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Everything posted by grimlok

  1. grimlok

    Herding animals

    Dogs and horses seem to be the only feasibly realistic companion types without stepping into the realm of cartoony/arcadey.
  2. grimlok

    Enfusion + VBS3 = Winning?

    Enfusion + VBS3 = Anyone without a $3000 PC won't be playing
  3. grimlok

    Bikes Confirmed = New Goal

    Kos is the definition of troll play style? What are you smoking? DayZ is a game about survival and doing it in anyway possible. Whether it's living off the land, scrounging for food in towns and cities, or killing an unsuspecting traveler for their gear. As for this thread, bikes were confirmed a long time ago and this is nothing new.
  4. How many people are not familiar with fps mechanics?? The best part of DayZ and even the Arma games is the learning curve involved. Besides, there are tutorials all over youtube that hand hold you on how to play DayZ.
  5. grimlok

    Bikes Confirmed = New Goal

    It's a game, relax.
  6. grimlok

    Resting - The fourth survival need.

    Yes to the resting for a few minutes. The other two, I'm still undecided on.
  7. grimlok

    Shotguns vs SMGs

    do you like to spray n pray or do you like things that go boom? Both are good
  8. grimlok

    Where are the new hotspots?

    The only place not on your list is Berezino..... hint, hint, nudge, nudge
  9. grimlok

    Could anybody help me with something......

    Start with everything on max and work your way down
  10. grimlok

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Not all games on the console are locked at 30 fps. Also, you're better off buying a PS4 or an Xbox One for $500 to have better and smoother graphics and gameplay. Myself personally would rather shell out $2500+ to build a very good gaming computer
  11. grimlok

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    From my original post in this thread Acknowledging that, yes, mods are coming. We'll move on to your post yet again. Again you added words to my post by saying, "Extra everything" where not once did I say, state or even hint at adding "extra" to the game. Now on to Epoch. Epoch is not a survival game. It is a dumbed down sloppy "PvP, build a sky tower, self blood-bag, 1000 cars, starting gear, every weapon known to man crap fest with zombies sprinkled in just like every other mod beyond DayZ. DayZ Origins was decent but died out because people couldn't handle it. Now you'll most likely blabber on saying that if DayZ was so good why is Epoch popular? It's popular because it's easy, non survival, gives everything handed to you without a smidgen of effort. People like this kind of game. As for mods, they can be great, when they don't ruin the playing experience. We've already got four different server types to spread out the already thin playerbase now tack on mods and that spreads it even thinner into whatever different variations that will be created.
  12. grimlok

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    Extra? Ya, your reading level is very childish. Not once did I say I want "extra" anything. Creating other items, why not. Not adding extra. That's just you being a child and putting words in my nouth What's so hard to figure out about Epoch when I have clearly stated, "Mods that retract from the main focal point of the game" aka survival. Epoch is not a survival game. It's a very sloppy version of minecraft.
  13. grimlok

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    Your reading comprehension has hit an all time low. Copy and paste a sales pitch?? Lmao, tell that to Hicks. Go look at the goddamn mod if you want proof that mods detracted from the main focal point of the game. Again, you're arguing saying that I don't want mods. No, learn to bloody read. I'm fine with mods as long as they don't detract from the main "FOCAL POINT" of the game. "SURVIVAL"
  14. grimlok

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    Right off the store page. DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which players follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. Players can live through powerful events and emotions arising from the ever-evolving emergent gameplay. Anything that detracts from the above statement is damaging to the game. Mods such as different maps, clothing sets, weapons, food items, backpacks, animals, infected are good as long as they don't detract from the main focal point of the game. And just an fyi, I started back in the Vanilla mod of DayZ, so, yes, I've played DayZ. Epoch, Overpoch, Underpoch, Chickenpoch, is not DayZ.
  15. grimlok

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    The deer has a moustache :o
  16. grimlok

    0.58 New Barracks

    It's too fool people into thinking you're not a bandit.
  17. grimlok


    Any long range rifle, whether it be bolt action or semi-auto, is good for sniping as long as you're good at sniping.
  18. grimlok

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    If you don't know what the main focal point of the game is, this conversation is done and you're just a troll. And the focal point follows b, c, d & e
  19. grimlok

    Do not make DayZ SA Moddable.

    Mods will be good if a} they are moderated b} do no detract from the main focal point of the game c} spawn rate cannot be adjusted d} cannot give starting gear e} cannot change how many items/weapons/gear spawn in to the word
  20. grimlok

    Flashlights - blinding effect

    When the game was first released it actually got dark and you had to use your flashlight or, like you said, did the gamma cheat.
  21. grimlok

    Flashlights - blinding effect

    Game kind of needs an actual night time that gets dark to make flashlights even worth using.
  22. grimlok

    Obtain higher FPS in DayZ

    For those who complain and say the game is unplayable due to performance are either a} lying, b} trying to run the game on a complete potato that doesn't remotely match the requirements or c} have so much crap running on their computer that it just bogs down their system. Performance is not the number one priority. Creating the game so it's whole comes first then performance and that is an actual fact.
  23. grimlok

    Magazine Placement affecting Reload Speed

    But but mah 3pp immersion. I think it's all about the animation which is what made the Arma games what they are, besides the tactical military similator. I personally would prefer animations over a silly timer bar.
  24. grimlok

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    DayZ coming to the console is a very good thing, especially for those who don't want to buy a proper computer for running todays games. They can just buy a console for $400-$500 or however much they are which is at least $1000 less than a decent gaming computer.