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About Dr5trange1ove

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    On the Coast
  1. Dr5trange1ove

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    i feel like picking up the topic of stamina and exhaustion again. And i brought some numbers, taken from sportsmagazines and other sources. While Jogging you burn 700-800 calories and you lose about 1.5 liters of water in one hour! So out of that we can calculate how long you can run before you're hungry and dehydrated. In a sprint at maximum speed the human body would burn 18000 kcal per hour!!! I don't have any numbers on dehydration while sprinting but i assume it would be more than anyone could drink in 1 hour so we leave that one out. You can't drink while sprinting anyways... The other important number is the running speed which is about 12 km/h average while jogging. In a sprint the record by Usain Bolt is 37,58 km/h. We can't assume that our DayZ-Char is a 100m-Sprinter training for Olympia so lets take the average of 35 km/h which is three times as much as the normal jogging speed. All these numbers are average for males with 75 kg weight. To make all the running system as realistic as possible we add the pulse, which is at 70 bpm. while browsing 9GAG :D and your maximum which can be determined by a simple formula: (220 – Age) x 0,6. Let's say our char is 30 years old so his maximum pulse is 114 bpm. If we wanna add a realistic system of stamina, fatigue and exhaustion, we have to imply pulse as well and furthermore the danger of a heart-attack! Almost as important as the pulse is the fact that body exertion will cause your muscles to pour out lactic acid showing itself through convulsions and aching muscles. Always keep in mind that these numbers are repesenting people in sportsdress, not carrying 40 kg of luggage and weaponry!!! What can we draw as conclusion? Adding a very realistic profile of exhaustion would overextend the games capacities and i think it's not necessary. But we can imply a system of energy-consumption and loss of liquid. We do not have to come up with a whole new engine calculating levels of lactic acid we can just take known numbers and put them into the game and take TIME as the main scale for every aspect, for example: Energy-consumption per minute while running/sprinting. Loss of liquid. Time till you get convulsions. Time till your pulse is so high you have to stop or risk a heart-attack. Weight of your gear and baggage affecting both maximum possible time of sprinting and maximum speed. One final example: From the shore in Kamyshovo it's 2 km to the centre of Elektro (running along the road). Jogging it'll take you 10 min. to get there, in a sprint you'll need 3.3 min. which sounds realistic to me, i've been there... if you jogged slowly (which nobody does atm) you'd burn 23.3 kcal, while in a sprint it were 990kcal! That's everything you had, starting with an energylevel of 1000 kcal. After 10 min of jogging you're far away from convulsions. but in a sprint your saturation of lactic acid would rise much faster and you'd hardly be able to move when you arrive. See you in Elektro, stay hydrated.
  2. Dr5trange1ove

    Sandbags (goes with base building)

    I like the idea very much and i almost posted the same suggestion, hence now i'm gonna enforce this one :D Everything you need to create a sandbag is a bag (burlap sack), sand and maybe a shovel. Yes, you could fill a bag with sand with your hands but let's say it'll be more effective with some kind of shovel.
  3. Dr5trange1ove

    Mayday, Smoke and Traps

    1. Crashsites: When i was driving my "Crashsite-Tour" and didn't come across a single Helicopter on 4 Servers i gave up very disappointedly. I read that there may be up to 3 crashsites on each server. Which means there can also be only one or two, or zero!!! On a clear day you can see the smoke from 1 km away, maybe a little more if you trained your eyes ;) But still, it takes a tour of about 10 km to visit or drive by 90% of all possible spawns. And don't tell me the ones i didn't find were on those spots... However my idea is: How about a SOS-Signal being radioed from the wreckage which you can receive with a Walkie-Talkie (maybe you have to be around 1 km to get it or sth like that) or a radiostation settled on Airfields, Green Mountain and similar places. It's not necessary the message contains the exact spot where the Chopper came down, assuming every passenger died in the crash, but it should contain some information like the last known position, which is sent in any SOS/Mayday. 2. Smoke: Thinking about the clearly visible smoke of the Helicopter wreckages we should consider using smoke as a signal, or on the hand trying to avoid making us detectable by a smoking fire. One will think twice and approach more carefully if u see smoke then. It could be someone roasting a deer, not the UH-1Y-Venom where you just wanted to get your brand new M4 with ammo n stuff. Making smoke signals would be quite easy, just put a wet piece of cloth on the fire, throw some leaves on it or soaked firewood. Doing so, you would also have to check if you got really dry wood to get yourself warm without smoking out all of Elektro. But! you may want to smoke someone out of a building. Start a smoking fire in the basement and force the occupants to leave or they will suffer from smoke intoxication and even die. The usage of fuel to start a fire should be implemented soon and easily, just to finish this thought. 3.Traps Picking up the idea of occupying a building, brings me to the point what to do to prevent people coming in. Let's say i'm involved in a firefight in a town and i want to hide, cover or simply take a crap in a building. Locking the door is the first step, but that doesn't keep anybody out if they really want to get in. Why not putting a metalwire across the threshold, so the evil bandits coming in will at least fall down (leg hurt or broken) and have to get up, which might give me the 3 more seconds i need to bandage myself. More effective would be attaching a grenade to the wire, so the splint is pulled when someone stretches the wire.