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Everything posted by green_mtn_grandbob

  1. green_mtn_grandbob

    Who else misses bow and arrow?

    They say they also want it, but it's too hard to put in game now.
  2. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 1.02

    Duck tape will fix most things in game even guns, so that 's the bug i think he was talking about.
  3. With some mods putting some of the missing parts back into the game, and the changes. to the keyboard. Could it be that the compatibility of the two platform controls are holding up development?
  4. green_mtn_grandbob

    Future DayZ

    I can see now, that dayz standalone will never be what they said it would be.
  5. green_mtn_grandbob

    hs zombie info

    Possibility to kill an infected in melee hit (e.g. with an axe), from the back
  6. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 1.02

    Judging by some of the posts on the forum it's been a rocky road, so i stand by my other post. I do hope it would be a bit smoother from now on out.
  7. green_mtn_grandbob


    It takes 12 rags to make a rope , unless they changed it . two stacks of six rags.
  8. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 1.02

    Starting over on a project isn't always a smooth road.
  9. green_mtn_grandbob


    Cut a strip from your credit card and jam it in the W key and you have auto run.
  10. green_mtn_grandbob

    [Update] Any details available (PC)?

    No need as of yet, they are the same build version.
  11. green_mtn_grandbob

    Addressing the most pressing issues #2

    Exp. and stable are the same so no need for Exp server for now.
  12. green_mtn_grandbob

    the real hardcore survival server

    how about cases of beans and peaches and other caned goods, bottled water, fishing rods , cases of nails , hammers stuff like that , instead of guns.
  13. green_mtn_grandbob

    No Status Reports, No Updates, Hello...???

    Just go to a post he/she made and put the pointer on the name and a window will open at the bottom you will see the ignore button.
  14. green_mtn_grandbob

    At what point do we consider DayZ dead online?

    They gave you modding and bases to play around with as hush puppy's, but when the big bug came up. it didn't give them time to catch up on development.
  15. green_mtn_grandbob

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Well that will make some of the PC guys buy bigger hats.
  16. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    yes but in earnest after they removed .62 and all that came before.
  17. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    this is the year of the development of the new dayz standalone so give them a bit of time because all that came before is the old dayz .
  18. green_mtn_grandbob

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Never ending game, when BI ends support the files will be out there, and people will be playing dayz for a long time after that. You have to remember that this year is when all the development of the new dayz standalone got into full swing. and yes i fix cars and build bases.
  19. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    As i see it the way to stop loot farming , is to take all loot out of the game , is that what you guys want?
  20. green_mtn_grandbob

    Who actually build bases and repair cars?

    Dayz isn't finished yet, so you can't judge it yet. you can only guess what it will be like in the end when it is finished.
  21. green_mtn_grandbob

    bow and arrow?

    Your right i amend it to in the next two years for the bow to make it in game. I hope.
  22. green_mtn_grandbob

    bow and arrow?

    Some time this year i hope.
  23. green_mtn_grandbob

    Wolf and Zeds in Building while doors are closed

    Don't forget players can open the doors while you are logged out.
  24. green_mtn_grandbob

    Ban infected from my base?

    Or you could build your base outside of a infected zone.
  25. green_mtn_grandbob

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I also am looking forward to starting a home server, but not until it gets to a real true 1.o or at lest until they put the bow back in.