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Everything posted by spankimus

  1. Date/Time: 6/26 Around 4 P.M. EST What happened: A bunch of very rare items spawned inside mine and my friend's backpacks at the same time. And they also overlapped our current items. e.g. I was holding an AKM and could shoot it, but in my inventory it was saying I had an AS50. So I dropped my AKM and bam, I had an AS50 in my hand. We were also magically given nvg's, rangefinders, gillie suits, gps's, a new overlapping coyote backpack with around 10 AS50 mags, and around 10 M9SD mags. Where you were: On the main road heading west from Berezino. What you were doing: Hiding our motorcycle in a bush that we had just obtained from another unfortunate survivor. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: Seattle 69 hosted by JoshybFPS *Timeline of events before/after error: We were walking along with normal inventories and such, when we heard a dirtbike coming up behind us. As he got close we opened fire (He would have ran us over otherwise) and managed to kill him w/o harming the bike. We looted his body, and took the dirtbike. We rode around for awhile and were running out of gas. So we hid the motorcycle in a bush and got off. We then noticed our inventories had been stocked with goodies. My guess is the motorcycle is bugged. We couldn't come up with any other explanation. We're gonna test it later if we can get one of our other friends to it and have them ride it as we did (Don't worry we won't exploit it). And we did look inside of the dirtbike; there was no gear inside. Unrelated possible bug: I'm not sure if this is meant to be or not but while using the NVG, you can scope in with the DMR and still have the night vision enabled. But with the AS50 you cannot.
  2. spankimus

    Fn Fal magazines

    The gun is almost pointless to take due to magazines ONLY spawning at heli crash sites. They should at least be able to spawn at the armory with a lowish chance. Please consider!
  3. spankimus


    As a very rare military find in the armory or crash sites. Have them setup similar to barbed wire... A trip wire running a certain distance with the claymore at one side facing the other end of the string. It could make for better defences. Also be able to disarm and possibly take them for yourself if you can spot them before you're... well... blown to bits.
  4. spankimus

    Pistol and Flashlight

    I have always been thinking about this, and I would love to see it implemented!
  5. I'm trying to make a LAN game with a couple friends... And anyone who joins, their hunger and thirst drain extremely fast. Within about 30 seconds they have to eat and drink or they will die. The host remains normal though. We've each tried hosting ourselves. Why is this happening? :-/
  6. spankimus

    Hunger/Thirst draining fast in LAN

    Really? D: I didn't even know that. Not even a LAN game?