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Everything posted by spankimus

  1. spankimus


    If you're on steam try verifying both Arma II AND Arma II: OA's integrity of game caches. (right click on each > properties > local files > "VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE...") Then run BOTH Arma II and Arma II: OA at least once. Also, try joining a server with few players in it. It seems that servers that are full or close to full have extremely long load times. For me, if it DOES show "Waiting for character to create" for a few moments or minutes (depending on server) then it IS going to let me in. If it skips it completely and sits on loading, then I know something is wrong.-
  2. Is it at all possible to control where you land? I've seen Arma videos showing them having almost complete control over it... but in DayZ it seems like it just takes you wherever it wants.
  3. I was bored, so I wrote up a rough draft for a Tik Tok by Ke$ha parody. This took me about 30 minutes, so it's not amazing, or final. But if by chance anyone would like to use/edit them to make a video out of.. go for it! :D (Might help to listen to the actual song to get a feel of it) Wake up on the beach right next to a city (Hey, friendly in Cherno?) Got my bag on my back, I'm gonna hit this city Before I leave gotta eat, take some food from my pack Cause when I leave for the night, zombies gonna attack I'm talkin' hittin' up the airfields (fields) Lots of high military yields (yields) Lookin' for some car wheels (wheels) Drop shot and killin' all the zombies Goin' up to the cities It's startin' to get a little bit risky... Gettin' shot, make it stop Teammate, patch my wounds up Tonight, I'ma snipe 'Til we see the sunlight DayZ, is crazy But the fun will never stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Gettin' shot, make it stop Teammate, patch my wounds up Tonight, I'ma snipe 'Til we see the sunlight DayZ, is crazy But the fun will never stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Aint got a car in the world, but got plenty of beans Aint got no friendlies in my crosshairs, so murder's what this means! Now the zeds are linin' up, cause they heard us walk faster But we shoot em to the ground unless we're killed by a sniper I'm talkin' bout erbody being a dick (dick) Hackers tryna take my shit (shit) Gonna rage if they don't get kicked (kicked) Now, now we goin' til we all get killed (killed) Or our packs all get filled, filled Backpacks all get filled, filled Backpacks all get (filled) Gettin' shot, make it stop Teammate, patch my wounds up Tonight, I'ma snipe 'Til we see the sunlight DayZ, is crazy But the fun will never stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Gettin' shot, make it stop Teammate, patch my wounds up Tonight, I'ma snipe 'Til we see the sunlight DayZ, is crazy But the fun will never stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh You built trust up You shot me down My blood, it's gone Yeah, you shot me With my hopes up You shot me now You got that kill Yeah you shot me You built trust up You shot me down My blood, it's gone Yeah, you shot me With my hopes up You shot me now You got that kill Yeah you shot me Now the bandits don't shoot 'til I walk in Gettin' shot, make it stop Teammate, patch my wounds up Tonight, I'ma snipe 'Til we see the sunlight DayZ, is crazy But the fun will never stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Gettin' shot, make it stop Teammate, patch my wounds up Tonight, I'ma snipe 'Til we see the sunlight DayZ, is crazy But the fun will never stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh
  4. spankimus

    Rarity of Alice Backpack?

    Czech vest pouch er day.
  5. spankimus

    Why are some servers allowed to cheat?

    Do I even need to add anything to that?
  6. So me and my clan were flying our heli around, and I was piloting. When all the sudden... Global ban. Just me, the pilot. Got a message and it gave me the boot. Thing is, I could join right back in and wasn't banned. I know for a fact I wasn't doing anything I shouldn't have been. So, here's my question. Can someone actually spoof someone's GUID or w/e and give them a "Ban" just to get em kicked out the server? All someone would have had to do is look at the heli to see I was the pilot... and know that when the pilot DC's the heli goes bye-bye. That's the only reason I can think of why it was JUST me that was targeted.
  7. spankimus

    US 1037 "antihax" ban

    And yet another thing wrong with your post, how could one server's admins ban you from OTHER servers?
  8. spankimus

    US 1037 "antihax" ban

    Btw, the "anti hax" program is automated. The admins don't control those bans.
  9. spankimus

    Why are some servers allowed to cheat?

    Where was such rule stated? And even still, 1037 is shutdown only where there actually are problems. >99% of the time it's due to hackers or bad lag. How could loot duping be abused? It's impossible to not be "abused", as with EVERY restart everything is replenished. That can't be controlled until the game is patched.
  10. spankimus

    Hive Down?

    Hackers are crying cause battleye is catchin em finally! Someone really ought to call whine one one... THEY NEED A WAMBULANCE!
  11. spankimus

    Hive Down?

    Getting this when I try joining servers - http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/1196/arma2oa2012081900493774.jpg
  12. When the helicopter was rolled back out, we were pretty quick to get one fixed up and going... only to lose it an hour later to a hacker. The heli blew up after he took it, as he crashed it into the ground. The server has been restarted daily ever since, and is yet to spawn back on skalisty island. Were they removed, or do they not respawn?
  13. spankimus

    Heli not respawning?

    That I have no clue. It sure would be nice though... Or maybe decrease the spawn time. With the amount of hackers destroying them or bad pilots crashing em right away.. the one that IS in the server isn't around very long.
  14. Getting hung at "Receiving data..." and also "waiting for character to create" is in the background. Other players in the lobbies are saying they're having the same problem.
  15. spankimus

    Heli not respawning?

    That's the last statement from any of the devs, and what appears to be true to this date.
  16. spankimus

    Heli not respawning?

    Would appreciate it if someone else could confirm or give some input on this
  17. spankimus

    Illegitmate ban?

    I was just banned from a server for "Illegal weapon detected". From my understanding... this is not a bannable offense? Didn't even have the thing for very long. Was just gonna toss it. I'm not much for condoning hacking, and ,imo, keeping an illegal weapon definitely condones it. No I did not spawn the weapon in.
  18. spankimus

    Ban appeal US 1037

    How did animeweeblord get banned from the forum for personal insult... yet this razyel_kain dude hasn't? In any case... this thread deserves a lock by now.
  19. spankimus

    Ban appeal US 1037

    The part where they blow up.
  20. That was quite the shady kicking and then shutting down the server after I killed you and your two buds in the S1203 van. I did blow it up too. P.S. Fix the lag in your server. I was getting 9-10 fps. When in other servers I get a flat 60 while recording.
  21. spankimus

    To "Innerdog", the host of US 1050

    Well that's just fine, as I never cared for my argument being worth anything in the first place, and the video wasn't meant as proof. If I really wanted to have taken the time I could have kept the video and uploaded it for all to see.. But it didn't show the server name and was extremely laggy. I just felt like I'd at least say something out loud to ya by making this thread. :P
  22. spankimus

    Heli not respawning?

    How do you know it has respawned at all of those points yet? Can anyone else confirm this?
  23. spankimus

    Ban appeal US 1037

    All of those tents are yours.
  24. spankimus

    Heli not respawning?

    I haven't seen any heli's other than the 1 that was put on Skalisty... And I haven't seen any anouncements on others being rolled out to more positions. But it's definitely been weeks since we had our heli, and it still hasn't respawned. It would be nice for a dev to give some input here..