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About Mostabdel

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Mostabdel

    Fal Dont Found

  2. Mostabdel

    Fal Dont Found

    thx i will try this
  3. Mostabdel

    Stable Update 1.02

    we dont find a Fal or FAL dont spawn its normal ?
  4. Mostabdel

    Fal Dont Found

    Hi All after this update of the 1.02 and the add of new weapon like winchester & Fal in Our Server Dont Found or find a Fal its normal . i add it in type.xml help pls ..!!!
  5. Mostabdel

    Stable Update 1.02

    many lags and beug realy
  6. Mostabdel

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    what with vilayer must reinstal the server or what ? i make update with steamcmd but stil dont work and tell me bad version
  7. Mostabdel

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    what hapen with vilayer we cant make this update and server autorestart all time ? what can i do now ?
  8. Mostabdel

    What is Mean This Script

    void Set(ChatMessageEventParams params) // Param 1 --> Channel, Param 2 --> sender name, Param 3 --> message, Param 4 ?? { int channel; m_NameWidget.SetText(""); m_TextWidget.SetText(""); SetColour(DEFAULT_COLOUR); m_RootWidget.Show(true); channel = params.param1; // 0 = Survior 1 = Game/System 2 = Admin Print(channel); /* if (params.param2 != "") { m_NameWidget.SetText( params.param2 + " : "); } if( channel & CCSystem ) { if(params.param2 != "") { m_NameWidget.SetText(GAME_PREFIX + ": " ); } SetColour(GAME_TEXT_COLOUR); } else if( channel & CCAdmin ) { m_NameWidget.SetText(ADMIN_PREFIX + ": "); SetColour(ADMIN_TEXT_COLOUR); } else if( channel & CCTransmitter ) { m_NameWidget.SetText(RADIO_PREFIX + params.param2 + " : "); } */ if ( channel & CCSystem ) { // Game if(params.param2 != "") { m_NameWidget.SetText(GAME_PREFIX + ": " ); } SetColour(GAME_TEXT_COLOUR); } else if ( channel & CCAdmin ) { // Admin m_NameWidget.SetText(ADMIN_PREFIX + ": "); SetColour(ADMIN_TEXT_COLOUR); } else if ( channel & CCTransmitter ) { // Radio - Trasnmitter m_NameWidget.SetText(RADIO_PREFIX + params.param2 + " : "); } else if ( channel == 0 || channel & CCDirect ) { // Player if(params.param2 != "") { m_NameWidget.SetText(params.param2 + " : "); } } m_TextWidget.SetText(params.param3); m_FadeTimer.FadeIn(m_RootWidget, FADE_IN_DURATION); m_TimeoutTimer.Run(FADE_TIMEOUT, m_FadeTimer, "FadeOut", new Param2<Widget, float>(m_RootWidget, FADE_OUT_DURATION)); } private void SetColour(int colour) { m_NameWidget.SetColor(colour); m_TextWidget.SetColor(colour); } void Clear() { m_RootWidget.Show( false ); m_TimeoutTimer.Stop(); m_FadeTimer.Stop(); }
  9. Mostabdel

    Vehicles spawn repaired - How to do?

    Who can tell me what is mean this ? Fill( CarFluid.FUEL, 50 ); Fill( CarFluid.COOLANT, 6.0 ); Fill( CarFluid.OIL, 4.0 );
  10. Mostabdel

    Scripters Question & Answer Thread

    hi all who can help me with script to have cars spawn with full fuild ? !! thx for all
  11. Mostabdel

    Log Crash Server

    What it mean this messages in file log Crash : NULL pointer to instance. Variable 'PlayerObject' Class: 'PermissionsFramework' Function: 'ReloadPlayerList' Stack trace: JM/PermissionsFramework/Scripts/5_Mission/permissionsframework.c:138 scripts/3_Game/dayzgame.c:1669 and : [cheat] HandleInputData man=SurvivorBase<53e48160> is cheating with cmd=HAND_EVENT event=HandEventTake<f9937690> Class: 'DayZPlayerInventory' Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:44 scripts/4_World/systems\inventory\dayzplayerinventory.c:384 scripts/4_World/systems\inventory\dayzplayerinventory.c:292
  12. Mostabdel

    car spawn full

    how i can change this for have cars spawn full FUEL, OIL, BRAKE & COOLANT ? override void OnFluidChanged( CarFluid fluid, float newValue, float oldValue ) { switch ( fluid ) { case CarFluid.FUEL: m_FuelAmmount = newValue; break; case CarFluid.OIL: m_OilAmmount = newValue; break; case CarFluid.BRAKE: m_BrakeAmmount = newValue; break; case CarFluid.COOLANT: m_CoolantAmmount = newValue; break; } } help pls !!!
  13. Mostabdel

    file .ADM

    how can i find the file .ADM with server Vilayer ? pls help
  14. Mostabdel

    Vanilla++ v 0.4

    so what can i do ?
  15. Mostabdel

    Vanilla++ v 0.4

    how can i add rags to new players spawn in the mod ?