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Everything posted by Majork86

  1. Majork86

    Musical Instruments

    Remember one thing. This is a multipurpose game, focused on a post apocaliptic survival situation, with zombies. I come from D&D and Neverwinter Nights shards (the old one, not the mmo s**t). It is kind of freaking useful for role play purposes...of course it fits less with the pvp / survival gaming itself...ij the end it's just that I love to pretend :P post apocaliptic bards composing how their clanmates are badass? Gimme now!!!
  2. Now we love you. More handcuffs for this guy! What about a custom pair of furry tigerskin handcuffs? :p epic man xD
  3. Majork86

    Musical Instruments

    Could be nice but not at this point of development I think...there are a lotta of things to be sorted first ;) still a nice idea imho
  4. Majork86

    Spawn location suggestion...

    Well...to be honest I found it adrenalinic to login into a full server, leading my way sneaking and scavenging as much as I could to the North and get to raid north border cities (so full of loot at that time) and having to deal with backstabbers, bad shooters who can't kill a freshspawn with nothing but an axe and a bag, and having to hide more than once to survive ONE NIGHT RUN. Loved it. Spawn points just need to be articulated with a greater distance between each other but nothing more :)
  5. Let me add something simple. As world of Warcraft. Logout TIMER AND ANIMATION. Keeping an eye on the hostage should be a priority and if we know when someone is logging out by having him sitting with crossed legs (exclusive example animation for logouts) we can just kill him and solve the cheating problem. Alt+F4 would be a problem though but this solves at least half oF a problem ;)
  6. To be honest it looks kinda "GTAish" as a RAW IDEA, but imho, it could fit if proprely planned and structured! Embolism risk, needed decompression, equipment size and encumbrance....if it's all scripted could be a nice add, if it will be just approximate, god help us!!!! è_é
  7. Majork86

    Recruitment board - tag board.

    Was thinking about a recruitment board / tag board, maybe linked with the Recruitment section of the Forums, via steam overlay etc...maybe secondary, but useful and adds some variety imho
  8. Majork86

    Set "lock Spawn" to players for 24h

    This would produce the opposite effect of what you try to resolve though...let me use just this simple example. You die and tell your friends to loot your corpse and plan to regroup @ a precise spawn point...nope nope nope ;) would be full of cheater, don't you think? "I'm sick...kill me I'll repop" naaah
  9. Majork86

    Gestures / emotes

    Just kickin' a new idea out, but one lesser thing I met in the game is "gestures" system. I wouldn't say a radial menu or anything invasive, but a choice menu the same way "use" command works, maybe with a few additions, but that's secondary.
  10. Majork86

    Gestures / emotes

    Thanks for the redirect ;)
  11. Majork86

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi everyone, I'm Chris, straight from Italy, Majork86 on Steam :P I don't even know why I blindly bought DayZ without playing it first at least once, but I'm surely happy I did, at the moment ;) I'm a stone worker in North West of the Tricolor Boot, singer in a metal band and getting use to "produce" a little with Ableton Live, mostly going to follow the D&B path. I militate in Crownlake from October 2011, as one of the founders. Just wanna spam here one thing for self-pubblicity, here's the link to our only video as now, prize for 4 years of hard working and investing (or spending?) money. CrownLake - White Insomnia Much love, Find your truth.
  12. 'Sup guys? I'm going to introduce myself in the right section just right after I spitted these considerations out. I'm thinking over and over them from when I started. So I started in the lowest ping / highest player count server It started and I spawned for first time, already knowing the game I was going to play (a few videos, reviews and friends' suggestions/descriptions). I was prepared to PvP Spawn frustration (moving inland wasn't that easy) as many other survival titles, was prepared to an Early Access game with bugs etc, and I GOT SO DAMN CAUGHT. It was perfect, yep, maybe I was dying a few times trying to learn basiscs just playing and reading some guides in the meanwhile, but ONE THING; AND ONE THING ONLY came to my mind from the beginning. It is such a fanta-realistic game, why is PvP this "FPS-Like"? I mean, let your Tv-series taste aside, and think about The Walking Dead and it's approach to the theme itself. I know it has turn more to a sitcom now, but ONE THING it caught right, was atmosphere. The moral effects of their and others action, lost of faith, lost or gain of respect and trust. Going around spawn-killing new spawns just to get what? Or Killing them just because they're a threat already (Lucky day, entering a house finding a rifle and some ammo...getting off and shooting that nice guy who left me play on) Players are AFRAID of other players but this way they act in an non-human way, killing just because it's admitted. There should be ripercussions, to simulate a little of morality and motivate people NOT to kill but to INTERACT first, create stories whilst evalutating pros and cons of any kill.... "Nice bag! Is that bag worth the loss?" "Needing ammo, gonna check that guy out" Now morality it's all relative to roleplay...but someway it should not (IN MY OPINION) be this unconsidered :) As it is supposed to be, consider this constructive, and still this game is way more worth the money I spent. Sorry about my english, writing from Italy here, i'm kinda rusty in writing Eng ;)
  13. Yeah I get both your points, and expecially thinking of numbers, as stated by McTabish, the infected would rule the set...Just didn't think about it at first ;) As I said, it was only being constructive, and also I agree with edwin3 since with a little deeper thinking, part of the sneaky-solo gameplay at this very moment, is being afraid of being shotted down :D As said before, I didn't mean to raise a fuss or what ;) Thanks for the answers though ;)