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About anubis1524

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  1. anubis1524

    In regards to the Xbox preview.

    I would also like to know this
  2. anubis1524


    He has is dayz up to date yes and no he is not on experimental
  3. anubis1524


    No my screen is fine, and he was able to connect before but now he can't find servers and when I give him the ip he can join but it only says "wait for host" and doesn't change.
  4. anubis1524


    hey my friend cant find any servers, is it his firewall,connection or other? Well we don't know can someone give me a good support number or email for dayz or windows or Microsoft who ever you think would be best to handle it. Thanks!
  5. anubis1524

    Looting broken?

    so if loot doesn't respawn on a persistence server when restarts come around when does loot respawn?
  6. anubis1524

    Looting broken?

    Can anyone explain what is with the new looting system and how it is different from the looting system were it all reset at every server restart?
  7. anubis1524


    Hey guys I've just killed a another player and have skinned him I tried to cook his meat but it got ruined quickly is there anything I need to do apart from normal fire with no stones just 2 logs and a few sticks. Thanks -yours truly Jeffrey dahmer
  8. anubis1524

    Whats wrong with my game?!?!?

    I've tried and it didn't do anything and Google has nothing on the matter. :(
  9. anubis1524

    Whats wrong with my game?!?!?

    Guys we really need help here what do we do?
  10. I Just got DayZ and everytime I spawn in I have a new character, and now my game is also purple!
  11. anubis1524

    Loot spawing?

    Wel I'm actually really geared and I can to the coast to get my friend and with no food we are both starving I don't think I can make it to the island. It's says I'm starving and I've only made it to the south west airstrip.
  12. anubis1524

    Loot spawing?

    Hey guys I've spawned in on a few different servers to look for food in chernogorsk and I haven't found anything but pants and hats. I've even gone on to non persistent servers and looked with no luck, I'm now hungry and will soon starve. What's going on here?