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Everything posted by jonnyboy1555

  1. jonnyboy1555

    Backpack Wraps

    Ok, so we all love backpacks on DayZ. We all hopefully want to get the Mountain Backpack, 35 slots of pure epicness, but it comes with a problem, the backpack is the most obvious item in the world. As soon as you wear this, you can be seen miles away. Sure, you can try going prone, but then all people will see is a huge red/green/etc. blob. My suggestion is very much like the ghillie gun wraps and suits. You would be able to craft a wrap for any backpack, but the larger the backpack, the higher the material cost. Now, as one of my friends said, because of the carrying capacity it should have a downside, but I think if a player makes the trip to a fishing village and specifically goes around collecting burlap strips they have earned the ability to make their backpack camouflaged. So when you finally assault the airbase in the middle of the night, you can blend in more to the surroundings. I also think that you should be able to roll up the netting and attach it to the backpack, rather than having to place the roll in the backpack, much like a sleeping bag or roll mat.
  2. jonnyboy1555

    Finding Your Location

    Now I've been playing DayZ for a while now, since the Summer of 2014. I have to admit, it was hard to play because of my PC being terrible but now I have upgraded I can enjoy the beauty of DayZ. Anyway, to the point, there needs to be an in-game way of finding your location in DayZ. This means without opening the map on Chrome or Mozilla, a completely in-game function. I think you should be able to find your exact location (Roughly) in-game, using items in the game. The first is of course, a map and then a compass, simple enough. By having both theses items, when equipping the map in you hands you should have the option of "Check Location". However, there are some conditions for this. Conditions for location Must have the correct map, i.e. the full Chenarus map or the map that relates to your whereabouts. For example, if you have the full map you will be able to find your location anywhere, whereas if you only have a section, you can only find yourself in that area If you have the wrong map, i.e. the area that you aren't in. Instead of nothing happening, the player should receive the message/command "I can't seem to locate myself", informing the player that they don't have the correct map. The last main condition should be the time it takes to use the "Find location" command/ability. Let's be honest, map reading is going take time, but making a player wait for 30 seconds to a minute is not going to be fun, so I think it should be around 10-15s. I know it seems long but we have to take into account how long it would actually take for map reading and the DayZ time frame. We have to scale the time in according to DayZ, so 15s doesn't seem that bad to find your location. The last thing to say is that this may require another item, such as a basic GPS, so if you have a Map, compass and GPS you can find your exact location, but if you only have a map and compass you could find your rough location. Anyway, that's my suggestion. Please comment/ leave ffedback and hopefully it could be added into the game!