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Everything posted by green_mtn_grandbob

  1. green_mtn_grandbob

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    When i walk to the store for food with my backpack on my back i can't help not thinking of dayz all the way there and back . it's a good thing i don't have a sling for my ax .
  2. green_mtn_grandbob

    Is this item gone?

    I have found them on top of towers .one at the tower just north of Vyshnoye and two at a tower at a summer camp i don't remember witch one .
  3. green_mtn_grandbob

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    we lost 3 camps and 2 trucks when a 1st person server went off line to never to be seen again this week. that's the 2nd time we lost camps and trucks due to the server disappearing from the list. oh well it's fun looting up all over again LOL and it's a good time to explore the map and see the places we haven't been too yet .
  4. green_mtn_grandbob

    The Keeper Of Green Mountain

    play nice boys ,one day you will need each other to survive mark my words .
  5. green_mtn_grandbob

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hello all , i just joined the forum two days ago i got into online gaming for dayz sa in March this year I'm 75 years old and half blind 20/250 and left handed so i'm slow at the controls i have just over 600 hours in dayz so far you can see my name by this post i live in the Midwest USA .i don't kos but do my best to defend i was told by a streamer that for a new player i was a the best land navigator he has seen.i do my best to keep up to date on dayz sa changes i'm up north in 1st and also in 3rd person with win 70 and hunting scope longhorn and pistol have bee planting crops until meet is safe to eat message me on here if you want to play and we will see about adding on steam. by the way i'm a retired gunsmith and target shorter .
  6. green_mtn_grandbob

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    I play 1st person servers and even when we play on 3rd person servers.