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Everything posted by iGROCK

  1. iGROCK

    Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

    I would have to say the worst part is the development team. Sorry if that offends you but you guys are doing a poor job with the amount of cash you racked for this game so far. Even though its an Alpha the Dev team is constantly breaking features that somehow make it to the stable branch. Even when they take longer than a month to put out a mediocre patch with limited content - somehow the so called stable update is full of bugs. They either need a new dev team or hire more people.
  2. iGROCK

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Whats sad is it took two months to release 0.56 patch, because with .58 its what we are getting. .57 wasnt even a full patch, so basically whatever wasn't put in is going to be put in in .58 and be called official... So at this points were 2 months behind schedule.
  3. iGROCK

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    The fact that you all want none stop military gear is what makes your ideas plain bad. If you want COD style weapons then please go play COD or ARMA series. The more high tech stuff is added the less immersive it's becoming.
  4. iGROCK

    Status Report - 14 May 15

    So why not release the current 0.56 without the zombies? Why wait until the end of the month to do the exact same thing?
  5. iGROCK

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    So they do in fact respawn loot but after a certain period of time? So technically they arent bugged?
  6. iGROCK

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Not much else we can do, but my main gripe is why add certain things if we cant use them to their full potential? We know the guns shoot, not much there to do in terms of bug testing you know. I have heard that chopper crashes are on a long time in terms of respawns in persistence. How true is that?
  7. iGROCK

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    They keep adding shit, and not fixing the existing issues. How long is this gonna go on for? Why introduce an SVD/VSS if we cant get mags for them? 0.56 will either be the best, or the worst patch yet. IMO they added too much, and too many bugs with all the shit they added.
  8. iGROCK

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Have they fixed helicopter respawns?
  9. iGROCK

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Here is a video of the VSS in action
  10. iGROCK

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Can anyone confirm whether they have fixed the helicopter crashes? Past patch they wouldnt spawn with persistence, or rather wouldnt respawn. If they havent fixed it then releasing the SVD/VSS is pointless since we cannot get magazines for those rifles.