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Everything posted by spankimus

  1. *Server: Chicago 57 (Hosted by Ghillie Suit Goons) ...(The [GSG] guys] *Time: ~1:30 a.m. EST A friend of mine had spotted a large camp with several vehicles and tons of weapons... Thing is, those weapons weren't supposed to be in the game. So I went up to the camp and noticed someone standing there (A [GSG] clan member named "ThatDirtySlave"). I crept up on him (I think he was afk) and killed him. I ran to his body to check what he had real quick and found an M110 NV Scope rifle. Right after I took it an admin had kicked me. I then joined another server since I figured they kicked me to get in place to kill me when I logged back in... Then once I had gotten back to Chicago 57, I was in only for a moment before being kicked yet again. Every time I try joining this server now I just get kicked after a few moments, probably once they realize I'm back in. This server needs to be shut down immediately. Video: I'm still getting kicked for no reason... I'm almost tempted to just post a pic of where all their stuff is to show everyone how badly they've cheated. So many guns that shouldn't be in the game...
  2. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    Is there a place here on the forums where I could find a list of the staff? I don't want to PM the wrong person.. that too is frowned upon.
  3. I think that little announcement at the bottom left is alone enough to have action be taken against them.
  4. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    I did make a duplicate thread in the server general, it didn't get very much attention. I don't really want to do it again as it is frowned upon. (Making multiple threads regarding the same issue)
  5. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    I'm amazed nothing has been done about this...
  6. When looking at the map is it everything starting from 0 on the x and y coordinates? By that I mean - http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/9372/arma2oa2012070622492048.jpg
  7. spankimus

    What exactly are the map boundaries?

    Well I know that much... But where I'm at there's like forest surrounding what appears to be that crappy texture wasteland. I wanna know if that's actually the exact line where the map is considered to end, and where vehicles/tents will be wiped.
  8. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    All of the above!
  9. spankimus

    Streaming live now

    Streaming live right now @ http://www.twitch.tv/shizanky. I'm solo right now but a few buddies should be coming on shortly. Currently at a heli crash site.
  10. I seriously doubt this helps out very much, and yet it seems 90%+ posts here say something along these lines. All without an ounce of proof. Correct me if wrong here... But it might just help the staff to weed out the useless threads if you guys would just smarten up a bit on what you should/shouldn't be complaining about w/o solid proof.
  11. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    I didn't know either, and I really don't think it should be allowed. It seems hunger and thirst drain extremely slow or not at all on recruit too, which kinda takes out an important aspect of the game.
  12. spankimus


    I actually just had an issue with this last night. My friend that was with me was bleeding and he used a bandage and it had stopped... a few moments later he was bleeding yet again and had to use another bandage. This repeated another 2-3 times before it finally stopped. We weren't anywhere near zombies or other players (he didn't get shot) and he was not sick, it was actually bleeding.
  13. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    And it looks like a few of the GSG guys share ownership of it. I've noticed 3 different people as admin on that server... 2 off the top of my head "James2986" and "ThatDirtySlave". ThatDirtySlave is the one I had killed in the camp where I was kicked very shortly after killing him. It's a recruit difficulty server. I really don't like it... You can see all zombies/animals through buildings and terrain. You can even see the green dots for players, which is very dumb.
  14. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    Indeed I have, sent an email and a pm. Also even tried talking to them while they were in the lobby of the server. Haven't had one response.
  15. spankimus

    "Check the logs, I have no proof"

    Yet the majority of people are just QQing about hackers and whatnot with no proof whatsoever, saying check the logs.
  16. spankimus

    non legit server Atlanta 124

    I'm yet to play the actual Arma2... but I'm having a great time with DayZ ;) I can't lie though, it probably would've helped to have some background on the game when I started though.
  17. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    Hopefully they will soon. These guys are still at large being total douches.
  18. spankimus

    Invincible Player on Uk 102

    Actually, this probably won't be looked into. No proof. Read the cheat report guidelines.
  19. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    Thanks for the support here guys, and I really hope as well that a staff member will see this thread and take action. The proof is plenty clear enough. And if more is needed I have a bunch of videos on my twitch (twitch.tv/shizanky) where I was live streaming them kicking me over and over.
  20. I'd just like to get people's input. This is a video that goes along with my thread on Chicago 57 and its abusive admins - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=28397
  21. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    Here's a video of the instant death then once I got close back to where my body was I started getting kicked again. I think at this time I was actually live streaming as well. They probably saw it and didn't want me getting back to my body.
  22. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    Correct, there is no M110 NV Scope in DayZ. It was a weapon they must have illegally obtained and I really wish I would have looked inside all of the cars before killing the guy. My friend that told me about that camp had done so and found a LOT of other illegal guns. And about me taking the gun.. First off I took it instinctively cause it looked like a good gun and I knew the clan would be pissed I found their stuff. And no, I was not being kicked because of the gun. I had been on 2 other servers before I realized I should've ditched the gun (I never even used it) and both of which I wasn't being kicked. + Now after what I believe to have been an admin killing me on that server I had nothing and I was still being kicked... but only when there was an admin online.
  23. spankimus

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    It's a shame this server is still running... along with all the other servers with abusive admins.
  24. No proof; you wasted all the energy typing that.