ AJ Anti-hax" debug-like monitor that looks a whole lot like the Monky Monitor. Been there since about midnight. I figured it would go away after a reset, no such luck. A Google search didn't bring up very much stuff at all, can't seem to figure out if it has the same triggers as the monkey monitor or what. Anybody got any ideas? This also is occurring on US 3885 GS96 Server.
  2. So about an hour ago on US 3885 hosted by GS96 Gaming, some guy got on the side chat and started asking if anybody could see anything on their screen. Then some of us got kicked and some message popped up that said "Tired of getting your key stolen?" with an AAN banner on the bottom. Now when I log back in, I have this Monky Monitor thing on my screen. Apparently I can't push certain buttons or I'm dead...so is there a fix for this or what? Also, I think that hackers name was Bengan.
  3. 2saints01

    Oh, the humanity?

    Hey folks, got a noob question. Been playing for awhile, and being the loner that I am, I don't often see many players while sneaking around. I know about the humanity mechanic, but I also seem to remember Rocket talking about having had it removed because it wasn't quite balanced yet. But now I can't seem to find anything on the wiki or here that says one way or the other. Is humanity still in the game? Are the hero/bandit skins still available or are they just leftovers? Thanks everybody, good hunting.
  4. 2saints01

    Ladders, the new killers in the game

    I would actually love to see that happen. I think it'd be rather humorous.
  5. I tend to keep to myself. If I hear movement or see another player--which I usually don't, because I make Sam Fischer look as stealthy as Spyro the Dragon--I just stay down and watch and wait. The way I see it, there's plenty of loot to go around, and if you play smart you'll never be in a position where you're starving to death, dying of thirst, bleeding out, or crawling across the countryside because your legs are broken. Surviving out in the wilderness is totally doable, even if it is a bit lonely. That's the reason why I never understood players killing other players for no reason other than to get the kill. I understand that's an aspect of the game, and I'm glad it's there--it adds another level of suspense to the whole experience--but personally I just don't see the point in wasting a bullet on somebody when you're already established.
  6. 2saints01

    [Tutorial]All About Vehicles

    One thing that needs to be mentioned for all you newbies out there: While in a vehicle, loot and/or zombies do not spawn (correct me if I'm wrong about the zombie part). So When approaching a town, park your vehicle in a spot that has decent visual cover so it'll be harder to detect, and approach the town on foot. Another thing to consider is the amount of noise your vehicle is making. Players can hear vehicles from a long way off, and some vehicles are much louder than others. Tractors can be heard from kilometers away, large trucks are the same. So keep that in mind if you're in an area that is visited frequently by other players.
  7. 2saints01

    Hacking in US 3661

    This is the first time I've ever encountered any kind of hacking in this game, and I've been playing for a long time. I disagree that hacking events means that everybody leaves public hives for private ones, especially if they're already established on the hive it occurred in. That just sends a message to the hackers that they won--not to sound like I'm some ignoramus who doesn't know when he's beat; I know I don't stand a chance against a hacker with god mode on. Maybe nothing will happen to whoever it was that hacked me, but at least I tried, right? And as an update, that dude teleported me to the southern airfield in the middle of the night. I logged back in after they left to find a dead body next to a glowstick. I wish I would have had the presence of mind to inspect the body to see who it was, that would've told me who the culprit was. I was a little busy taking the rangefinder, NVGs, and all his other cool toys he had on his person. He also had four tents on him too, which is weird, because with all the other junk there I wouldn't think he'd have had room. Oh well. I got away.
  8. This occurred not two minutes ago (2150 GMT-6). I was leaving a shack on the outskirts of Berezino, getting ready to head into the town itself under the cover of night when I was suddenly somewhere else. All I saw was a field and I heard footsteps behind me. I knew immediately that I had been teleported and I managed to log out--hopefully I made it. Anyhow, there were only two other people on the server at the time: Coldkiller12112 and [-ARG-] Mati. Like I said, I knew immediately what was going on and I disconnected as soon as possible, I didn't bother to ask questions or ascertain who was who. I hope you find out who it is. Thanks, and great game.
  9. I've been trying to find get this damn thing to download all day. I'm using worom's thing to get them since I can't find a working US mirror. and I get the command window with all the text that flashes up for a second when I try and run ARMA: CO from Steam. Can somebody help me out EDIT: okay so i followed the video step by step, right down to the battle eye thing, and I get error messages of "No entry 'bin\config.bin\CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow" and "Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0" Does anybody have any idea what the heck that means?