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About Emmortal

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  1. Emmortal

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Totally agree! It would be great if the nights had a real effect on gameplay. Unfortunately with gaming monitors being a thing, all that locking the gamma in-game would do is give some people a HUGE advantage at night. Wish there was a fix for this but not sure there's really anything they can do. :(
  2. Emmortal

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    VSS confirmed!
  3. Emmortal

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Guns are on a different cleanup/despawn timer
  4. Emmortal

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Good observation, it's one of the things that I was thinking to test today to add to the bug report. I don't think the game can tell the difference between something dropped vs something spawned in if it's sitting right by a spawn point. I'm guessing all item spawn points have a small radius and anything inside that is excluded from the cleanup script. Would explain the obviously dropped items sitting in deer stands & police stations (and other spots, those are the most obvious though) for days on end. Yeah, definitely something that needs to be looked at. Players shouldn't have to consciously recycle in a zombie apocolypse!
  5. Emmortal

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I created a bug report on this issue today after reading a couple posts on reddit with the same kind of experience with item cleanup, and seeing similar things myself. You should add your information to it if you have a minute :) https://feedback.dayz.com/view.php?id=27433
  6. Emmortal

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yes, I've lost a couple weapons this way. I think you can drag your shouldered weapon to your hands while double carrying and it works fine, dragging your carried weapon to your shoulder you have a high chance of losing it. It's not something that I want to test with guns I want to keep, but I plan on testing a little if I find an extra sporter or crossbow or something. Lost a carbine last night to this, not that I had any ammo for it but still.
  7. Emmortal

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Hmm I haven't seen that particular one before, but I have come across similar item spawns I couldn't take and it's almost always something very valuable... so frustrating. :(
  8. Emmortal

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I'm so with you on that one. If I've found a pen I like to leave cryptic notes around here and there, it's a shame most will probably never be seen.
  9. Emmortal

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Have to agree, most of the streamers just run around looking for people to kill. I know PVP is a large aspect of the game but I find the friendly encounters generally far more enjoyable and memorable. I do quite like watching TheRunningManZ of late though. His play is pretty solid and he doesn't go full KOS, opting instead to talk to people first most of the time, depending on who he's playing with. His youtube videos are also pretty entertaining to watch.
  10. Emmortal

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    It's party time!!!! https://youtu.be/_qixMnBDaw4?t=19s
  11. Emmortal

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Can confirm, though for me I've found them in more than one building, but those buildings are always side-by-side. These screenshots were also in Novaya Petrovka I believe. Second one is just a zoomed view from the same spot as the first, showing the tents across on the other roof. The secret is this: tenement buildings are clumped together and all of them will be empty of loot except for one. (I'm guessing that most people give up after searching a single building and find no loot at all) When you find the right building it will have all of the tents. IMT and I took a single trip to Novaya Petrovka and came back with a full camp. I found a mil tent backpack and I carried a car tent, IMT put two civ tents in a mountain backpack and also carried one back. Instant camp! There were at least 6 more civ tents in that single tenement building. So just keep looking until you find the right building, then shop for your tent of choice :D I've seen this in both Novaya Petrovka and Novod, I suspect it's probably true anywhere short tenements are clumped together though
  12. Emmortal

    How was your Day(Z)?

    From 0.58, two night ago... I had been going since the last wipe and I was pretty decently geared up - full camo, scoped blaze, magnum with two speedloaders and an FNX45 I had just found (no ammo yet though) sitting in my backpack - not great but holding my own. The problem was, it had been raining on the server for about two days straight and I was approaching hypothermia from being wet and cold for so long. I was in the middle of nowhere somewhere around Vyshnoye and found a house at the side of the road. I checked out the area and all seemed quiet, so I gathered what I needed, made a fire in the hearth and hunkered down with my magnum at the ready just in case. I finally lost the cold status and everything was drying off when someone comes bursting through the door swinging an axe! I jump up, get past him (he missed) and make a break for the door only to run right into his friend, also with axe drawn. I unload my magnum into his face (no way I missed at point-blank range, but he doesn't go down, thanks game!!!) and a second later I'm unconscious. Oddly they didn't kill me and I start seeing my items disappear from my hot-bar. Then, about a second later I'm awake! I popped up and just started running! They took a couple shots at me (with my own damn blaze!) but miss and, bleeding and in naught but my skivvies, I make for the hills. I'm probably a minute from going unconscious again when I come across the heli crash site of all things where I had gotten the FNX45, and quickly cut up some rags with a knife I had found in a shed along the way. Bandaged and bruised, I picked up what clothes were at the crash site and head for the nearest town to try to re-gear with full plans to go hunt down the bandits who robbed me. I quickly found some water and food and started healing and things were looking up. About 10 minutes later, as I'm sitting enjoying a can of peaches in the upper room of a two-storey house, I see movement across the hall! I quickly shout "I'm friendly, I have nothing on me!!" but it's too late, he was decidedly unfriendly. I see the flash from his AK and I'm dead.