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Everything posted by green_mtn_grandbob

  1. green_mtn_grandbob

    Base building in hived servers after 0.63 release

    I remember Hicks saying that bases wouldn't be 100% safe from looting by other players.
  2. green_mtn_grandbob

    Are Hunting Backpacks Rare?

    i find them in what i call feed shacks the ones with a hay rack and grain troth under them.
  3. green_mtn_grandbob

    Status Report - 29 August 2017

    63 a game does not make it needs time to bake in time we will have cake take an old cold tater and wait
  4. green_mtn_grandbob

    Walking/Running into geometry

    I know a lot of players leveled sneak up in skyrim by using running at a wall, with some one close on the other side of the wall. so players will use any thing they find out to use in a game.
  5. green_mtn_grandbob

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    I don't think the developers have any control over how players play dayz, I think dayz will have fixed the bugs by the time dayz is finished. The interactions depend on the players who are on the same server you are on. I don't know of any game that makes saints out of killers, but i wish that dayz gets so tough that players have to work together to survive.
  6. green_mtn_grandbob

    Anyone left who likes jogging instead of sprinting?

    I for one jog when i'm not walking, but i'm legally blind so i use the binoculars or a hunting scope when i find one. the only time i sprint is when i have no cover to the next patch of woods.
  7. green_mtn_grandbob

    [Dev] Eye zoom 'probably' being removed entirely

    This is a transcript from the video in the first post. I think he may have been talking about the demo at gamescom.
  8. green_mtn_grandbob

    Removing the Destroyer of Vehicles (one type of tree)

    I think all players who have played .62 know what fallen tree you are talking about.
  9. green_mtn_grandbob

    [Dev] Eye zoom 'probably' being removed entirely

    I also like eye zoom as i have macular degeneration, to the point that i'm legally blind, i have over 1800 hours in dayz so far i use a big monitor and binoculars and scopes to augment zoom when i can't make out what what it is I think i'm seeing. a lot of time the monitor has nose prints on it i have to get that close to see. But that's just me a walking target. I guess i'll have to find a RP server and play a blind character as all i would have to do is play myself.
  10. green_mtn_grandbob

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    Maybe he's growing thicker skin, what with all the carp he gets, what ever he's doing it's his business, and i wish him well.
  11. green_mtn_grandbob

    Modded servers

    If they logged out with full gear then they will have the same gear the next time they play. some players have more than one copy of dayz and can have a toon on diffract servers .
  12. green_mtn_grandbob

    GamesCom Pics/Vids

    fine you don't have to use them.
  13. green_mtn_grandbob

    Introduce yourselves

    I think he was saying it was about time he joined the forum.
  14. green_mtn_grandbob

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    May i ask why do you give a damn anyhow?
  15. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 0.62.141072

    Welcome to the forum.
  16. green_mtn_grandbob

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    They all may never come back and i hope the ones that just view dayz just as a shooter never come back. They have all kinds of shooters to play, but when the new dayz is finished , the ones who get what dayz is about will come back and the new players will come because their isn't a game like dayz standalone .2 out there.
  17. green_mtn_grandbob

    CQB Tips?

    plant pumpkins and throw them at them that will do it.
  18. green_mtn_grandbob

    Stable Update 0.62.141072

    just suck it up, they are busy making the new dayz standalone, they are scrapping the old dayz you are now playing.
  19. green_mtn_grandbob

    Status Report - 8 August 2017

    I think it's the other way around , from the sound of your post it's a wolf in sheeps clothing.
  20. green_mtn_grandbob

    Status Report - 8 August 2017

    I you make leather gear i think you will have the hotbar slots you want.
  21. green_mtn_grandbob

    .308 Winchester ammo, where did it go?

    The few i have found were in deer stands, and in houses in hunting jackets . also i did find a box in a house.
  22. green_mtn_grandbob

    spawn sick

    Ps, there is no god mode in dayz.
  23. green_mtn_grandbob

    spawn sick

    Do you get cold or hot?
  24. green_mtn_grandbob

    Fall through Ground Bug

    Yes in this case it was the alpha god of dayz.
  25. green_mtn_grandbob

    spawn sick

    Are you eating food and drinking water?