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Posts posted by ScipioII

  1. I found stone on train tracks somewhere south of Svetlo once. I know not all tracks have the stone though.

    48 minutes ago, green_mtn_grandbob said:

    To work around finding stones inland, is to make your own, use a pickaxe and mine a large stone then split it to make a stone knife.  

    I did not know this is a thing! thanks Bob!

    • Like 1

  2. The sounds is probably something the developers will have to decide on what is a good balance in their opinion and stick to it. Some people like the birds, some don't.

    I like the new sounds except I find the wind sound very annoying. Some people like it...

  3. 1 hour ago, koffeekage said:

    Now you can all return to murdering eachother.

    I don't know. Experimental was pretty brutal with .62! In the past people were a bit friendlier on experimental but this go around it was a killing field.

    That was my experience but I had a blast anyway.

    The more I play this thing the more I get hooked. Flaws and all.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Tatanko said:

    Congrats to all the Exp regulars for testing long hours the last two weeks so this could be pushed to Stable quickly. Good work everyone! :)

    It was/is brutal!  I was axed to death by a friendly. He said "Hi dude" I said "Hi" and continue on running out a building, stop to check  my inventory and "Whack" .. dead. 

    Spawn in a barn seconds before two guys ran in. They called me some nasty names and ran away laughing.

    Was shot dead twice, and beaten by Z's once. Met one guy and he asked if I saw his buddy and then we separated peacefully. 

    One time my client completely  froze. as in I hear a sound and see movement once every 4~5 seconds and everything streaked. Terminated the process and rebooted. No dumps was produced.

    I like the sounds except for the wind sound is really load sometimes.

    And then there is this sign...


    • Like 6

  5. 5 hours ago, Jex said:

    What a stupid post - no wonder you have no issues with the game if you think like this.


    Yes, I expect that having taken mulit-millions from us they spend that money on making a game? You know, maybe hiring devs to work on things.


    It's been 4 and a half years


    Brooks's Law "adding manpower to a late software project makes it later" . 

    It is stupid to think that "us" thinks like you. Some maybe but not all. Some of us understand the development cycle and the issues the devs are experiencing. We still play and enjoy the game and help with bug reports.

    For 30 bucks I can't even get into SixFlags for an hour, my 30 bucks I gave to Bohemia gave me 900 hours so far and it just keep on giving.

    • Like 1

  6. One thing I did notice in .62 is that stone are really hard to find now. If you do not spawn on a beach, finding stone to craft a knife can be a challenge. I had to run around bleeding until I finally found stones on a railroad track.  Other players on the other hand could not find stones on the tracks.

    Was that an intentional change? 


    • Like 4

  7. Spawned in at Solnichniy in middle of the night .

    Found a V3S truck idling on one of the sidestreets. I did not see any other players nearby so I don't know if the ruck spawn idling or what. And this was right after .62 dropped

    Tried to interact with a jerrycan. It show the "empty, drink" statuses but I could not see it in my hands. 

    I froze to death soon after because I was not paying attention. Fun!   

    • Like 2

  8. I'm 53. 791 hours in and started playing in December of 2014. Currently in northern USA (Legal Alien! :-) ) and originally from RSA. 

    I like PvE more than PvP. Wish I have more time to play though. I usually play alone and only recently started to joining emuthreat and Biohaze etc. 

    • Like 5

  9. 51 minutes ago, Baty Alquawen said:

    New ambient sound is a part of the first 0.62 Experimental update.

    I have no idea why I didn't mention it in the list.

    I'm going to miss that damn bird! And the gate, fence in the wind.

    My first spawn was near Solnichniy (did not know at the time) and I remember the first time I heard that gate, nearly crapped my pants. I was killed shortly after that  by a Z. 

    I was hooked after that.

    • Like 1

  10. 14 minutes ago, Jex said:

    Because  I paid for a product and expect to see it delivered (or at least progressed) in good time just like the rest of us. You must love just being walked all over if you think we shouldn't have a voice for a product we've already paid for.

    So your ~30 ( pounds,dollars,lire,euros,rands ) investment entitle you to set the direction for and content of the game?

    Now we are moving from looney to bizarre. LOL I'm done wasting my time with this.

    Good luck.

    • Like 2

  11. 46 minutes ago, Jex said:

    It goes into looney land with posts such as yours. We all know the game isn't finished - what evidence do you have in the slightest that says they're going to go in the direction in my quote above? I'm betting you have zero.

    Why should the dev's do what you demand?  Are you the only player and everyone should play the game you want?

    There is a forum for suggestions.

  12. 28 minutes ago, Jex said:

    Why bother making a sack when burlap sacks are rarer than backpacks? This is where the devs go into loony land afaic. They make al lthis stuff then put in stuff which makes half the stuff utterly pointless. Stone knife anyone? Canned food? Apples? When all you need in a survival game is literally a "stone knife", I'd say your having a laugh.

    Good grief..... Seriously. How many times does the dev's have to say they are still working on the game? The loot system is not complete? The CLE is not balanced?

    This thread does not go to looney land... it IS looney land. Some people need a diaper change.

    • Like 1

  13. Fantastic progress! Beans to the Dev's! 

    1 hour ago, blackberrygoo said:

    <snip> I went through that phase and can tell you there's far better things (other games included) to spend your time on </snip>.

    Yet here you are, spending time on that thing you tell other people to not spend time on. I think there is a word for that.... hmm... irony? hypocrite?

    • Like 1