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Everything posted by PrincessRobotBubblegum

  1. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    number of zombies

    I have a love/hate relationship with the zombies. So, I kinda miss them. The funniest thing is to get a few all riled up, temporarily lose them, have them follow me in a building then wait long enough for their aggro to go off me so they stay around my building then wait for other people. The zombies are such snitches, the bastards. xD
  2. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    Truck noise makes me want to KILL

    Very good question. Here are my top 5 reasons that I think that people release the fury on trucks in DayZ. 5. the sound of a truck is loud as FUUUUUU and it pisses people off 4. there is a game of shooting the driver/people in it without damaging the truck 3. the sound creates a sense of urgency or adrenaline rush in this simulated apocalypse 2. people are in somewhat of a zombie state to where they feel the need to rush a loud sound ...and the number one reason I think people shoot at trucks... 1. people want to claim the truck for themselves
  3. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    Where is everyone?

    Since loot system is different now, from what I've heard and have experienced is that most people are up north (east and west). The coast seems like ghost towns theses dayz since the update.
  4. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    Tactical bacon is actually real..!?

    Awesome, I didn't know that either! Bacon is life.
  5. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    .58 question

    With what I've understood about the new loot distribution, I think a lot will begin to go inland vs. the coast. Probably for the mere fact that loot will have a better chance of spawning there and camps will have a little less visibility then on the coast. We shall see!
  6. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    Would you support global chat being a sever option?

    It can be lonely when playing alone. Why not hop on a server that supplies a TeamSpeak? Or look at all the posts here about players looking for others to play with? There are options.
  7. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    I KOS'd and i felt horrible for it.

    I seriously lol'ed when I read this. This is sort of how my last big encounter went with a group. It's always fun to see how different people play the game.
  8. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction

    No. Just no. Giving players the ability to use a global chat is a clusterf**k waiting to happen. Last thing I want to hear is 30-50 other people over a global chat complaining, whining, yelling, talking crap, 12 year olds attempting to be gangster, kids yelling in the background, people chewing on an open mic, etc...you get the idea. GTA online is like this and it can get annoying listening to everyone on top of wanna be bandits. If this were to happen then at least have a way to turn it off. If you want to talk to people on the server you join, many servers have their own TeamSpeak people can join. But having everyone talking on global is a bad idea. However, like a few others here have said, having a radio or walkie talkie with a higher talking/listening range would be a better idea.
  9. PrincessRobotBubblegum

    Never ever friendly again

    This is some good advice. You can't get mad for a trusting someone who you thought you could trust in the first place. If this was a real situation you would probably have never let your guard down. Granted, the way things happened would seem that you guys would walk off into the sunset and be BFF's for life, but that wasn't the case. Don't limit yourself to just killing and becoming another bandit. There are plenty of those. Let yourself experience and play around with people by talking to them. Just learn from all the encounters you have, be it good or bad. But don't get upset at others because you failed to realize not all people are like you.