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Teh Dango

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Everything posted by Teh Dango

  1. Teh Dango

    Server Settings Question

    It turned out that my server was in balanced power mode causing the 4 threads to be parked. After changing the power settings it appears to be working as expected. Affinity is a good idea though. Thanks for the reply.
  2. Teh Dango

    Server Settings Question

    I have searched for a while and cannot seem to find any expanded information regarding the dayzsetting.xml entry for: <pc maxcores="8" reservedcores="4" /> Are these referring to physical or logical cores? Another question I have is this: multithreadedReplication = 1; // enables multithreaded processing of server's replication system - number of worker threads is derived by settings of jobsystem in dayzsettings.xml by "maxcores" and "reservedcores" parameters (value 0-1) This seems to indicate the server will use threads, for which part of the server I am wondering, so I assume the answer to my first question may be answered by that but that is just a guess. Also, I understand that this operates based on the xml settings but what exactly is threaded replication? Like is the thread usage only for server operations or handling of AI? According to my settings above I should see the CPU working away with all for physical cores and the 4 threaded cores but I still only see the physical cores working while the others are pretty much flat lined. Thanks for any help everyone!
  3. Teh Dango

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Love this scope 😂
  4. We recently launched our first DayZ SA server and are excited to be part of the SA community. Instead of using mods for things like removing stamina or making bases indestructible we have decided to use mods that expand on the vanilla features. For example, Stamina is noticeably easier to manage and bases are far more resistant to attack. Please come check us out and provide some feedback. Thanks! Our website: https://hodgaming.com Discord link is on our forum.
  5. Teh Dango

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    This does the same thing. Same error code. If you want one that works use this: -- ---------------------------------------------------------- Host: Server version: 5.5.27 - MySQL Community Server (GPL)-- Server OS: Win32-- HeidiSQL Version: --------------------------------------------------------DELIMITER $$CREATE DEFINER=`dayzmod`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `pCleanup`()BEGIN #Last ran update event_scheduler set LastRun = NOW() where System = "pCleanup";#starts outofbounds cleanup CALL pCleanupOOB(); #remove damaged objects DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Damage = 1;#remove empty tents older than seven days DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (Classname like 'TentStorage%' or Classname like 'StashSmall%' or Classname like 'StashMedium%' or Classname like 'DomeTentStorage%') AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 DAY AND Inventory = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]'; DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (Classname like 'TentStorage%' or Classname like 'StashSmall%' or Classname like 'StashMedium%' or Classname like 'DomeTentStorage%') AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 DAY AND Inventory = '[]'; #remove barbed wire older than two days DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Classname = 'Wire_cat1' AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 2 DAY; #remove Tank Traps older than fifteen days DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Classname = 'Hedgehog_DZ' AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 15 DAY; #remove Sandbags older than twenty days DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Classname = 'Sandbag1_DZ' AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 20 DAY; #remove Traps older than five days DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (Classname = 'BearTrap_DZ' or Classname = 'TrapBearTrapFlare' or Classname = 'TrapBearTrapSmoke' or Classname = 'Trap_Cans' or Classname = 'TrapTripwireFlare' or Classname = 'TrapTripwireGrenade' or Classname = 'TrapTripwireSmoke') AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 5 DAY; #remove incomplete fences after 1 Day DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (Classname = 'WoodenFence_1_foundation') AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 Day; #remove incomplete fences after 3 Dayz DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (Classname = 'WoodenFence_1_frame' or Classname = 'WoodenFence_quaterpanel' or Classname = 'WoodenFence_halfpanel' or Classname = 'WoodenFence_thirdpanel') AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 3 Day; #remove dead players from data table DELETE FROM character_data WHERE Alive=0 AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 90 Day; #Remove Bad Data DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Classname like '%_base'; #Remove wire if the owner has died. DELETE FROM Object_DATA USING Object_DATA, Character_DATA WHERE Object_DATA.Classname = 'Wire_cat1' AND Object_DATA.CharacterID = Character_DATA.CharacterID AND Character_DATA.Alive = 0; END$$DELIMITER ;if you havent already noticed the definer for just about every single procedure is different >_> edit the definer her to suite what you have set up already.