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Everything posted by spankimus

  1. They use the exact same rounds, do they not? If an ACP mag is convertable to M1911 mag, why not MP5SD to M9SD?
  2. spankimus

    BattleEye Restriction #45

    I tried doing the above (adding the !"object_setHit") on that line, and then people started getting kicked for script #21.
  3. While in the server in-game type "#login passwordhere" at least once, then try to login with the external tool.
  4. Whenever I try to login to my server that is hosted remotely, the server crashes. However, I can login to my test server on my own machine. Any reason for it to be crashing upon login?
  5. Anyone know where I could find a list of them?
  6. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103845-rolling-changelog-for-community-builds/ Where can I find these builds, if possible? Gives no information on.. well, anything. Is this supposed to mean it's a pending update? Not a rolling? Kind of confusing cause Rocket always does a "Pending update x.x.x.x." then a "Rolling update x.x.x.x." when it's actually released. Call me dumb, because I probably am for asking this.
  7. Alright, for someone who has little to no knowledge of mysql, writing scripts, or anything of the sort, is there any way someone could make a dummy tutorial/walk-through on how I could setup automated backups or the very least how to manually backup and restore mysql databases using HeidiSQL? I've read that using the mysqldump tool is a fairly easy way to go about it. However, having as little knowledge of mysql as I do, I don't even know where to begin. I'd be very appreciative if someone could just point me in the right direction!
  8. Yep, that's right! The once extreme Elektro deathmatching server has turned private with all the latest fixes included, reverting us back to the good ol' classic DayZ it was from the start! -Hosted by Disturbed-Gamers, we do our best to offer everyone a clean, hack free DayZ experience. We have several admins on throughout the day, there to assist you with whatever problems/questions you have, and also making it easier to combat the hackers. With reboots every few hours, load times and server lag is kept to an absolute minimum, and loot recycled so everyone has a shot at getting gear! -Vehicles will be added in periodically as we receive more regular players... this way they all aren't horded up by just a few people right off the bat. So now is the best time to get in and get your camp setup! -We also have a public TeamSpeak server we allow players in our server to use. You may find the IP in-game by watching the server messages, or simply just ask in side chat!
  9. Yes, actually, we do! http://disturbed-gamers.com/
  10. I know how to edit the tables, I've been very successful in doing that on my own. I also know how to run a manual backup dump, however I do not know how to restore the database with such backup. As much as I hope and intend on learning mysql and becoming very familiar with it in the future, I'm hoping someone would be kind enough to do just a short walkthrough on how to do this small task. Any help is very appreciated!
  11. Sorry to anyone who may have been trying to connect through the night (Not very many from the looks of it), we're finding it to be beneficial to just leave the server shutdown in the dead hours of the night during the weekdays, until we can get automated backups up and running on the server. Thinking about locking it with a password at the dead hours of the night when no admins are on, so our trusted regulars can still play... Will discuss this in-game later today most likely. If there is anyone out there who does have knowledge of setting up automated backups and how to successfully restore the data who wouldn't mind sparing a minute, please pm me here!
  12. Pine trees act as a sort of solid cone, regardless of being able to see through some of the brush in it. Don't put your tents too far into em, or yes, you will risk not being able to access them at all.
  13. spankimus

    US 1037 unban request

    Dale, usumsortastupid? You were blatantly going exactly against the rules/guidelines we play with and just being a straight up douchetard to everyone, after being warned time after time not to. I kept personally warning you... and yet, you still insisted on keeping it up. Give up, grow up, and find another server and group to play with. We don't want you. P.S. It looks like we're going private, so you can quit with the ban appeals.
  14. This. + Drag/drop where you want them. I.e. place down one end, walk to where you want it to end, drop the other end there.
  15. spankimus

    Can my computer run Dayz?

    Unless you really have the extra $30 you feel like shelling out, the standalone isn't toooo far away. With all the hacking and whatnot going on right now, my broke arse wouldn't be buying it. Don't get me wrong though, it's a freakin great game. But yes, you will be able to run it. How well depends on what server your in, last time it was rebooted, how many players there are, and where you are in the map (in/out of cities).
  16. This Monky character was just in our server too, spawning hotels. Even came into our ts to tell us he did so. 24.09.2012 14:48:00: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = X","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then { endLoadingScreen; cutText ["","WHITE IN"]; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:48:00: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #11 "remExField" = layerUID player in ["252865AX","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then { endLoadingScreen; cutText ["","WHITE IN"]; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:48:00: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = "48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then { endLoadingScreen; cutText ["","WHITE IN"]; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:44: Franklin (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) 87f0c01732b61ec27b7f5f2442e41270 - #7 "dayzDeath" = ["34224555",0,<NULL-object>,"65804870","Franklin"] 24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:51:37: Harvey (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) c60152b91652ac1dff94a867d6abcdb1 - #7 "dayzDeath" = ["34223021",0,<NULL-object>,"80304838","Harvey"] 24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:55:30: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - #7 "dayzDeath" = ["34222776",0,<NULL-object>,"2351808","monky"] 24.09.2012 14:56:19: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = X","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then { endLoadingScreen; cutText ["","WHITE IN"]; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:56:19: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #11 "remExField" = layerUID player in ["252865AX","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then { endLoadingScreen; cutText ["","WHITE IN"]; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:56:19: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = "48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then { endLoadingScreen; cutText ["","WHITE IN"]; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"] 24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then { [0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj; };",,"setTaskState"]
  17. spankimus


    A server having no people has nothing to do with whether or not vehicles will be in their spawn locations. Once they are moved, they stay where they are until blown up or moved again. Apparently, hackers like to toss the vehicles into the ocean which bugs them out.
  18. spankimus

    taking away barbed wire

    Taking em down doesn't really have much effect, as they pop right back up when the server is rebooted. Idk about grenades, but I do know satchel charges will drop em. Along with running them over with a vehicle.
  19. spankimus

    Offers for m136 + 3 rockets?

    Is there anything specific you'd want for it?
  20. spankimus

    takin a shit in the standalone

    Shit-o-meter -Once it gets to a certain point, find yourself a nice spot, pop a squat, and drop a deuce. -If it starts to flash, and you still don't do it yourself, you got yourself a nice loadout now. ;) -Other people can hear the flies buzzing around you when you get near them until you can find a new pair of britches.
  21. spankimus


    No scripting here :P Anti-hax autobans most of em. We have admins that are almost constantly scanning for the rare ones who do get past it. Most of those high-pop ones don't have any active admins... Ending up with a ton of lag due to no recent server reboots and hackers/scripters everywhere.
  22. Dude, after reading all that... every other color I look at now looks out of whack.
  23. spankimus

    Hacker on US 1992

    That's pretty amazing you guys both joined the exact same server afterwards.