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Everything posted by iamBATMAN

  1. Hey looking for a chill, laid back people to play with. 20+ would be preferable, not looking for clans. I don't care if your good at this game, i don't care if you know the map or not, all i want is a person with wich we could have some shits and giggles while theres no action in chernarus. I am not interested in being tactical, strategic all the time, it gets boring real quick, I will be serious during combat situations, but don't expect me to sneak around from bush to bush just because im scared to loose my gear. Getting gear is the most fun part of this game so i don't mind dying in process of trying to pull of something against the odds. If ur enjoying having fun over taking gaming seriously let me know here.
  2. iamBATMAN

    Looking for chill, laid back EU people to play with

    any EU people down for some dayZ?
  3. iamBATMAN

    Need people to play with, please.

    what region ur from?
  4. iamBATMAN

    Looking for people to play with

    Do u play only mod, or standalone aswell?
  5. iamBATMAN

    Changing Chernogorsk

    So i was reading through this week status report thread http://steamcommunity.com/games/221100/announcements/detail/85925131387907529 and i saw a post of them stating about Chernogorsk changes. What i do wanna talk about is why does Chernogorsk need a change? Devs themselves in a thread state that Chernogorsk is one of the most iconic cities in Chernarus, and judging from the pictures of the Chernogorsk in the future the changes are pretty drastic. My problem with this is that it gonna happen the same that happened with Berezino after the changes Berezino doesn't feel like Berezino anymore, so I am afraid that Chernogorsk won't feel like Chernogorsk anymore. It's cool how there were added bunch of new cities and villages in empty parts of the map, but these huge changes to Most ICONIC cities in Chernarus seem so intrusive and sad for me a player who spent 1000+ hours in standalone and countless hours in the mod. I put up this thread, becouse i wanna hear what other people think of it, maybe it's just me who thinks thatthese changes are more detrimental than positive? Please don't be lazy and state your opinion on the matter, I am really interested what does DayZ community think of this matter. Thank you for your time reading through this
  6. iamBATMAN

    What changed with DayZ?

    Idk what changed, but something definetly changed, i agree. Loot is not the issue i believe. Player base changed i think, coz nowdays i see like 1 dude in a couple of days whos just fooling around dayZ while having fun and trying to find friendlies to chill with. Majority of players have groups thats have set up camps outside the map stashing theyre loot and trucks there. What makes worse some server admins (not gonna mention witch server) are dupping shit themselves, ive seen it with my own eyes. Thats maybe what changed, but maybe i just getting tired of this game since i logged 900+ hours in it now. One more thing that making me very sad is the changes they did to berezino, and when i saw they're future plans for cherno i was like, why? Even the devs say chernogorsk is one of the most iconic cities in chernarus, so why are you trying to change it? Its not gonna be the same old Chernogorsk then anymore, i would put like a petition against changing the main cities, but i dont really now where to put it. All people i play with are also very negative about berezino change and incoming cherno change, it would be ni8ce to know what are your guys opinion on the matter is
  7. I met like 5 female players in dayZ during my 700+ in the game. Female in video games same as in real life, bring different vibes to the experience, sometimes forcing different aproach to situation that you wouldnt handle in the same manner by yourself or with male players. As a male whenever i encounter a female, and if she does need help ill try to help (every man wants to help out a lady i think thats mans nature and instinct, in some sense). Girls definetly can hold their weight in video games, although it depends from the person, some people are naturally more or less adept in certain activities so that applies for males and females both, thats why some females can pull their weight some dont, but same thing might be said about males. Talking about ural jokes, they always tell me me to drive, so that kinda answers themselves. Out of 5 girls i met in game i ended up playing for months to come, you just gotta treat them like you would treat them in real life and dont feak out about girl online. (OMG ARE YOU ARE GRILL? wild grill appears and you see like 12 bambie bodyguards running around her trying to prove theyre white knightness to her, i think the lack of female numbers are influenced by creepy male players which they encounter in game and in order to avoid those they quit playing video games or move on to the less interactive video games with no voip and such. Interdasting discussion.