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About outwhittedgaming

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. outwhittedgaming

    eLEKTRO Killing Spree

    Heres a link to my video, my clan and i over a span of 4 hours in elektro.... our K/D is just insane with the amount of people we killed... I make another nice shot with the winchester at the end ;) ENJOY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpX5LvHsep4
  2. Messing with the new guy in the clan, i was busting a gut when i was recording
  3. outwhittedgaming

    Heli Crash guide- All 57 of them

    Yes dayzdb or Izurvive but some people do prefer to watch videos on how to find them.
  4. outwhittedgaming

    Heli Crash guide- All 57 of them

    Hey guys just wanted to share this video in case some of the newer players want to learn how to find the heli crashes... This video is only the first 21... Ill have more to come hopefully by next week :) Enjoy
  5. Haha thanks alot man :)
  6. outwhittedgaming

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I found someones barrels, i left them a thank you gift... Trip wire and a grenade :)... MERRRRRRRY XMAS http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/360652208640998888/A8C7F962FF04947842091474DE3B5B35B2D0719D/
  7. End of the year highlights, put it some work, found someones camp... we ended up meeting up with them to try and resolve the issue when i found their camp but they got super salty and excited with their fal and didnt even kill me until he gets domed for me :P....got lucky at certain points especially with the guy having the jump on me at the south side barracks... i manage to some how sponge two mosing shots to the lower body and continue on my assault at the airfield! New year action, not even a week in and My crew and i go on Peon Server and just take over the airfield with 3 guys! Some of these shots i dont even know how i made em :D. Hope everyone enjoys and happy new year
  8. outwhittedgaming

    Trading Post

    Looking for : 1x M4A1 I have: 1x SVD w Pso Scope (P) 1x Vss Rifle 1x Fal rifle 1 for 1 trade Pm me offers if interested
  9. outwhittedgaming

    Tents, additions for hiding them on the map

    I think that would be a great idea, but that will come eventually once base building is a thing. Maybe out of the devs schedule at this point. Expect it sometime in 2016.
  10. outwhittedgaming

    Got my revenge on the "ghost"

    I understand where your coming from, i know i did shoot bambi's in this video but if you like i can show you all the other times i have been punched by a bambi after speaking with them and telling them to leave. Its a part of dayz, we normally go to the bigger cities and take down the bandits... i would much rather shoot the geared guys in NWAF like i have been in my more recent videos but personally i enjoy close combat/ Urban setting like the Bere,Electro and churno. I play this game because i like the concept of surviving, but the game isn't complete. I don't spend any time loot cycling as mentioned above because i usually am scanning for heli crashes and military bases. but hey thanks for watching my video and the feedback :)
  11. outwhittedgaming

    Trading Post

    No i dont sorry i play 3pp i forgot to mention.
  12. outwhittedgaming

    Trading Post

    I have : any food item you want looking for: 30 rnd sporter mags I need as many as possible will trade food items for them.
  13. outwhittedgaming

    My first crossbow kill was a nasty one...

    haha thanks for the tip! i should be able to run the game with shadows on with my rig i will give it ago. haha i havent even killed a Zed with it yet. Might have taken some shots at a deer before with one but that was my first kill.
  14. outwhittedgaming

    Trading Post

    On 3rd person I have: 1x winchester w pristine hunting scope Looking for: 1x M4AI Or I have: 1x SVD rifle (p) w BD PSO scope 4x SVD mags (full) Looking for: 2x M4AI 1x 60 rnd mag Inbox me if interested
  15. outwhittedgaming

    Got my revenge on the "ghost"

    Thought i would share this because it is karma when you do something unfair. Payback is a bitch