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Everything posted by ScipioII

  1. ScipioII

    Game launcher / server issue

    My "Recent" list is good. I do see the same crazy queue numbers. Everything else works as expected.
  2. Forgot to add: This error message indicate it maybe the issue: 10:39:04 Mission script has no main function, player connect will stay disabled! Check to see if you have your init.c in the /mpmissions/???map?? directory. (/mpmissions/dayzOffline.chernarusplus for Chernarus) If not download it from github : /BohemiaInteractive/DayZ-Central-Economy/tree/master/dayzOffline.chernarusplus (I double posted because my first post had the link to github that need moderator approval)
  3. Check to see if you have your init.c in the /mpmissions/???map?? directory. (/mpmissions/dayzOffline.chernarusplus for Chernarus) if not get it from https://github.com/BohemiaInteractive/DayZ-Central-Economy/tree/master/dayzOffline.chernarusplus Good luck.
  4. ScipioII

    Request for Linux server files for stable branch

    Adding a vote for Linux server support. Thanks
  5. One advantage of the mask is that it justify kos. No need to hesitate, kos on sight.
  6. ScipioII

    Stable Update 1.19

    This grumpy old geezer been in computers since before tcpip/ip was widespread and worked on networkin, performance, software, servers, hardware since yo mommy wiped the snot from your face.
  7. Rolling out as we speak.
  8. ScipioII

    Stable Update 1.19

    Speaking for myself, I have Linux servers I can use to run Dayz Server on. With linux I can just start up a new linux VM and run Dayz Server at no cost to me. For windows I need a windows license and that is not free.
  9. A low speed (crawling while turning) crash into a rock destroyed my truck. My toon was fine, stuff in the truck was fine. I unloaded all my stuff. Truck de-spawned soon after that.
  10. ScipioII

    1.19 Stable Release / Wipe News

    @Kingfisher5564uFor someone quitting the game you sure do spend a lot of time talking about it. Dayz is not for you and that is OK. For the rest of us, we will stick around and start new adventures. Good luck to you. I hope you find something else as good as Dayz. ( Faults and all! there are things to complain about, but with every upgrade and wipe, it just gets better! 🙂 )
  11. ScipioII

    1.19 Stable Release / Wipe News

    The server is free if you have the game.
  12. ScipioII

    1.19 Stable Release / Wipe News

    @Kingfisher5564u Michael, I feel your pain. The first wipe took me by surprise as well. I've been playing for 7+ years now. An I got used to it. Every time I get geared faster. An I actually enjoy the challenge once in a while. BUT... What I can advise you is to start your own private server on your pc and play on that. It is easy! You do not have to wipe and yo get the benefit of no wipes and no KOS. I have a massive base on my server and if I just want to relax and explore, I play on my server. If I feel like KOS I play on official or community server. Me and my son play on our server a lot and have fun building and finding new stuff. He only play on our server by the way. Give your own server a shot first before you give up. Also, it will be a nice way to get the wife to play with no fear of other players, just the infected and survival to worry about. You will love it... trust me. Edit: Watch this videos : Howto: Why:
  13. The infinite fuel comes from the same magical place that gives the survivors the infinite supply of canned food, canned drinks and ammo... T.L.E.
  14. ScipioII

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    @BCBasher Good to see you again! Hope all is well.
  15. ScipioII

    Stable Update 1.17

    It just makes sense to have a Linux server for dayz. 80% of servers in the real world runs linux. For a a small time operator it is very cost effective to run, admins are easy to get, and linux is very flexible and it is very capable at running diverse workloads. And the big one, most patches can go in without a reboot! It is way cheaper to commission a linux server for dayz than it is with windows. To pay for a windows server when you can get linux practically free makes no sense imho. With all that said, Windows is very capable. So it boils down to personal preference and money. AND it is great to have options!
  16. ScipioII

    Linux Client

    @Ken Bean Have you tried running Dayz with Proton? Great results.
  17. ScipioII

    New engine

    The one major delay in getting DayZ out of beta was the new engine. I think we will see DayZ fully utilizing Enfusion quicker that people think. Take a look at the July 2019 status report for history on this, specifically the response from the dev's on the reaction to that update.
  18. ScipioII

    Stable Update 1.15

    How was the "majority" determined? I do not think the direction of the game has changed one bit. At it's core it's still an excellent survival game with persistence. Has that changed? Great job dev's. And great job to all the modder's. KubeloLive's Banov map is golden!!
  19. ScipioII

    Banov spawn issue

    Started a local Banov server. Server starts fine but I keep spawning outside of play area. Any pointers on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks
  20. ScipioII

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    Thanks for the Linux server release!! Where can I get instructions on setting up dayz server on a non-gui Linux server?
  21. Tencent took a minority stake in Bohemia for an undisclosed amount. Wonder what that means for the future.
  22. ScipioII

    Stable Update 1.10

    Not a change. This is under the "Known Issues" column.
  23. ScipioII

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Where is the truck spawn points? I ran from Electro, Novy, Stary Vybor, NWA,Tisy, Nova, Sinystok, lapatino, Zaprudnoe. Nada!
  24. ScipioII

    Vehicle performance tested

    Top Gear: DayZ edition. Interesting stuff. Thank you @-Gews-. Where did you test? NWA
  25. ScipioII

    Public (and press) reception of DayZ in 2020

    I play a couple of hours per week and enjoy it. Mostly just me and my son goofing around and exploring on our own server. I like the stability the new updates provide, base building improvements and map improvements, but miss the busses and trucks the most. Some of my best times playing was when we used to pick people up with the bus and went base raiding.