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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Work on infected. But honestly i'm completely and utterly bored of playing on chernarus anyway so i don't think it will matter much in the end. Really wished they would have had part of the development team working on an additional map.

    Dayz Mentioned in Extra Credits.

    Your friends must be a lot like mine, By any chance are they the type that would rather play world of warcraft until there brains turn into liquid and trickle out there nose? Because that's exactly how my friends are, it's pure blasphemy to me how they can have any fun playing some thing so utterly boring. Not that Dayz it exciting all of the time, but the whole purpose of playing is for those "moments" when shit hit's the fan.

    The problem with the game. My views

    My philosophy on the loot system now is "if it looks like loot would not spawn there, then loot it" And half the time i find a mosin or blaze, Can's of food and clouthes.

    The problem with the game. My views

    I play on a private server so i think it's hilarious that anyone is complaining about loot, I dislike the server hopping exploit. I have had absolutely no issue's with finding loot, Also the server im on does not seem to respawn loot as quickly as others, still no issue's, i'm fully geared, bored as hell, my character has been alive for 10 days. Life sucks with gear :/

    Status Report - 30 Oct 2015

    NO way! They are actually changing the aggressive stance! I had filled a ticket about "toggle raise weapon" conflicting with "raise weapon" control's "raise weapon" Conflicts if you decide to remove "toggle raise weapon" from your key bind, You find yourself in the situation that if you right click to aim down your iron sights you become stuck as there is no way to un toggle that view, Yes you could leave Toggle raise weapon bound to your keys but's it's annoying thing to have to micro manage. My favorite part of the Status report was: "but as covered in the PAX presentation there are changes we'd like to look into making to the infected, specifically in the area of spawning and distribution that should go miles towards a more rewarding (and scary!) experience when it comes to crawling through cities looking for gear." Just seeing the word (Scary) made me very excited, i have lamented on and on about how the Zombies are key to a strong Dayz experience throughout Early game, mid game, end game. Hard to say if any of it was seen by the development team but i have been holding my breath for news on zombie behavior :')

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    So what you are saying is that in 1pp you cant shoot out windows properly...but 3pp fixes that issue?

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    To be fair, they can't remove 3PP now, it's to little to late, and to be honest as salty as i am for the hardcore community being chucked in the garbage can, i still wouldn't want anyone to experience what we have to deal with. "no options" Cause that's what its like,"no options" If it wasn't for dayz underground, i would have no where to play in Dayz, because i only like first person. Imagine that, a game you absolutely love...but can't play...because everyone's playing 3PP, you become bitter and resentful of the community but you say nothing and continue on by not being able to play the only game you want to play. It's still like that in Arma 3, Unless you find some private exclusive community you will hardly find 1PP servers, and less face it, no one wants to sit at there computer after a long days work and try to find these "secret society's" of first person players, Some of us looked forward to coming home and being fully immersed in a military sim, come to find out you got stuck in a 3PP server with a bunch of bratty kids who killed you because you were trying to flank them up hill. Then proceed to taunt you even though they killed you in the least skilled way possible? Does that sound like an experience that anyone want's to have? sorry i'm rattling off again. But this is what it has come down to for a lot of us and it's beyond frustrating. Ill tell you what we need, 3PP needs to stay, regardless of anyone's view's or opinions on it But some thing must be done for the 1PP community, I don't think hardcore official servers will make any kind of dent at all. But good god it's some thing and we will take it.

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Dude type in Dayz underground next time your on. Awsome server, some of them are too friendly for my liking but i have a character that's been alive 9 days and has 14 kills under his belt. Some thing that would just not happen for me in 3PP

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Were a dying breed, 3PP wins by default because its what the majority are introduced to when they first start playing (either back in 2012 or now) and it becomes a bad habit that sticks. I think its awsome to see your character but anything beyond that makes no sense to me, especially in a game like this. I mean in single player rainbow six vegas this stuff is fine, but were not playing a single player game here........

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    You know whats pointless? The fact that your fighting about some thing that obviously needs to be balanced, 1PP and 3PP are both features in the game, they are trying to balance that out. So whats your problem with it exactly? Don't worry, all you cheaters will still have your precious 3PP.

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    No he said he would never fully remove 3PP, he didn't say anything about official servers. Are you mad?

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Because we are sick of all the "silly excuses" as to why bad/toxic mechanics should be in the game, I agree, it would be a shame not to be able to admire those beautiful graphics on our backpacks, but when your raging on your computer screen because someone spotted you from over a wall and killed you.....that's just unacceptable. I bet the 3PP community has some of the biggest ragers compared to the 1PP community. The fact of the matter is, there is no denying that 3PP is broken. I refuse to watch streamers who play on 3PP simply because i think it's a pathetic play style and the things they do in 3PP is just hilarious and anti tactical and i just cant take it seriously. -In 1PP you don't get tunnel vision on the ground when your looting, your constantly aware of your surroundings, otherwise you are good as dead. (observed by a 3pp streamer) -Your not going to run around the fire station like an idiot because you know two players are inside. In 1PP You would probably watch from a distance and find "actual cover" like your supposed top do and observe at a distance (observered by 3pp streamer) (the streamer died btw) -Your not going to run around like an idiot period if you want to survive in 1PP, im always planning out a route and running from cover to cover while trying to have 360 awareness as much as possible. -In 1PP you have an increased awareness to your breathing and stamina, you learn to manage these things in order to be ready for a surprise encounter and are aware of the noise it makes when being out of breath. (AKA don't run around like an idiot) The whole dynamic of the game changes in 1PP, The game becomes more intense over all and everyone is on a level playing fields, A patient player is a successful player more often then in 3PP. You could have a high ground position in 3pp and pin down a player in behind a wall and he will still know your location because he can look over the wall and spot you. In 1PP they have no sweet clue where you are, only the direction which the shot came from. The dynamic changes extremely. Same goes for playing in towns, you now have to use your sense's or watch for shadows in order to know if there is another player over the wall (stealth plays a bigger role now) When you play 3PP your really playing the worst version of Dayz, Your cheating yourself, not anyone else. You just sucked more then half the fun out of the game, the envirnoment is less immersive, the game feel's more arcade, and the epicness of random player encounters becomes impotent. (especially when you can see them over walls)

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Except they fail to realize that every time someone utterly destroy's them in dayz that its probably because of 3PP camara abuse. I have performed 100% better in Dayz using first person servers.

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Does anyone even play on official servers anymore though? Otherwise i agree with 1pp.

    Pick up the pace

    I hope they don't reach beta by quarter 1 2016, they still have alot of things on the road map that need to be finished, Dayz finishing in Q1 2016 is my worst nightmare unless they have all the features added in.