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About KandyCid

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    Trying to Murder Robbers- Staying Healthy- Harassing the Untote/ or Lebensunterhalt tot

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  1. KandyCid

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    idk if its a reoccurring thing or it just happen, yesterday I jumped on .59 and the well wouldn't work for me> apples, sodas and canteens did, I nearly dehydrated trying, I tried spamming the well + drinking reg over and over
  2. KandyCid

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Barracading might be cool, idk, really cant tell until its exploited :lol: as far as my frames being at 10,(my resolution was set wrong in-game, my bad
  3. KandyCid

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I'm getting 10 frames less in the experimental, hoping it just b/c its "unstable"--I haven't seen anything about the wardrobe being a thing but I also noticed the fridge no longer has an interaction> are these 2 being swaped out as the unusable stationay storage? :P JK, kinda figured the wardrobes are for when base building comes into effect and will be able to block off a house from entry< not sure but like I said haven't seen anything about it..
  4. KandyCid

    Who is Who? violator

    kill logs, go on the servers teamspeak and tell your name to an admin and what time and with what weapon u where kiled by> probably gameservers.com is the best place to find a contact for the server. if they have these rules posted im sure they have a TS channel.
  5. KandyCid

    Mayhem At Myshkino Tents (DayZ Video)

    great video?
  6. KandyCid

    Trading Post

    I have 1 to trade for a few MP5 Mags, no 15 round ones though> I live In USA but anytime I could be available just pm me or add me on steam
  7. KandyCid

    The Compass to Map Ratio: ._.

    if you take that quote out of context w/out reading the rest then yes it looks as a troll post would look<<lol, that grammar << but if u would have checked a lil bit I wasn't referring to using the compass on that part>> at the time I went west using the compass and ended up in the N undev. zone not way the fk out west indev. zone> " I I then went NE via the compass hoping to end up at NWAF>> my suggestion/post if you will my good man says that the compass wasn't being entirely true at the moment so I tried to correct the difference but apparently it was only bugging at times> the compass hasn't gave me any trouble at in awhile but @ the time of this post it was really wonky my brother
  8. KandyCid

    No IV Start Kits?

    since the iv start kits work with damaged salines i'd say they're rare
  9. KandyCid

    Hive ddos attack (Is it safe yet?)

    thanks guys, i dont mind losing my public character but id rather not play on my private hive ones..public char. only has a fully kited mp5 and an aug -_- I may try it out later today..kinda anxious
  10. I hadn't played since the server crashes and am skeptical to start playing ATm b/c of the last +Dev Blog+, Alot of Steam groups reported the DOS attack and warned plp of coming on but no news in a few dayZ, any1 playing having trouble on the Private/Public Hives?
  11. KandyCid

    Stuck in military base death pit at 079/007

    definetly a trap door, sum1 probably dug that with a field shovel
  12. KandyCid

    Anti-stab vest

    yeah , runnick, u kinda didn't read what I posted?
  13. When you get arrested for sitting on top the Schools watching for bandits to enter the police station and kill/restrain someone
  14. KandyCid

    Dark nights? Where'd they go? Also: Thunder?

    If there's the gamma and brightness settings, which other survival games dont have and are doing great then why not take out weapons flashlights and hand held ones, if brightness is an issue then hit the button on the monitor>< if this is a hardcore PvP game and not a survival game they should just drop the bomb, people have a lot of high hopes for this game and doesn't seem like it's going in the survival direction..having to eat drink and bandage dosen't make it survival--_--l if that's the case then all shooters are survival because we never want to die - on the days that rain all day, storms on, I hear the thunder but not on the reg rainy sometimes dayz
  15. KandyCid

    Day Z as it should be : The Earth Abides

    yeah the jungle rot is real people =_= and I haven't found any soap or deodorant anywhere so better stay dry, grab a dress if it bothers you or play a different game because this game is tagged as survival and not pvp but at the same time it's advertised to be the Survival game you want it to be..even the devs pvp in their youtube sessions I've seen, but a free roam server would be nice where there were strict PvP zones...Saints of Survival server has the where you only KOS and PvP in military zones, Air Fields, and Tent Cities but KOS still happens there but the Admins are very active and even have a clan that plays on the server...but even with those restrictions and several admins banning, ppl still cant get robbed without getting themselves killed and sure as hell cant stand for someone to talk to them if they have full gear.. something happens when ppl get a rare weapon, they become scared and paranoid or something Hint^ KOS is great thing to do but like I said free roam restricted kos servers would be nice if ppl could handle it, it is a multiplayer game built around interaction... also played a Rust Modded server yesterday, you spawn in fully geared, grenades C4 medz, the works, 15x looting and ppl actually had bases there, a great clan server good for PvP