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About bananaman2114

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bananaman2114

    When is 1.8.7 Release?

    I was looking over the posts to try and find any info on when 1.8.7 will be released and I thought it was meant to be last month, has anyone got any info on the release day?
  2. bananaman2114

    DayZ Mod

    That's awesome,mid you could make that worm with rope in the original mod it would be the best thing ever. You guys are the coolest mod dev so have ever spoken to! :P
  3. bananaman2114

    DayZ Mod

    Ok thanks. Also is there any way to post suggestions? The only thing that I would love right now is Hancuffs, now I know it's not Dayz Standalone and it would be impossible to do on a mod. But even if you could put it on and it just stops the player unt you take them off. Like you don't need a key. Anyway like I said, thanks for the reply! Great work work with the DayZ Mod! :)
  4. bananaman2114

    DayZ Mod

    Ok, so I know this could be a noob couple of questions but I don't really understand. I really want the update that adds the shovel and stuff, I know it's being made, but has the update come out and the post updates are what is being added every small update. Or is that what you guys are adding, but that is a list of things that will be added in the final update? Also, is there a way to test out and see if the things work when you add them in if it the seconds case.