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About grimlok

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  1. grimlok


  2. You should educate yourself a little bit before getting into conversations you know nothing about. Learn something about DRM.
  3. True. Game companies do not give out their code for their games but do give out their source engine. IE Unreal Engine, Half-life Engine
  4. grimlok

    Let's discuss about building interiors

    My biggest pet peeve about interiors is how everything is bolted to the floor. You can bump into furniture and nothing moves.
  5. grimlok

    DayZ on consoles

    This is true plus a large part is the fact that you have to pay for Xbox Live to even access their network.
  6. And that's a bad thing, why?
  7. Where the hell are you getting your dates from?? Lol beta 2014?? Start of beta by the end of 2015 and out of early accrss by mid 2016. Jesus, make more shit up. Also, I re-edited my post again because you obviously didn't pick up on the sarcasm about being on schedule
  8. grimlok

    Set "lock Spawn" to players for 24h

    How would it punish bambies? My idea of adding 30 seconds to the spawn timer everytime you die/suicide within 5 minutes is fairly reasonable. If you keep getting killed within 5 mins of spawn you should re-evaluate your gameplay.
  9. Here we go, officially solved http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223250-quarterly-status-report-quarter-1-2015/ Q1 2015 Basic vehiclesAdvanced loot distributionNew rendererNew Zombie AIBasic stealth system (zombies and animals)DiseasesImproved cooking and horticultureAdvanced anti-hack system (Dynamic BattlEye)Q2 2015 Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications)Advanced animals (life cycle, group behavior)Player statisticsNew UIPlayer staminaDynamic eventsWorld containersNew physics systemQ3 2015 TrapsBarricadingCharacter life span + soft skillsAnimal predators + birdsAerial transportConsole prototypeAdvanced communicationQ4 2015 Animal companionsSteam community integrationConstruction (base building)Beta version, expected price €34.99 / $43.99.Now I've gone and scratched off everything that I can recall they actually did. So, as you can see, we're still technically in the first quarter if you want to go by what's been accomplished. As the devs have stated over and over and over, everything is subject to change due to complexity and things breaking so I believe we are in the 3rd quarter and right on schedule. Bolded red text to simulate sarcasm.
  10. grimlok

    When they actually add zombies to this game...

    Holy narrow-minded and one way thinking. PvP will not be the norm because of stuff. PvP will always have it's place but it is not the norm. When a player has to choose between his last few bullets or "stuff" I'll bet you my last can of tuna that player will not choose wasting their bullets. PvP is very much the norm right now as bullets, weapons, food, items, everything but survival is all over the place.
  11. grimlok

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    Pretty much all of this. Not sure if the developers forgot what kind of game they are making, gave up on the type of game they are making or just went all out for the money now. Not one smidgen of survival difficulty has been added to the game since launch.
  12. Lol, why would I make another suggestion thread just to have that green titled guy come in with his smug attitude of, "Your search results wielded blah blah returns, locking". I personally would like the weapons to be as close to their real life counterpart as possible. Including attachments.
  13. Your babbling response was agreeing with someone then saying people who don't want realistic weapons are those who want 3pp removed which would in fact be wrong. People who want realistic weapons want 3pp removed so it adds to the "realism" of the game but again, 3pp is not what this thread is about. You want contribution, more weapon shake(not sway) from running for your life, being scared, from freezing, for not being a marine, remove the zeroing that is in game with a proper scope zeroing, add wind, damage to weapons, damage to the bullets, jamming, water logged, a safety. Want me to go on?