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Everything posted by green_mtn_grandbob

  1. green_mtn_grandbob

    Primitive Technologies

    some of the things you talk of are planed on being in dayz.
  2. green_mtn_grandbob

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    at this time 3rd person servers out number the 1st person servers so 1st person players feel cheated
  3. green_mtn_grandbob

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    The official dayz servers are the free servers given to B I by the server providers , when they rent out a number of servers they have to give B I a free server and the free server is called a official dayz server, a rented server can be called any thing the renter wants to name it, and to make the server 1st or 3rd person .
  4. green_mtn_grandbob

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    OK prove your contention that a nail bat is no good let some one hit you in the head with a nail bat but don't have a helmet on at the time.
  5. green_mtn_grandbob

    What is the best weapons for a sniper operator

    No one in game should have a sniper rifle except me :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. green_mtn_grandbob

    "Nail Bats" and other (realistically) crappy weapons

    When the nails on the bat hit your skull all the force is transmitted to the nails, and as the cross section of the nails is smaller all the power of the swing drives the nails into your brain.
  7. green_mtn_grandbob

    Sniping should be a soft skill

    Soft skills l I know what B.I. wants in the game so far. When I see these posts I can't help but thinking too many cooks wreck the game. :lol:
  8. green_mtn_grandbob

    Player Reward: Extraction

    aren't you thinking of some other game?
  9. green_mtn_grandbob

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    i think the helicopter blades are the tail blades not the main ones so you could carry one with no problem.
  10. green_mtn_grandbob

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    did you set the ping to 220 in the filter?
  11. green_mtn_grandbob

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    as my eye sight is 10/700 in my right eye and 2/700 in my left eye I don't do to bad at dayz. if you can read some thing at 700 feet i have to be at 10 feet to read it so i do walk around half blind . one of the times i got shot i had cut some sticks and was going to my buddy to fix his leg the other times i was a new spawn
  12. green_mtn_grandbob

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Well we played for 8 hours today , and thanks to KOS i got a lot of practice looting up all over a again and again i didn't make it back to where my buddy's were until two hours after they logged off for the night. so i didn't get to run much with them i did find some new car parts along the way.
  13. green_mtn_grandbob

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    We played a few hours today the only thing was that eating and drinking soda took longer than .58 other wise i has better fps they did drop to 43 in parts of Novaya Pstrovka.. By the way we set up 4 small tents up in the street at the apartments there, so that will save someone time searching the apartments there :lol: :beans:
  14. green_mtn_grandbob

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    whatever Hick's does about the 1pp servers is up to him, but i play 1pp even when i play 1st/3rd person servers .
  15. green_mtn_grandbob

    I am a dick.

    I wasn't going to post on this , but changed my mind, Mark my words one day you will need your fellow player in this game.
  16. green_mtn_grandbob

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I only had a stone knife so had nothing to do myself in with
  17. green_mtn_grandbob

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    played 6 hours spawned in got shot, re spawned made it to the green house west of the N E airfield was in the house when the server reset came back in under the house more than an hour later 2 guys came by and i told them i was trapped two frags and a lot of shooting i was still trapped alive I thanked them for tying to kill me later i passed out and then i died . talk about two deaths one wasn't wanted and the other was wanted LOL. Spawned in Prigorodki this time and ran north to meet up with my three buddy's . This patch is very playable and i look forward to all the improvements to come ps i'm 75 and legally blind and i play 1st person and i have 753 hours in dayz so far
  18. green_mtn_grandbob

    Tent Persistence?

    last weekend we had tents and barrels disappear upon a server restart on two servers, checked the servers and they had a lot of errors on those two servers.
  19. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    is any one losing barrels and tents up on a server restart? it happened to us on two servers last night when we were setting up a new camp.
  20. green_mtn_grandbob

    Sudden death! Bug, presumably

    I have a stranger story on this , 4 of us were riding in a truck and we dropped one guy off in Kamenka to loot wile we went back to Komarovo to pick up a dropped gun, half way back to our guy in Kamenka he said some one is logging in right in front of him so i looked at the players list and saw that we were the only ones on the server , just then the driver said shot him and our guy did so and then the driver slumped over the wheel dead from a head shot the truck rolled to a stop and the body disappeared from the truck and in Kamenka where the other guy who got shot in the head with a 45 pistol also disappeared.
  21. green_mtn_grandbob

    DayZ Underground

    That can be said about all servers, but some more than others .
  22. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stuck in military base death pit at 079/007

    it's too bad that we can't put a ladder down to him so he could clime out
  23. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stuck in military base death pit at 079/007

    Thank you for the reply I have seen the two you could go into but some how i missed that pit
  24. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stuck in military base death pit at 079/007

    where on the map is that place?
  25. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    i have 650 hours in dayz and i'm using 58 to see parts of the map i haven't seen yet . so i will know the map better when the game is updated .