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About kwei

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    On the Coast

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  1. kwei

    Progress patch 1.8.7

    Forum fixed, replay work.
  2. Guys, as progress with the patch 1.8.7 ? How to wait for the release 1.8.7 ?
  3. kwei

    DayZ Mod

    When will the new patch 1.8.7? about. :unsure:
  4. kwei

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    SQL-request:-- Dumping structure for procedure dayzhivemind.pCleanup DELIMITER // CREATE DEFINER=`dayzhivemind`@`%` PROCEDURE `pCleanup`() BEGIN #Last ran update event_scheduler set LastRun = NOW() where System = "pCleanup"; #starts outofbounds cleanup CALL pCleanupOOB(); #remove damaged objects DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Damage = 1; #remove empty tents older than seven days DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (Classname like 'TentStorage%' or Classname like 'StashSmall%' or Classname like 'StashMedium%' or Classname like 'DomeTentStorage%') AND DATE(last_updated) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 7 DAY AND Inventory = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]'; DELETE FROM object_data WHERE (Classname like 'TentStorage%' or Classname like 'StashSmall%' or Classname like 'StashMedium%' or Classname like 'DomeTen[...] reply MySQL: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 74
  5. kwei

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    DB SQL: http://se1.dayz.nu/l...1.8.5/1.8.5.rar pCleanup.sql - no import to new DB. Error. import all *.sql except this one(pCleanup.sql). why? check please.