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Everything posted by spankimus

  1. spankimus

    Ban appeal US 1037

    So do you often hack around then blame the servers for admin abuse and then back yourself up by saying they're gonna modify the logs?
  2. spankimus

    Mk 48 Mod 0, dropping Backpack

    I noticed this with the M240... However, I was fairly sure that it was hacked in, as I found it on what I thought to have been a hackers body. I have held the M240 and the Mk 48 without any problems before. So my guess is that it has something to do with the hacked in versions...
  3. spankimus

    Ban appeal US 1037

    Curse words or not, being as disrespectful as you were about it, I doubt they'll even care enough to say anything. Like you said, you'll be better off finding another server. I'm sure with the 3,000 others you can find another barrel to shoot fish in.
  4. spankimus

    Ban appeal US 1037

    First of all, a lot of people have tents everywhere around Elektro filled with good loot because of the broken duping tents as of Secondly, you "RESPECTFULLY " request your ban be removed? Re-read what all you just wrote and tell me how respectful you're being again. Btw, yeah, people like hanging around Elektro right now because the game is half broken. There's no reason in going for loot since it can't be saved. Plus not to mention the hackers that are infesting all the servers right now.. which is most likely why the server is being brought down so frequently. I'm sure many would agree they'd rather a server be shutdown while a hacker is running around killing everyone until such hacker is dealt with. Also, what's the point in requesting your ban be lifted without even providing a GUID or an IGN?
  5. spankimus

    Heli not respawning?

    Nobody has any info on this?
  6. spankimus

    Trolling electro with dirtbike

    Soldier clothes aren't supposed to be in the game. :P AFAIK anyways...
  7. spankimus

    Ammo tracking working?

    You say "happening" as if it's a bug ;) The correct term would be "working".
  8. This is seriously just making it annoying to play... Everyone has the best possible loadouts, and don't give a d*** if they lose it... since on the next restart it's right back in their tents! And there's no incentive to go get loot, since you can't save it!
  9. Yeah this is becoming quite irritating... If anyone had a tent with good items prior to the patch, they now have infinite of such items. And gathering new items is pointless, as there's no place to store it.
  10. Confirming this as well. This IS something that is new with the patch. And it seems very similar to when the ID's went over 1 million, causing them not to be synced properly. Any items that were in the tents/vehicles prior to will always reappear on every server restart if they are removed from the tent/vehicle. Also any items added will be removed and replaced with the old inventory of the tent.
  11. spankimus

    To "Innerdog", the host of US 1050

    I deleted the video, as it was too laggy, but lol @ you guys thinking it's not possible to one shot people with lag. Have you never seen an AS50 or M107? I was using NATO rounds in the AS50 which do 170,000 damage. The reason I killed the 2 guys was cause they bailed and sat still, but the van was moving and extremely hard to hit with the lag. And if the server was restarted due to the lag... why wasn't it restarted LONG before I had JUST killed you? You then decide it's a convenient time?
  12. spankimus

    Backpack issues, items rollback

    On servers where it takes longer than usual to reach the hive and back (Usually you can tell by it taking a long time to join in).. you can't log out too soon after switching items to/from your inventory or it will rollback. Wait at least a couple minutes after switching items in your inventory before logging.
  13. spankimus

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Having some issues with tents/vehicles being rolled back... It seems similar to when the ID's went over 1 million and they stopped syncing. I've tried numerous times changing the items out, saving the tents/vehicles, waiting a long time and saving them.. But EVERY time the server restarts, they get rolled back, regardless of whether or not you save them.
  14. spankimus

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Not sure if this is meant to be or not but... My backpack isn't showing up. I had just spawned in a new character before the update, and now I have a turban thingy like I'm a bandit... and my backpack isn't showing on my back, even though I have one. Edit: My dude just flashed as if I changed clothes, now the turban is gone and my backpack appeared.
  15. spankimus

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    PLEASE tell me this is true. This would complete DayZ.
  16. spankimus

    Moving Solo, Slow+Cautious or Fast+Reckless?

    Sticking around one location too long increases the chance someone in the area will see you. If you're crouching running, they'll see you anyways. Seems best to just run like hell, which also makes it harder for a sniper to land a shot on you.
  17. spankimus

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I very highly doubt that. I'd imagine so much stuff would be different, it wouldn't even be possible. + I think it'll be awesome for a total reset for everyone. Start fresh!
  18. Hopefully it'll be possible to force it to be much, much farther away in the standalone... I find it a little displeasing how easy it is to see someone laying in a bush or in tall grass from far away because you can't see the grass yet, leaving them thinking they're totally covered. Ghillie's are half useless as well due to this. I know and understand fully why it isn't forced to be really far... Just sayin' it'd be sweet to have it be really far.
  19. spankimus

    So criticism not allowed here?

    I agree. And I believe it's because in this game people actually have something to lose, and it would be much more frustrating for people to be griefed by a hacker. Therefore, hackers get all the more glory. Who cares about getting hacked and killed in a game you respawn every 5 seconds with the same gear?
  20. spankimus

    So criticism not allowed here?

    The Elder Scrolls. Come on. ;)
  21. spankimus

    So criticism not allowed here?

    I probably won't player arma much, if not at all, anymore once dayz is released. But I don't regret one bit that I bought arma just for dayz, and am looking forward to buying dayz for whatever price it may be.
  22. spankimus

    Pre-Purchase Questions

    This can be somewhat misleading.. The majority of people can run arma just fine, but DayZ is another story. A lot depends on the server your in.
  23. spankimus

    DayZ wallpaper from dayzgame.com is sick

    If I got my hands on a 3840x1080 to span across both my monitors... sweet baby jesus...
  24. spankimus

    DayZ wallpaper from dayzgame.com is sick

    I'd LOVE to have a 1920x1080 of this for my desktop... Might even make a poster out of it!
  25. spankimus

    Grass render distance

    I'm hoping for a good enough optimization to where it won't completely break lower end computers and still have a much longer distance. Maybe at least add some sort of very low detail grass from far away... Players are just too damn obvious from afar.