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Everything posted by spankimus

  1. spankimus

    Illegitmate ban?

    I just noticed the date on this quote.. it's from 2 months ago. I saw rocket say it's not a bannable offense less than 2 weeks ago I believe.
  2. spankimus

    Illegitmate ban?

    So, at one point he says it's not bannable to pick up and use em... but now it forever corrupts your profile? Heh?
  3. No clue on limitations with how ArmA works and whatnot, but would this not be a very simple fix to a lot of hacking? Every person just has their own unique username... And when that person is spotted hacking and valid proof is taken of them, they could be dealt with much, MUCH easier. Even if it's something like San Andreas Multiplayer used to do.. You can choose whatever name you'd like, and if you're the first person to login with that username you set a password once you're in the game or lobby. Now if anyone else tries to use that username they'd have to enter the password. I only bring this idea up since it seems with how Arma was made it probably isn't possible to just throw in a username/password ordeal. This could also be taken a step further by forcing nameplates on all servers. Now, I know it's against the realism and some people like to just around panning areas looking for someone's name to check the coast is clear... but imo this still doesn't stand up against the reduction of hacking.
  4. spankimus

    Why can't we just have one solid username?

    I get what random51 said, and that makes complete sense. That's why I said I'm not sure on ArmA's limitations. And yes admins CAN know the ID of players... but how often do you think it is someone can get actual proof and then that admin be convinced enough to take the time to weed through all the server logs to find the GUID of a player whose name might be the same as countless others? As of right now it seems absolutely ridiculous how easily hackers can get away with everything they do. I bet almost every one of em has absolutely no worries of being banned. Even just something as small as this could spark enough fear in some of the kiddies that they may have to make mom or dad buy ArmA again for em.
  5. spankimus

    Why can't we just have one solid username?

    It just seems there could be some sort of more logical way of tracking which player is which. I've talked with several server owners/admins and it seems to be a real pain in the ass to just get the GUID of a player. Nonetheless the one of who is hacking. And that's after you weed through all the QQ'ers saying someone's hacking every time they die just to send the admins on a wild goose chase.
  6. spankimus

    Why can't we just have one solid username?

    I've been trying to think of any setbacks for it... but any I can come up with are nowhere greater than how much hacking could be prevented with this.
  7. Am I the only one? Seems a lot like last time Gamespy decided to screw up all the server browsers and whatnot.
  8. spankimus

    Trading SVD + 1 clip

    Unless someone is collecting, it doesn't seem like a fair trade. L85 alone is a far greater gun imo. The SVD is an extremely rare gun... but it doesn't really live up to it's rareness. Apart from its built-in rangefinder that I doubt >90% of people in this game would know how to use it, it's just a zeroing DMR w/o variable zoom and NVG compatability. Also not to mention the rareness of finding the clips for it.
  9. This seems to be too much on the path to an MMO. Like previously said, good ideas... but just doesn't seem it would fit the realism Rocket is aiming for.
  10. spankimus

    LU291 Admin abuse with video

    Did you record anything past this? Not sure if the evidence would be conclusive enough... It doesn't show that it indeed was shutdown, and not just you lagging out. I do hope it's enough though.. I've been through my share of admin abuse and I know the frustration that comes with it. I don't have a problem with being beat fairly, but when stuff like this happens when it's totally unfair... It deserves some punishment.
  11. spankimus

    What the hell was that ? empty noob @ middle map

    Hacker who doesn't want to look suspicious spawning in items?
  12. spankimus

    Killed 7 people today, and wounded 4, no DCs

    Why didn't he kill these people? ;)
  13. spankimus


    Dude. Lay off the bold letters. Looks horrible.
  14. spankimus

    So, how is Arma II?

    Start an online/LAN match and select the 08 Coop mission on Chernarus... It randomly selects a bunch of planes, heli's, weapons and vehicles for you to mess around with. Quite a lot of fun with a few friends. Also great way to test things out that are hard to get in DayZ such as heli's and high end weapons.
  15. spankimus

    Rocket please consider

    Found this out on my own too, and it does work! I just switched it to very high, went back to my game, then went and switched it back to default and bam. All artifacts gone from my area.
  16. spankimus

    L85A2 AWS gone :(

    It's a very rare gun, and only at heli crash sites. Don't expect to see one soon. You'll come across it sooner or later. I had 3 at one point... lost em all to abusive admins. Took me a couple weeks before seeing another again. Even after finding ~50 crash sites.
  17. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/12-troubleshooting/
  18. spankimus

    Dayz is not that amazing?

    And most people wouldn't shoot someone for no reason. However, here in a zombie apocolypse world, there are plenty reasons to shoot someone.. even on site. You run into a guy who's also holding a gun, you're in the middle of nowhere, and he just might be starving to death. What do you think HE will do? Try to immerse yourself into a situation like that. Don't you think you would just shoot him then? Also, how can you ask what people see in the game when you haven't even played the game to its full extent? There's plenty more than just sitting in the city shooting people... as enjoying as that can be sometimes. Take a trip up to Stary and the NWAF with a good set of gear.. the chances of you getting randomly killed or running into a gunfight gets you nervous, or even scared. The game CAN play with your emotions. You just have to let it. That is why I think this game is truly amazing.
  19. I think the opposite here. If/when it goes standalone, a much better anti-cheat system could be implemented. + The other enourmous amount of limitations the current engine is putting on the mod would be gone and the mod could be opened up to so much more potential. This project has still got a long way to go. I myself have had many, many hacking encounters. Most of which angered me, but I got past it. It's something people need to start accepting. I'm sure this issue is being looked into, and we all need to just be patient with it, as frustrating as it may be. In the mean time, the best thing we players can do is gather actual evidence of hackers, and report them. They need to be shown that they WILL be dealt with. It seems they all think they can just easily get away with it.
  20. Just wanted to let you guys know, my death was very much so worth destroying your URAL and 2 of your guys. However, I would like to know how it is you managed to kill me when I returned. There was no angle I could have been shot from.. and I was just instantly dead. Hopefully you see and respond to this.
  21. We tested this in DayZ yesterday when we had our chopper, and they definitely work. Just don't jump out til you have a good altitude.. Probably at least >150 meters.
  22. If a heli is blown up, when will it respawn?
  23. 100 murders, and only 5 bandit kills? Sounds to me like some spawn camping.
  24. http://www.justin.tv/shizanky Server is US 853. Two of the known hackers' names are "Calum" and "you fuckin jabroni". Edit: Just got shot by one, and it seems they lag the server so bad so it take forever to join back in, so it'll be a minute before there's gameplay again. They just did this not too long ago on my home server.