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About Nerusix

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    "Enter a few short details about yourself, your life story etc." 0101010101 Server overload due
  1. Nerusix

    Texture Problem -Need help

    SPECS: GTX 970, I7 4790k, 16GB RAM.
  2. Nerusix

    Texture Problem -Need help

    Hello. Everything was perfect, untill yesterday. I updated the game, changed a few settings and I was able to play DayZ without any Problems at all. Today I changed a few settings and now I get this Texture Problem. I can't manage to fix it. So my problem is: -Huge Texture problems on any settings. -Trees and grass are 'flicking' when moving the mouse/looking around. Screenshots of the Texture Problem (this is on high settings, when I'm lowering the settings, it's even worse) : Look at the trees and the building. This wasn't the case before. More screenshots: imgur.com/a/EJrtD Please help me, so I can normally play DayZ again, Thanks a lot.
  3. i found more umps and m4s than a car plug
  4. Nerusix

    so how good is the UMP 45 in 0.58 stable?

    its badass with a silencer.
  5. Nerusix

    Trading Post

    3x or I also accept 2x
  6. Nerusix

    Trading Post

    Netting for m4 all parts of the gun: I'm at the NWA and looking for a fast trade so I can finally build up a ghille. bump. I just want netting ffs
  7. Nerusix

    Action in .58

    NWAF on full Pop. This. THIS IS ACTION
  8. Nerusix

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD - Issue 2

    you want to trade the svd for m4 + 3x 60/60 mags ? All parts are on this gun + acog. HMU
  9. Nerusix

    fishing nets in 0.58?

    Hey, anyone who found fishing nets in 0.58? I searched since the beginning of 0.58, never found any. Since I want to go fully sniper, does anyone wants to trade it for a m4 and 60/60 rounds?
  10. Nerusix

    Trading Post

    I offer: M4 worn with all parts and 60/60 mag, plus green spraypainted OR a UMP 45 prestine with reddot sign but no mag for a simply fishing nets. Proof that I actually own this gun: all parts of the gun: I'm at the NWA and looking for a fast trade so I can finally build up a ghille.
  11. Nerusix

    Need assistance in Myshkino

    I saw this post too late :/
  12. Nerusix

    Trading Post

    Looking for: -car plug (searched 1 day, gave up). -Green baclava HMU tell me what you want.
  13. Nerusix

    Trading Post

  14. Nerusix

    Where is everyone?

    Full pop server > NWA. This. This is hardcore
  15. Nerusix

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Where are all the zombies and why the fuck are batteries still ultra rare?